Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

thanks for the thought out commets guys.
I may just give the frame design the benefit of the doubt and just go with the material being daggy.
I will use the "new" frame and see how it goes.
Hopefully the other one was just a dud.
I kind of get what you mean with the gussets being an issue fugit so I might just leave the gusset idea for my next bike if it so happens to be.
HSC im far too lazy to make up my own frame but in saying that if there was a pipe bender laying around here it would def. be worth a shot.
Only my problem is I overkill everything so my power to weight would end up worse than a HT powered bike me thinks..LOL!
There is a fair bit of vibration when I back off. I'm not sure if I can really stop it though as it appears to be the outer bell of the clutch vibrating from the shoes touching it slightly. If I make them tighter its still there.
The bell has probly 1-2mm of in out movement though so that could be it.
Anyways for how cheap ya can pick up frames these days off ebay I'll probly just stick with the lazy route for now and just replace them as they break.
Possibly more freq. checks may be on the cards instead of going hard out making a tank.
I will try to work on reducing vibration might even give the dreaded rubber mounting ago
In the end of the day this could be an ongoing problem as I weigh 100kgs and ride the bike like I stole it everywhere + these bikes I'm using atm just aren't designed for this much torque, weight, vibration, harmonics and speed.
May need to look at buying a HD cruiser style bike if this ends up being a consistant pita.
Thanx guys.