what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is interesting to know, Mapbike. If someone is running a coaster brake rear, that is an easier modification to do (otherwise someone will probably have to weld new brake bosses or a brake bridge to the frame) . It will slacken the steering angle a tad, and lower the pedal clearance a couple inches. Did it seem to make much difference to you when steering? Did you run a tire wider than the 26" one you had previously?

I've seen a few people put 20" wheels on bikes originally with 26" mtn bike wheels. They were used like mini-velos for riding in the city. I don't know if I'd want to go 30mph on 20" tires though! Rough!

20" wheeled fixie city bike
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

20" would just be too small for me too, they are to squirrely and even a 32T sprocket would still be to big for my liking, I'm thinking now 24" is just perfect with a smaller sprocket, I'm loving this old bike now......

I temporarily fixed my brake issue by making up some extentions out of Alum. angle, they're working great for now.

I had thought about welding a piece of angle for a bridge to relocate the side pull caliper but didn't have time today so I just rigged up another way until I can get a bridge made from angle iron and put in place, unless I decide to go with a V brake set up and that is also a good possibility.

Main thing is this bike has never performed like it does now with the 24" wheel and 32T sprocket, I'm just amazed at the difference it made in this bike....... I just cant say enough about this, I just can't believe I didn't try this sooner, the benefit in performance is huge.....!

Peace, map
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ordered a motor from Duane goin on my next build

Someone stole my only motor bike so I really just need to get on the road again

I know the feeling, totally sucks! Keep your eye's open, and try not to kill anyone if you do see it(I know, hard not to)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am sorry to hear that you bike was stolen, WildAlaskan! :(
Hopefully you can recover it and have 2 MB's.
I second the notion of if you see it, don't attack the perp. No idiot is worth jail time and a criminal record. Just knock the idiot out cold with one swift punch and ride away with your bike like nothing happened....... :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The worst thing about when someone steals something, is sometimes they sell it, and then the buyer gets attacked and loses the purchase. So two people get screwed. Bike thieves are dirt!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had the bike on the porch tuning the front brakes, I turn the wheel and wham the bicycle falls on me. The side of the gas tank hit the side back of my head, some blood. Err
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

had the trailer out to tote some beers in light rain.

Met a nice dood on an ebike goin the other way over the foot bridge. Chatted for a good hour by the bridge. No probs, lots of honey's walking by to talk to, this is around quitting time. Then this one old timer(80 plus) comes by,"how the heck did you build that", so there goes another 1/2 hour... and a card in his hand to have his grand kids help him out, to check out this site. all good.

I finally said "I can't drink here, so if you want to chat more I live around the corner." Sounds creepy, but hey, my beer's getting warm and I can't drink it. Plus this is Canada! \,,/

So it turned out this dude I've been chatting with for a good hour an a 1/2(while honey's are going by) is a pro fisherman in the area, and hooked me up with the best spots to fish, and what bait Pickerel/Perch/Pike like. All for a couple of beers and some chatting about MABs. whoo!

Chalk one up for the good days.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dang Acraze, careful of those tank edges, I've sliced my knee open a couple times on that edge. haven't nailed my head yet though. *knocks wood*
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've been riding my Tanaka-powered MB to work daily since May.
Regular maintenance is critical to reliability.

My throttle stuck while starting the engine two days ago. I swear, it's prolly like holding onto a wild horse. After I hit the kill switch, I started it up and hopped on. The bike wasn't going anywhere in first gear. That's when I noticed the first gear sprocket on the cassette was bent over 2nd gear. Late for work, so I simply used 3rd gear and up. I couldn't climp the ramp at work, so I walked the bike into the office elevator, then out to the 4th floor parking lot. Riding home, I knew I wouldn't be able to ride up the steep hill or the footpath alongside it. I pushed the bike up the hill, which made me VERY tired. At the hilltop, I put the bike in 3rd gear and motored home. Luckily, I had purchased TWO 11t-34t cassettes on ebay. During lunch hour yesterday, I removed the wheel and took it over to my local bike shop nearby. They replaced the damaged cassette, lubed the hub and trued the spokes. At day's end, I rode home, happily riding my bike up the steep hill near home.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

havn't had a chance to work on it, started at paypal on tuesday, ^-^ been in training early in the morning, then spending time with the GF after i get home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I began cleaning up my Whizzer and MB after Hurricane Irene dumped 18 inches of very stinky, salty, and corrosive water into my garage. The Whizzer started right up after a wash with soap and water to remove the crud, but the MB will needs some TLC to bring it back on line. I'll need to remove and clean the lower bracket and freewheel, then I'll swap out the bicycle brake cables with the heavy duty scooter cables I bought in town yesterday. I hope I don't face any more setbacks 'cause I'm anxious to start my next build, a Giant Stiletto Chrome. Any ideas on ideal engines would be appreciated. Also, where can I find a sprocket for the square-shank jackshaft that's built into a Stiletto?.weld
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode my bike over the hill to Portland today. It was kind of hot out but it was a pleasant ride. I got all the way downtown and back on less than a quarter gallon of gas. At four dollars a gallon it's still cheaper to ride my motorized bicycle than it is to take mass transit and not only that, it goes when I want it to. There is nothing as frustrating as seeing my "light rail" go whizzing by because I just missed it. if I'm riding my bike at least I'm moving.

The hill is fairly steep on the way into town so, on the downhill run I just push in the clutch and coast. I'm not sure if that adds extra wear to my drive system but I know it saves on gas. I don't have a speedometer on my bike but I do have a tachometer so I can see how fast the engine is turning over.I have a 36 tooth rear cog and I was hitting about 5500 RPM at peak times.

I forgot, two days ago I actually found the company that still makes thorn proof tubes. they make them for 26 by 1.85 and the tires I'm running are 26 by 1.5 so I had to make sure that there wasn't much air in them when I installed them. I have about 2 1/2 hours of ride time on them so far in the seem to be holding up quite well.

One other neat thing is that the air doesn't seem to come out these tires overnight. They seem to have just as much air in them this morning as my first pump them up two days ago.

I still carry an extra set of tubes and a patch kit with tools and a pump, just in case.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I began cleaning up my Whizzer and MB after Hurricane Irene dumped 18 inches of very stinky, salty, and corrosive water into my garage. The Whizzer started right up after a wash with soap and water to remove the crud, but the MB will needs some TLC to bring it back on line. I'll need to remove and clean the lower bracket and freewheel, then I'll swap out the bicycle brake cables with the heavy duty scooter cables I bought in town yesterday. I hope I don't face any more setbacks 'cause I'm anxious to start my next build, a Giant Stiletto Chrome. Any ideas on ideal engines would be appreciated. Also, where can I find a sprocket for the square-shank jackshaft that's built into a Stiletto?.weld

Try www.staton-inc.com

Sorry for the bad weather. I hope you and your family are doing well.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sealed up the carb to intake connection with some copper gasket maker..and took a picture :)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I forgot, two days ago I actually found the company that still makes thorn proof tubes. they make them for 26 by 1.85 and the tires I'm running are 26 by 1.5 so I had to make sure that there wasn't much air in them when I installed them. I have about 2 1/2 hours of ride time on them so far in the seem to be holding up quite well.

One other neat thing is that the air doesn't seem to come out these tires overnight. They seem to have just as much air in them this morning as my first pump them up two days ago.

I still carry an extra set of tubes and a patch kit with tools and a pump, just in case.


Could you share the name of this company with us?
I am very interested in these inner tubes.
Running them along with a tire liner should be a good combo.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

We started working on my bike.

The frame is a bit smaller than my son's cranbrook, so we cut the intake and and repositioned it and welded it together so the carb will set off on an angle.


the only issue with the reposition is I am going to have to be really careful pedaling so I dont kick the air cleaner. It looks like the throttle cable is tight against the frame but it was the maximum amount of room i could give it without drilling a hole in the frame.


This is how the cranny looks


Do you think he likes his ride???

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Do you think he likes his ride???


Looks like a happy guy :)

This is actually a response to an earlier post of yours. I don't know if you found the guy yet but there is a mount on eBay that a guy named Barry makes that adapts the HT motors to the OCC Sting Ray. He makes a straight pipe, too. You can find several threads on motorizing the Sting Ray so you don't have to travel an unknown path ;)

Now, for my bike. Got the jackshaft kit today for my LA Cycles BigMo. It's going to make hooking up the Morini much easier.scratg
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I forgot, two days ago I actually found the company that still makes thorn proof tubes. they make them for 26 by 1.85 and the tires I'm running are 26 by 1.5 so I had to make sure that there wasn't much air in them when I installed them. I have about 2 1/2 hours of ride time on them so far in the seem to be holding up quite well.

One other neat thing is that the air doesn't seem to come out these tires overnight.

I air mine up a tiny bit just to harden them every two weeks or so even on my bald rear tire that took on the two small nails and I do mean this is ''daily'' riding! Its been very well over 7 gallons of fuel since that impalement discovery.

Bike shops over there ''don't know nuttun bout a thick tube and will not stock them ''aye mike? laff I've been to different parts of the country that would not stock them. ''good thick tubes'' Bummer.:( Speaks volumes about your local L.B.S.'s and the givin local terrain. We got it all figured out over here Brodder.^5
Could you share the name of this company with us?
I am very interested in these inner tubes.
Running them along with a tire liner should be a good combo.
Every one of the bike shops here have very nice thick tubes available. I can go to any of the local L.B.S.'S here and get a tube casually just like buying bubble gum. If you cannot find a tube I can certainly get one. I can stop by a shop and get you brand names. Heck just google a Albuquerque N.M. bike shop and order one. If you have a prob I can clear it up. The Kickstand Bicycle Sales & Service-Albuquerque Bicycle Shop has good seasoned techs there that will know exactly what you want.

Tubes for 1.75 sizeish tires are abundant here in shops as well as down hill 26x2.75 ish tire size tubes and 26X2.25. My 24X3.0 was a dead end tho.

I still have to reckon its harder in different places to find this stuff where some folks live?

You'l wind up with the same tubes I am running They have two 5 gallon buckets of ''Slime'' in the repair department on hand at all times because that's how we roll here!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just finished my install on my Jamis Explorer. I have 'Mr. Tuffy's" in the tires. Never had a blow out! Knock on wood, crossing fingers!!!
