what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I fired up my second build today using the 66cc motor on a 3g Isla Vista. She went chug chug chug varooooommmmm....

Pirate Adapter/Sprocket/Chain upgrade. Manic's moutor mounts. That baby frigging sruises. I stripped out the kill switch throttle housing somehow so the throttle goes past the "0" point forward and kicks the cable out of the housing. I ordered a new kill switch to correct.

But I stil lam breaking it in I just need to be a bit careful not to push thrpottle past that point. I have the needle valve set to 2nd to lowest setting to start but opened her up and put on third from bottom. Checked everything for tightness.

Also, bought a wireless turn signals ( bicygnals) and set all that up but ended up removing them. They are not working right for me for some reason. They worked fine without the bike started but after rolling around with engine on the back turn indicators didnt work. I tried it a few times but I think that they vibrate too much and that screws up the "synchronicity" between units and/ or some how the 2.4 ghz signal gets jammed. Oh well :(

I will try the cheap chinese ones next.

You know, I wondered about that, Fugit. Your's is a 66 cc China Girl, right? With my first bike, about two years ago, I went out on a ride and I took my cordless phone handset with me to test the range. I can't remember the brand anymore; it was a translucent purple 2.4 gig thing that I don't have anymore. But I remember that no matter how close I was to the house I always had static. I just thought it was the phone, but now I wonder, because it worked fine when I was on foot. When I had the bike idling - static. Maybe it needs one of those things (can't think of the proper name) that they put in cars to cancel static coming in on the radio speakers from the motor.
Say, I wonder what havoc I've been causing by just puttering around our community here. How many people have been on the phone, heard me coming, and thought "Aw crap - not again!"?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice looking machined parts you have on your engine, RSP!
A very nice chinagirl!
Have the reeds helped out your bottom end a lot?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You know, I wondered about that, Fugit. Your's is a 66 cc China Girl, right? With my first bike, about two years ago, I went out on a ride and I took my cordless phone handset with me to test the range. I can't remember the brand anymore; it was a translucent purple 2.4 gig thing that I don't have anymore. But I remember that no matter how close I was to the house I always had static. I just thought it was the phone, but now I wonder, because it worked fine when I was on foot. When I had the bike idling - static. Maybe it needs one of those things (can't think of the proper name) that they put in cars to cancel static coming in on the radio speakers from the motor.
Say, I wonder what havoc I've been causing by just puttering around our community here. How many people have been on the phone, heard me coming, and thought "Aw crap - not again!"?

just go to the junkyard, find the domestic car area and pull a spark wire that has the correct end you need.

these china girls come with a solid core wire that throughs EMF everywhere. cars use resistance wire which doesn't through nasty radio waves everywhere.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

realized that i somehow got a small burn on my knee from the exhaust... header wrapped that bish! no more burns c:
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice looking machined parts you have on your engine, RSP!
A very nice chinagirl!
Have the reeds helped out your bottom end a lot?

Hi mate i got my engine fully machined in australia by a group called rock solid engines, i love them so much as that is my name :), infact very few parts of my engine are chinese , even the internals where custom machined to be exact 70.5cc & i didnt really feel a big difference in the real low end like taking of but at 1/4 throttle man it pulls like holy cr*p all the way to about 3/4 throttle then i come on the pipe thanks to the sbp expansion chamber, and i zoom to 60km/hr full throttle, i got measured by a car and im using the stock 44t sprocket :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

No burns is always good Skarrd :p

That's a great description Rsp! Did you have to mod your piston/transfer ports much for the reed?

Drop that 44 down to at 32/36, for more *cough* mileage :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I fabricated a new exhaust out of scrap tubing, flat stock and a lawn mower muffler.
Will take pics of it after the sun comes up tomorrow.....hopefully.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I raced it at Grange today......and won my class!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congrats, scotto!

Got video?dance1

Thanks man..........I didn't take any onboard vids like I sometimes do, but there were quite a few photographers/videographers there so I'm sure something will come up. It was a blast and a lot of really good competition!

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine to town to get a new watch and some snacks. People at the Walmart seemed to like it (tanaka bike in my album). One shopper got my number to talk about building him one. I hope he will take me up on my offer. I won't work for free, but I'll do a lot of work for my fee, and give him a bike that I would ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

No burns is always good Skarrd :p

That's a great description Rsp! Did you have to mod your piston/transfer ports much for the reed?

Drop that 44 down to at 32/36, for more *cough* mileage :)

I bought the engine ported and polished as the rock solid team ported both intake and and exhaust ports + the internal scavengers, so it was done when i bought it, if i where with a new engine and bought the reeds i would port the intake port quite a bit & make it a square shape as that also improves the low end, port the exhaust if you add something like a aftermarket pipe a square exhaust port will assist with the torque at low - mid and a ported oval shape will help with high rpm. quick answer is no you wont realy need to mod your transfer ports if you got them, but it would help maybe give 2% more the fact that they dont let a return pulse through is the whole idea

im looking at a shift kit, as the only thing left to do is get a new ignition system, the team at rock solid is working on a whole new magnet design and cdi once i have that i literally have run out of upgrades maybe nitrous?i know for a fact im pushing 8-12hp
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congratulations on your win, Scotto-! I am not surprised to hear that your 2 wheeled rocket carried you at light speed around the course, and I know you have the skills to pilot it well.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Me, I'm still brazing my new tank together. All I'll say is this: Alumiweld can be tricky stuff. You gotta do it right, or you get to do it over. And apparently I'm not done learning how to work the stuff well.
I'll have a bit of grinding to do also; my beads are strong but they are NOT pretty. Kinda lumpy and irregular. S'aright though, I keep telling myself I'm gaining experience, as well as making more work for myself.
It'll be a pretty solid tank when I'm done though (if I haven't retired by then).

PS. Yet another good reason for me not taking any pictures: I'd hate to tempt the more experienced welders here into pointing and laughing. By the time anybody outside of me sees the tank, it'll have paint on it.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today, outside of visiting the forum a coupla times to check on saturday's race pictures and stuff, i did absolutely nothing with motored bikes today. didn't even look in the garage.

tomorrow i need to buy and install a fuel line for my daily rider.

after working on my bike all day at the track, then breaking the frame in practice, i kinda don't give a crap about my bikes right now.

it'll pass, though. no worries...:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today, outside of visiting the forum a coupla times to check on saturday's race pictures and stuff, i did absolutely nothing with motored bikes today. didn't even look in the garage.

tomorrow i need to buy and install a fuel line for my daily rider.

after working on my bike all day at the track, then breaking the frame in practice, i kinda don't give a crap about my bikes right now.

it'll pass, though. no worries...:)

What this really means is Baird is working on a super secret race bike that you won't know about until you line up at the next race. Shhhhush, don't let him know I told you.....it is top secret. Act surprised on the starting line and let him get the hole shot......he'll never suspect a thing that way ;)


ps don't let him win or the cats out of the bag.....act natural and deny any and all allegations......and don't laugh....it's a dead givaway!