what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well haha took the advise of someone to take off head check engine for shavings and advised I really didnt need a torque wrench. (This was pre build check) I got one was just too lazy to dig it out of the pile in the corner I got during a remodel i have going on.

But on point so when I tightened head after checking I was way light i guess. Head gasket leaking like crap after first ride :) Blowing oil all over. SO off with the head ( dug out torque wrench) and reassembled. UH OH put head on backwards DUH :) Took off head and that was the third time using metal gasket. Tightened to 150 lb but then i thought I saw space between gasket and seal. Off with the head again. Looked at gasket and dang it had a great seal. Was afraid to use gasket for the 4th time but then it dawned on me get Copper gasket seal. SO I did painted gasket good and put it on and then torqued down to 175 lb.

Sealed her up good and off I went chug chug varooommmm..... I would of never known how tight to go with out torque wrench though...I would of never tightened that much by feel. Glad i did that... She is holding steady and running like a bat out of he11
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This afternoon i added a choke cable to my dellorto, even though it dosent need it. and ran out of fuel....



Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got close to putting the 47:1 ratio 6 pulley 2 jackshaft 3 belt to a test, but it got dark and will line up the pulleys better and see next time.

I looked at the approximate ratios as it goes Centrifugal clutch pulley about 2 inch to 10 inch top 1st jack shaft. This makes a Reduction of 5.

From that live jackshaft top across to a 2 inch pulley and on downward to 2nd lower jackshaft with 4 inch pulley. This makes a Reduction of 2.

From that live jackshaft back the other way across to a 2 inch pulley and back to the 10 inch drive pulley mounted on the rear wheel spoke for drive tire 26 inch diameter. (discounting the tire diameter just yet) This makes a Reduction of 5.

Approximate 5 times 2 times 5 equals 50 Reduction total. The more exact pulley sizes I recall I checked gave the ratio of 47:1.

Now if I were to want to switch from parade speed that the 50:1 makes about 3.5 to 5.5 mph with 2200 rpm to 3500 rpm, I’m looking at swapping the 2 inch pulley that goes to the 4 inch pulley reversed. This will be a gearing up of 2 then. So call it a divide by 2. With the other two ratios left the same as a pair of 5’s then, 5 times 5 equals 25. 25 divide by 2 equals 12.5 which make 14 to 22 mph with 2200 rpm to 3500 rpm. I’m going to want about twice that at a 25:1 ratio for 7 to 11 mph for some good hill climbing speed for dirt bike off roading.

Brain $^%U, an ahhha … all I need to do is take the 4 inch pulleys out and replace with a 2 inch pulley an extra to have around. Then 2 inch to 2 inch does neither gearing up or down. Then I retain 25:1 that I will have to see how it handles with the centrifugal clutch trying to get up to speed without heating up the clutch too much between to idle at 1750 rpm getting going 2000 rpm to 2200 rpm where the clutch shoes to be solid on the bell housing.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

cleaned out the garage for a rebuild. I think I'm taking the motor off my cruiser & putting it on a mt bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ran a few errands on it. Other than riding it, I did nothing to it. It's perfect, just perfect.

And I do know how dangerous it is to say stuff like that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

shoved my muffler full of Stainles steel wool, i used stainless because it dosent burn like the normal stuff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I made some 4-to-a-page flyers/cards for the curious georges, and I'm getting some fresh gas and snacks for a ride today, if it doesn't rain this evening.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Redesigning a mount for my 31cc friction drive so that it fits a Next-Avalon 7speed full suspension bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hmm, looks interesting, esp for a $100 Wongmart. WM has come a long way in the last 10 years. I'm using a Schwinn Avenue. Nothing spectacular, but it works well after tightening all the spokes and running the wheels in a stand.

Are you using a Dax or Staton, or a home-made rack drive?


Review of Avalon as a high-mileage pedal bike for recreational riding (dude says he rides it even 40mi in a day, with SPD pedals!)

Someone crammed a HT engine and mag wheels into one of those!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

80ccmotorboys doesn't show the kit, only the motor. What do you think of it? Did it have dual tension straps and a quick release, or only a single prop rod and nut system or spring?
It's showing a friction drive kit and a 4 stroke pull start engine for $190 & shipping. Seems pretty low. I am wondering what's the gimmick. I'm a Dax fan, but if it's good stuff, I'll alert my cheap-ass friends who keep bugging me and wanting basically a free motorized bicycle.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Like most made in china stuff its mod it till it fits what you want.
It uses the single rod on the motor side... Not going to on mine will be double when I am finished. Roller is being replaced with a 7/8s from Staton. I am not a light weight. I had to mod the mount to make it fit this bike beyond what you would normally see but it will never slip out of alignment again.
Will be making a mount so the gas tank I got from Staton will fit down by the motor.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got honked at by one of the Ruling Elite today. I just waved and went on my way. They were going to turn left in front of me, then stopped, so I continued on, and took a side street in case they were crazies. They honked at me with the little Beep Beep, which I guess means, Shame on You, not the Blaring FU. So maybe they won't storm any townhall meetings. It was a good day though. Taco Bell took my order happily, as always, and no one flipped me off or called the PD to say I was riding an ATV in the city.

I did witness a police chase though! I heard the siren ahead so I pulled over, and a bashed up pickup truck with a man and woman inside roared by me, with 3 cops behind him. If you see one police, watch out because there will probably be more, and you don't want to be in the way!

I filled up my 1gal can today and took it home on the front rack. My Walmart camping strap broke at the plastic buckle! Luckily I had it tied up too. The can handle hit my wheel and chunked off the handle, but it still works, maybe even better. Wheel looks ok. I think 1 spoke might have to be tightened a little. I suppose I will have to use an old leather belt or motorcycle type ratchet. I don't want to go through that again!

The 1 gallon can was not too heavy, and the bike steered ok. I wouldn't want to carry a 2 gallon can or metal can though. The 1gallon cat sat right between the rails and fit perfectly, I just need a solid strapping system to be safe.

Any ideas?

Front rack: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos...1696439938763_1470788747_1765279_314171_n.jpg

Gas Can:

PS I slit an old tube and made a few wraps around the down tube of frame, for a rack bumper, glued on with spray adhesive. It looks nice and has stayed on a long time.

I have a couple ideas. Something like this, with METAL buckles! [url]http://www.armysurpluswarehouse.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/b342046084682e8169617c955c259559/g/a/gasstrapfemale_1.jpg[/url]

[IMG]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/449871082/NEW-Car-Seat-Belt-Seat-Belt-Extension-Extender-1-25MM-WIDE-BUCKLE-free-ship.jpg http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/...ion-Extender-1-25MM-WIDE-BUCKLE-free-ship.jpg
(extender shown, just plan to use old GMC belt, stitched together to make loop.

or an old seatbelt from a car ought to work. I bet I can get those from a junkyard here for cheap. I plan to weave it around the joints on the rack, and use a loop to tie the can down and cinch, and one to pull it back against the rack's ledge at the fork crown. I guess they can just sit in the cargo bucket when I don't need it. Lots of cool stuff in there. It holds a lot of burritos too!



http://www.amazon.com/Erickson-53901-Battery-Ratcheting-Strap/dp/B005C2AMZY $7
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks! I like the yellow ones. The net looks cool, but I don't think I can trust nets on the front rack. That was scary! (when the 1gal can fell off and was rubbing on the wheel)

I think the next DFD build will feature front wheel drive on a rigid fork. The shock is cool, but doesn't really do much for a slow-ped. Then I can have a "real rack" in the back. (Wald Steel $10 American classic)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

its called a ""cam buckle lashing strap""

gonna see what I can do about mounting a wald folding basket on the side of the FD tunnel
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

added another LED to my self-modified bullet light today. I know they make LED bullet lights, but I got this one for free, and its the old kind, steel body and glass lens. I have modified it twice so far. First I put a 6v incandescent bulb and wired it to run on 4 AA batteries. decided that wasnt bright enough, so I pulled an LED bulb out of a rayovac maglite clone. it was brighter, but i found an LED flashlight at a thrift store today for $2, and wired that bulb in. So now its 2 LED bulbs running on 4 AAs. They had another flashlight at the store, so I might go back and get it tomorrow. If I can make this light bright enough, I wont need to upgrade my lighting system when I do my predator build.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Please post your results on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dax-Friction-Drive-fan-club/218445778250153 Dax Fan Club

I have been wondering the same thing! http://waldsports.com/index.cfm/wald582rearfoldingbasket.html
Probably cheaper at Niagaracycle. I think you get 2 in a set.

You could get some All Thread, bend it in a couple places , and run it through 4 drilled holes in the friction drive channel, for a place to hook panniers. Then use a conduit bracket or something to tie the rack to the seat stay. Good luck! Send pics!
I bet they will be noisy, but if the drive doesn't flex a lot, it should work fine, opposite the engine and gas. I think you might have to reinforce the drive channel though (some cross bolts and nuts inside and outside the box). I drilled through mine to mount that little plastic bin for the reflector tape and spares. The metal was fairly easy to cut through, and didn't flake any, but it was pretty stout.

Adding extra nuts on the u-bracket bolts helped me a lot too. (bolt through bracket, nut, then mounting plate, washer, lock washer, nut, nut. )
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