what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got an email that my Kip-Layback post is on its way, Woo! Now I gotta hurry up and wait! :p


Pic borrowed from the order thread: Over here

I'm hoping to make the race, if I can get my passport in order. Fingers crossed!

Lol Happy!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got the bulb at an auto parts store. it has a halogen bulb witha regular brass base with pins. old school.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sry to hear of you being beaten, gnu!

I'm pleased to see someone has finally noticed, or at least commented on way-back seats.

For comfort, worst place is over the rear axle, or even close to it.
You get every bit of hop the axle sees that can not be diminished by your seat springs.

With a tall seatpost, you get amplified hop, AND a forward/backward jolt along with a horrid cg.

Probably best place for seating is near as possible to axle height, midway between the axles.

I think the recumbent guys figured it out.
I never tried one.
Perhaps I should!


do you know how crazy that would look with a motor on it ? !! absolutly sick! llllow an sssllllow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finished mounting tank on occ,last piece of the build, hooked up fuel line,need filter,ran 16-1, 89 octane through the starfire motor, ran great , just taking it easy for break in. cheap clutch cable broke,fixed with spare,broke break lever assembly. oh well good day. will fix brake prob and add fuel filter later.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've been too busy to ride for nearly a week. Now I'm back...

Put a new carb on my bike 3 days ago. I'm on my 3rd carb since Sep 2010. No joke, Huashang carbs are super sensitive.
Last time I replaced my carb my bike started right up after cussing at it for weeks. No exception this time.
Spose I'm back in action. Tuning her up is the order of the day :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey 5-7. Saw a while back you were hangin' a TAV-2 on a Robin Suburu. Doesn't the driver have a 3/4" bore? I thougt the shaft on a Robin is 5/8", how did you make it fit? And Skaard, did you figure out a charging system for your battery? What'd you come up with?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good day today , I finish the mock up took it all apart . Cleaned , sander and primed the frame and gave it 3 coats of black . The same for the forks . Repacked rear wheel bearings and put the new tire on . Did a little detail work on motor , clean up welds on pipe an painted it . I also started to work on the head light , putting a led from a driving light in it . It's getting there . Dan
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did a 30 dollar over haul to my Morni clutch after about 6000 miles.. I beat the bujeebers out of the old clutch. Put a new set of stones in is all. Run wicked! Was apparently way over due. Like shocks in a car kinda don't really snap whats happened over time lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've heard of some ATV riders deliberately greasing 3 shoe clutches with white lithium spray grease. Has anyone here done that to a bike motor like a Dax or pocketbike engine clutch? It sounds like it would potentially be a mess or a failure (slippage at high RPM or steep hills). But it might keep from burning up clutch shoes and let you get more RPM at lower ground speeds.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've heard of some ATV riders deliberately greasing 3 shoe clutches with white lithium spray grease. Has anyone here done that to a bike motor like a Dax or pocketbike engine clutch? It sounds like it would potentially be a mess or a failure (slippage at high RPM or steep hills). But it might keep from burning up clutch shoes and let you get more RPM at lower ground speeds.
I get quit the opposite effect with thicker oil. Mine is a heavy duty purpose racing designed wet clutch. The compartment the clutch sits in in requires that oil must be added!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Have you ever heard of installing a bolt into a engine block when wrenching repairing, and broke the bolt because the hole was full of oil? Hydraulic force will do it!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I have no idea how long TAnaka 3300 clutch shoes are expected to last, and I imagine they are expensive, so when they are thin and I have new ones in the box, I'll grease the old ones and see what happens.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Grease will be too thick as the clutch will grab before the dynamic of the weight in the clutch shoes can be properly energized. It may slip too much and then work well at a higher rpm? Tough to understand I know..I have been through it. See my posting on it and summer winter observations with my BoXer .

My clutch will burn up pretty quick with out oil!! I am not gonna put grease in it per say but I use wet clutch approved oil.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Goat Herder
the CanAm Spyder takes the same oil your Boxster does
also wetclutch. The oil can not be a SM spec as it has friction modifiers in it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Goat Herder
the CanAm Spyder takes the same oil your Boxster does
also wetclutch. The oil can not be a SM spec as it has friction modifiers in it
I have been thinking about the friction modifier thing a lot. Would be cool if there was a thread listing all the major brands avilible and which manufactures were using them in racing. AKA what the racing teams are using. I ran with the oil from here for the M. http://www.motomx.com/clutch_information.html The 90 wt version same brand tho.

The Nuvinci Hub will not work without a special friction modified fluid as well. There was a blower motor for hotrods forget the name that used it as well. Was in this thread... http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=21827&page=4
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

torched\bent a crank. Finding out today if it gave me enough clearance.