Hey Skaard, had the same problem on my BB7. I tried going to a round rotor, but the diameter is the same as the high points on your rotor, so it didn't help. The best fix is to use another small spacer in the top frame of the caliper to move it a mm or so higher (away from the rotor). You probably know already that Avid sells these or you can simply use metric washers and stack as needed. Another tip, if you have a standard sized rotor you can get an adapter that extends the caliper mount either 20mm or 40mm to allow the use of a 203mm rotor which really adds stopping power.
I built a lean forward seat post because sunday I put 45 miles on it an the seat was a bit far back an it beat my arse to death, an leaned out the carb, so before work I built that an ran shop errands all day on mine 27 more miles. as an acid test .
Ya get's what ya pay for lol. I started out with china two smokes there not for me. After blue printing them and overhauling everything to make them do what i wanted.. I came to my senses and got a motor that needed nuttun at all but oil and gasI'm kind of a cheepo, Goat. Anything with a cool Italian name like Morini sounds expensive.
It is a solid unit Scooty, not pot-metal carp some handles are. Your throttle handle fits right in it. The built in kill switch saves room on the bars. etc...
I could only imagine 203's Goat/Skarrd, I've only got 160's and I'm sure I could do a stoppie if I wanted to. The 203's must be nuts!