what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks HC and also BarelyAWAKE for this picture and where to get the clamps.

Ohhhhhh... you don't have to tell me about the clamp coming off and coaster brakes issue. I did it another way. Chain falls off while on coaster brake 24 inch wheel bike while on side walk of hill that goes down about 1/8 mile 7% grade. The service road you can check it out if you get Google Earth loaded on you PC and use street view. Long Island Expressway service road as it continues west past Cross Island Parkway is a hill formed I hear by Ice Age glacier that made a few small hills on Long Island New York. Its actually the border of New York and Long Island there.

When this happened long time ago I got down low over the top bar and lightly dragged my feet, I kept going faster.

Then I slowly made a large arc turn over the side walk onto a soft lawn after the fense stopped half way down the hill and I made a circle about 100 feet in diameter and came to a stop!

Not a @%# tool with me, but found a stick and forced the chain back on.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I recently added a banana pipe to the 66cc, noticed a nice increase in top end. With that I added small length of flex-pipe and small brigs muffler; instead of the popping sound, I get nice deep growl. I wish these engines were legal here in France, then I wouldn't have to worry about the sound. I painted the pipe, flex-pipe and muffler with the some high temp (800C or 1472F) blk paint from Motip.
Also, I added Avid BB5 mechanical disc brakes for the back, as the cheap mechanical disc Zoom brakes were causing problems. What a difference in stopping power.



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put brand new brake pads on my hand brake today. I have a huffy cranbrook, and since I removed the rear fender for chain clearance, I was able to fit a rear handbrake on the bike. I got the brake used, and have been using the pads that came with it for almost two years. So for the first time ever, brand new brake pads. I also made some other adjustments. On the way to WallyWorld to get the brake pads, I noticed that the engine was revving way too high on idle. It was so bad that when I hit the brakes, the whole bike would vibrate. So, I started by tightening my clutch cable, but that wasnt it. Then I let all the tension out of my throttle cable and readjusted my idle screw. That seems to have done the trick. Now I just need some exhaust wrap.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

drained the oil out of the engine (it was 5w-30) pulled the cover off, got the govenor gear out. put it back together and filled it with 10w-40

i left the arm in there, since after careful studying, there is no way the arm can swing around and hit the crankshaft. if you look closely at the cotter pin, there's a nub it hits, making a stop so it wouldn't hit the crank.

decided rather than futs with cutting arm off, left it in there, and used it as a pivot for my throttle linkage.

also adjusted the valve lash from .008" to .004" sort of wanting to see about getting some stronger valves so there's no float, as well as figuring out a better flywheel/fan assembly.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I checked what type of headset I had (never messed with the fork or handlebars before now), and upon reassembly the mount for my clutch lever broke. :(
Fortunately, I had the old brake levers laying around (have the dual pull now) and since my lock on my clutch lever broke months ago, it wasn't a significant change. I also took the return spring off of the cable. It's much easier to pull now. :D
I also cleaned my pedal chain. It was nasty, nasty to the point that I used a gunk blaster to completely remove everything. Re-oiled and it is so much smoother now! Anyone else have issues with keeping your bike clean, or have any tips on keeping it so without having to clean it frequently?

Edit: I also just realized that one of my reasons for opening my headset was to measure the tube diameter... which I completely forgot to do. crap.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Those locking brake levers are pretty cheap. You can get a matching pair (L & R) for $20 on amazon. You could use one for a parking brake, or a throttle trigger with WOT cruise.

I finished my boost bottle and airbox replacement project today, testing it out soon. The boost bottle already worked, but I had to re-do the nozzle on the carb spacer.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I bought an NOS Motobecane 17" moped wheelset on ebay. They wanted $190; I bought them for $125.



This includes 36h hubs, brakes and 54t sprocket, new old stock(NOS) and assembled.

With 17 x 3 Michelin motorcycle tires, diameter is about 23.5" tall.

They might look weird on my bike. We'll see. I can live with it.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i ended up taking the CVT off, since not only was the belt too long, but i was getting belt dust everywhere.

thankfully i did get a maxtorque clutch in the mail on monday. so i swapped that on. put a #41 chain on it, and took it for a ride.

it pulls really hard still, it's got a final ratio of 9.97:1 so top speed will be about 37.3mph.

got a 48t and a 24t sprockets coming in tomorrow and have a spare 10t sprocket. putting all that on should net me an 8:1 ratio

i may order some other sprockets from mcmaster to get the ratio in at 8.35-8.5:1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This are all my mode that I have made,Thanks to all of you and other forum, and some fix that I made to..wee.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

And this one is made wiht a mini ninja pipe and the tube is from the leg of and office chair.brnot


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, that's just a whole truckload of awesome. A sewing bobbin as a clutch cable pulley? Cool! I like the "hey it's on" headlight. Is that to keep ya legal, or are you actually getting any light out of it? If you use a NiteIze LED for maglite, you might get some battery time and maybe some useable light (15mph or so). LED lights play tricks on the eyes!

I've got a mining headlamp double taped on a bike helmet, for a helmet light. (Coast makes them, a couple other brands make them, about $40-80 for serious ones with electronic boards and LED lights).

This are all my mode that I have made,Thanks to all of you and other forum, and some fix that I made to..wee.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, that's just a whole truckload of awesome. A sewing bobbin as a clutch cable pulley? Cool! I like the "hey it's on" headlight. Is that to keep ya legal, or are you actually getting any light out of it? If you use a NiteIze LED for maglite, you might get some battery time and maybe some useable light (15mph or so). LED lights play tricks on the eyes!

I've got a mining headlamp double taped on a bike helmet, for a helmet light. (Coast makes them, a couple other brands make them, about $40-80 for serious ones with electronic boards and LED lights).

Thanks, the light I only had it in my home and try to invent, but have to upgarde the bulb cause dont light to much,I have buy before one of this and I thing the vibration damage it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What kinda tach? You putting it on your KTM clone? Lemme know how it works? The EMS?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I've stepped in it now: I'm making a new custom aluminum tank. I've brushed up on my skills with the Alumaweld. I've already made the wooden form. So tonight, I've begun cutting metal.
I don't think I'll be posting many pics. I've been getting in the zone, and the camera tends to take a back seat at times like those. But, more importantly, I'm just following most of the methods and techniques that Tinsmith outlined in that wonderful tutorial he posted on this forum. So I think anybody who wanted to learn how to build a custom tank from solderable or brazeable metal (i.e. brass, copper, aluminum, tin) would learn more from him and others who've done so than they'd learn from me.
Therefore, let me say thanks to Dan the Tinsmith! You put me on the road to a better custom tank, just by showing me the best way to go about it (other than paying somebody).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

See if you can find this product. It is about $2-8 in USA, at Walmarts. It goes in Maglite. If you use with a 6v lantern battery, pay attention to the polarity of the bulb. It must not be reversed or it won't work and might destroy the bulb. I have one for my fishing light (3 D maglite) it runs hours to all day, and casts a long bright-white beam that doesn't disturb wildlife too badly. Some fish are attracted to it.

Nite Ize LED for maglite/flashlight D cell

This are all my mode that I have made,Thanks to all of you and other forum, and some fix that I made to..wee.