what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have been doing quite a bit of maintenance over the last couple weeks. Maintenance on the bike got neglected over the winter due to the fact that I dont have a garage at my new house. So nothing really got done on the bike this winter unless it was absolutely necessary. Today I cleaned and regapped my spark plug, loosened my clutch cable (I had made it too tight a couple days ago), and greased my bucking bar and my engine gears. I greased the bucking bar because when pushing the bike I had heard a squeaking. After greasing everything I discovered that it was just my new brake pads rubbing my rim a bit.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had an interesting afternoon. While in the middle of a newport rebuild(basketcase off Kijijji), another bike I built came back running like crap and backfiring.

So while fighting that this aft, pulled the rotor first but the shear key was fine(first thing to think of when backfiring), or someone monkey'd with it and put on wrong... changed out the cdi(no go), changed mag(no go)... finally looked in the tank and the gas was black. Gah! It was like tar(almost)...

So yea, if someone else is having troubles, check what they put in the tank first and save three hours. I drained the tar out of the tank and bowl, put in my 32:1 and it fired right up.

Some people's kids.

Too windy to ride today anyways.

Keep your miscellaneous parts, and keep your parts miscellaneous. :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

See if you can find this product. It is about $2-8 in USA, at Walmarts. It goes in Maglite. If you use with a 6v lantern battery, pay attention to the polarity of the bulb. It must not be reversed or it won't work and might destroy the bulb. I have one for my fishing light (3 D maglite) it runs hours to all day, and casts a long bright-white beam that doesn't disturb wildlife too badly. Some fish are attracted to it.

Nite Ize LED for maglite/flashlight D cell

Will see in my local Walmart if can find it.you think that my 6v battery cant be fix to the maglite.Some fish are attracted to it,that's good only need maglite and a fishing net.laffThanks
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

KillerCanuck, what turned your gas black? Mold? Dirt? Paint? Bad gas? That's strange!

Gas Ridez, if you want to hack a Maglite, I tried it. The old ones have tabs you can bend and solder to or use slide-on connectors. The new ones don't, and you can't solder to the spring or the case. Maybe you could make a spacer to replace the batteries, from PVC, JB putty, and screws, then run the wire out through a grommet, and bond the flashlight to a bracket.

Sorry I wasn't so clear. The standard maglite with 4 D batteries runs literally for a day or more with the LED.

The LED bulb won't work in lantern flashlights unless you modify them. The polarity is wrong for the LED.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lol, by black I meant mixed around 5:1... Oh well, now I know to check that first for next time :)

That led conversion bulb's a good idea.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Removed the front light as I'm awaiting a handlebar mount type and rode the bike around for a bit. It's running pretty well, actually the best it has ran in a while but still 4-stroking a bit at wot. I'm thinking about changing out the jet to a 0.68 that I purchased a while back.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Found that by when braking on the entry to a corner if I begin to accelerate then come off the brakes and go wot that it is pretty hard to make the corner without running wide but when ya get it right f-!& me it's quick. Good luck to ya if ya tryin to catch me in a car in the suburbs ;)

Gotta spend some time on my tacho apparently I'm only getting up to 5500rpm at top speed
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i just put on sgt howard,s new sprocket hub on my schwinn del mar it fit snug and very nicly looks great and was very easy to instal great job on the desine sgt howard it makes the hole bike look loads better thanks to sgt howard for makeing such a great sprocket hub
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yep Breno!(^) they absolutely kick butt! That's how my BoXer runs in the neighborhood streets!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What is it about the fitment that won't work???
Can it be resolved?

I dished a back wheel over today, cut a pedal chain down with intent to run it without a derailleur, mounted the coil up high on the seatpost, adjusted the inline rim brake on the rear, none on the front yet, but may install a cheapo suspension fork with a brake already on it...
Installed the seat, adjusted the bars and pedaled it a bit...
I don't like the bars, but my kid feels they are ok. Works for me if he likes 'em!
Cut a shim for the front motor mount and hung the stock muffler/pipe in place.
It is going to conflict with the mm Ubolt so I'm going to change it.
Will probably make the pipe longer and hope to tuck it more under the frame, down towards the BB and also at an angle parallel to the frame.

Could've had it running today, but got missing carb parts... bummer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

GH these motors same or not are wicked aren't they?
I don't ride everyday anymore so I tend to forget how fun this bike is! Still learning a few things to go quicker here and there.
ppl don't know wat there missing out on:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't overdo it, and don't do anything suddenly. Otherwise, with proper tire pressure and predictable movements, a 2 wheeled vehicle can do amazing things.

Also, remember if you don't have front suspension, or it is not well dampened , the bike can break traction very suddenly

Found that by when braking on the entry to a corner if I begin to accelerate then come off the brakes and go wot that it is pretty hard to make the corner without running wide but when ya get it right f-!& me it's quick. Good luck to ya if ya tryin to catch me in a car in the suburbs ;)

Gotta spend some time on my tacho apparently I'm only getting up to 5500rpm at top speed
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I made a better intake silencer on my A/C BoXer darn thing sounds like a thumper motor now!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I continued on making the bracket for holding the pillow bearings on a double stacked jackshaft for my parade speed 47:1 ratio belt drive 6 pulley system with centrifugal clutch.

I wanted to use a new HF Die Grinder I just got using the small cut-off wheel. I bought the think it was $4 arbor for the 1/4 collet the thing has. When I turned it on and not yet using the nice $20 variable speed controller I got for it since it has only one speed, it wobbled bad. The speed controller starting the thing off slow can be a way to be a little safer and may alway use it in not anything else just for that.

I diagnosed it to the end pieces that the arbor has. The part that goes into the collet was OK, but the pieces that sandwich the cut-off wheel were not uniformly thick around the circumference.

This not only would make the wheel wobble, but put uneven pressure on the area around the hole of the cut-off wheel. The die grinder without anything but the arbor part that sticks into the collet on it went up to speed 25K rpm (no wobble with just that) and varied speed nice with the controller, but I had no load on it.

I bought some grinding wheels and wire brush wheels, but had no use for them yet, so I instead used my Dremel and with smaller wheel and used up the more expensive consumables.

I also used my angle grinder, but only for larger cuts as it is much larger wheel. The speed controller is up to 15 amps as touted for use with router, so I shall check amperage on angle grinder and maybe use it with it if I find the need to slow it down.

I will return that arbor and get my money back. See about another hardware store to get a 1/4 inch arbor for the cut-off wheels.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I wiped the dirt off mine and looked at it admiringly for a minute, wishing I had some local friends to ride mabs or bicycles with. I have some friends I ride mtn bikes with in the summers, but no one in my neighborhood rides bikes except the local kids and a guy who rides a beater to the convenience store to get cigarettes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today (well, yesterday) my bike wouldn't start. I think it might have to do with my adjustment I made to the float arms the other day, except that it was running fine two days prior to not starting(two days after I made the adjustment). :(
Really need to get this fixed as my shift kit and x chamber are due in the mail today... but alas, I have work the next few days and might not be able to really get any time with it til Tuesday, or maybe Monday evening.

I'm also looking into a rechargabe battery for getting a (proper) light system. Thinking some LED strips for tail lights or amber turn signals (whether they vary intensity or not) and maybe some ambient lights on the body, and a good head light that can throw light 100 feet down the road.