what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

if you think about it, B, giant gets full points for welding.

As you say, a gusset will probably fix it.
Probly need less carbon in the chrome moly tube, huh?

I might be tempted to braze this one up, add the gusset, and run it hard while keeping an eye on it.

but I'm a real cheapskate.

Good luck
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Brutal Breno, eep! Could've been messy, for sure.

Like RC says, just weld'r up, save the new frame for another day.

You guys remember seeing that motorized bicycle with the cut up skillsaw blades for gussets? That'd be slick, eh?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What A ktm clone will do to a bike in roughly 5-10 hrs of riding, not jumping off gutters or anything either

Im so lucky I picked this up before going out for another fang.
This could have killed me!!

Anyways so I just bought another frame which is the same size, just going to weld a gusset in each corner for some added stength and maybe weld in some strengthening at the rear wheel fixing point.
Oh man real sorry to hear Breno! You may have just gotton a fluke.
Is this frame aluminum? I do get to wondering about the average department store type bike these days? They'll say on the bike tags that it is a alloy type metal. My personal complaint is that the tubing is often too thin walled. i also wounder how consistent the mix is in the melting pot so to speak in places where these come from like China and Taiwan?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

just going to weld a gusset in each corner

I remember back in the mid 80's I think, could of been earlier, when the BMX style bikes came out the head tubes were the weak link on cheaper bikes. A lot of those bikes would crack just like that at or around the head tube.

So the first thought of manufaturers was to gusset the tubes together that joined the head tube. Unfortunately, all that did was shift the stress point to the ends of the gusset and breaks were common at those points. That in fact made them more dangerous or subject to catastrophic failure.

Just throwing that out there for you to consider. Ultimately a good BMX bike could not be made cheaply and simply corrected by adding a gusset. It just may be the wrong material to depend on is my thought.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Vibration is a powerful force. Is there any slack in the chain (any tensioner device or something to give a little)? Could this crack be the result of torque affecting the frame so severely as to fracture it there?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finished wiring up my headlight, and turn signals to the bike. just need to wire the horn in, and a brake light, and she'll be fully functional.

not looking to get her registered, but figured i'd be much safer if it was built like it could be.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

(^)thanks for the thought out commets guys.

I may just give the frame design the benefit of the doubt and just go with the material being daggy.
I will use the "new" frame and see how it goes.
Hopefully the other one was just a dud.

I kind of get what you mean with the gussets being an issue fugit so I might just leave the gusset idea for my next bike if it so happens to be.

HSC im far too lazy to make up my own frame but in saying that if there was a pipe bender laying around here it would def. be worth a shot.
Only my problem is I overkill everything so my power to weight would end up worse than a HT powered bike me thinks..LOL!

There is a fair bit of vibration when I back off. I'm not sure if I can really stop it though as it appears to be the outer bell of the clutch vibrating from the shoes touching it slightly. If I make them tighter its still there.

The bell has probly 1-2mm of in out movement though so that could be it.

Anyways for how cheap ya can pick up frames these days off ebay I'll probly just stick with the lazy route for now and just replace them as they break.
Possibly more freq. checks may be on the cards instead of going hard out making a tank.

I will try to work on reducing vibration might even give the dreaded rubber mounting ago :o

In the end of the day this could be an ongoing problem as I weigh 100kgs and ride the bike like I stole it everywhere + these bikes I'm using atm just aren't designed for this much torque, weight, vibration, harmonics and speed.

May need to look at buying a HD cruiser style bike if this ends up being a consistant pita.

Thanx guys.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can get whole bikes off Craigslist for $50-100, 90s mountain bikes. Sometimes you find one missing a front wheel or sold without wheels for that, but with better components.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can get whole bikes off Craigslist for $50-100, 90s mountain bikes. Sometimes you find one missing a front wheel or sold without wheels for that, but with better components.

A craigslist bike with no front wheel is rarely a stolen one... laff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Some stuff on Craigslist is sure to be legit, but yeah, you got that impression too, that a missing front wheel is probably chained to a light pole somewhere, if it's not a rim taco in the parts heap. It might be a good idea to run the frame number though police HQ before you buy it though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Breno is is your clutch bell on a tapered crank shaft or is it on a spline shaft like the Morini? On my Morini it is splines. I customized my thrust washers behind my bell and it has no rattle of any kind now as a result when I let on/off the throttle..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Modded my Bullet headlight, with a BRIGHT 12v incan. bulb. 35 watts! I can see pretty far ahead now...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My bike is like a roller-coaster I have only been able to ride it 4 times and every time I swear something goes wrong. Yesterday while riding home from a friends house my back tire locked up and then I noticed the back engine Mont bolt came lose. I have been having problems with all the bolts coming lose how do I prevent this in the future and how can I make the engine more rock solid on my frame? Thanks
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


you can't prevent.
They require constant attention.
DO NOT over tighten, just keep after it until it settles into it's niche.
then, only periodical tightening will be required, but always needs attention!

The studs are too small and not engineered properly in the case AND crummy metal all around. but they are cheep and fun!


OK, pls give us the details/source of that great bulb!


yesterday I soldered the frayed end of my clutch cable in prep for making a Tommynoodle.
Also did more tweaking on the aft section of the frame.
lol I gotta post pics of THAT! lol
Gosh I hate rag joints!

I'm a real clutz these days... stumbled and twisted my foot so I'm on sticks now. :-(
Gonna be a while before I can work on the motorized bicycle.
I really wanna get it operational for my kid!

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A double nut works well too, even with locktite. Well, blue anyway :p Red needs a torch to get off!

I've been farting around with an extended intake again, and waiting for the mailman like a kid at christmas... mmm goodies for the bike!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I built a lean forward seat post because sunday I put 45 miles on it an the seat was a bit far back an it beat my arse to death, an leaned out the carb, so before work I built that an ran shop errands all day on mine 27 more miles. as an acid test .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

had my rear tire blow the tube :< so i had to order a new tube and figured i'd also order a bb7 caliper for up front.

put the caliper on and found i need to shim it so it will stop hitting the rotor as it turns (got an avid 185mm roundagon disc, it's hitting the peaks on the rotor)