what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

... I've walked a bike home when half out of my tree. That's always better than getting charged with impaired.... for sure.

Been there, done that. The last time a few of us from work stopped out for a quick one on the way home some guy on the patio (where my bike was) goes "You know, it's still Impaired if you're on a bike." I said, "Yep, but all I have to do is get my bike to that bus stop (on the other side of the fence), and the bus'll take us both to about 100 feet from my house." Seemed to shut him up. I haven't tried travelling around on the transit system here with it since the motor went on, but I doubt there'll be a problem with the bike racks on the busses here since they're external/front mounted.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well shoot!
It seems like someone is bucking for the task of going to see the fella in the black robe over sauced MABbing... NOT gud!
It's a no win situation, buddy...

Here in the wonderful state of Kalifornia they will reel you in off a bicycle.
No doubt about it.
and the charge will stick.
there ARE no dismissals. Period.

MOF, over many years I have seen them arrest and incarcerate for drunk driving when A PASSENGER was in the vicinity of a vehicle... NOT even HIS!

Far be it for me to advise anyone to exercise caution.
It's a matter of odds.
Y'know... mathematics.
Sooner or later they add up to something you may not want.

Generally LESS money and a vacation.

Been there.
Done that.

I moved my tore up MAB 6ft today so I could get at my kid's mtb to make some repairs on it. Adjustments, really... Google up 'giant brass' and have a look at the chain guides they run to keep the chain at the front sprocket.
Can't say I'm really sold on their system, but it's interesting how they used a couple rollers on an odd V bracket mounted on the BB.
Maybe something like it could be used for chain tension on an HT???

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have been getting tired of my tools rattling around in my rear basket so I made up a box to put everything in. Also bought this black and decker drill yesterday! Also ordered some drill to socket adapters. Made the box out of a FEMA box the national guards game us from that tornado. These MREs go for 80 bucks a box! So yea I zip tied cut box together and cut some fome I hade laying around, pretty good results for free.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hauled home to gallons of Water, two gallons of Rocky Road Ice cream, one gallon of Milk, Bacon, Tortillas and two movies from the Red Box. Power from the M. It never knew the difference the added weight was even there...

Went shopping for a new home fridge today had to replace the old one. Now I can celebrate beens and tortillas again!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is purty cool Acraze. How did you cut the foam out?

Great pic with your helper in the back. Or is (S)he supervising or just hoping for an empty box to play/nap in?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I saw a thread here about mb's on busses. A lot of folks were saying the bus companies ban them bc. of the gas tanks. One rider made an adapter to use empty soda bottles as fuel tanks, to get home after riding the bus. I don't think they'll take happytime bikes, (how does it fit?) but you should call them and see before depending on the bus.
The good thing about mb's though, is that most fit in a pickup truck. I bet you have a friend or can make one that can give you a lift as Designated Driver, cheaper than a cab. If not cheaper (I'd be surprised if taxi cos. will let you put gas bikes in their vans), at least you would be keeping the money local. :-)

Been there, done that. The last time a few of us from work stopped out for a quick one on the way home some guy on the patio (where my bike was) goes "You know, it's still Impaired if you're on a bike." I said, "Yep, but all I have to do is get my bike to that bus stop (on the other side of the fence), and the bus'll take us both to about 100 feet from my house." Seemed to shut him up. I haven't tried travelling around on the transit system here with it since the motor went on, but I doubt there'll be a problem with the bike racks on the busses here since they're external/front mounted.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ya gave me an idea Happy. I keep a bike carrier in the cars for break downs and pay day Friday nights just for that reason. But thinking about a custom or light one that can be stowed on the back of a bike that on the bike. Could also be used for cargo on the bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

GH, If your bike can haul that new fridge home I will be waaaay beyond amazed.
It already sounds like quite the pack mule. If I ever get another 2-stroke it'll be a Morini for sure.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...reply to above...

Yah, NO flammables on the public transport buses here in Kalifornia.
and that probably goes for anywhere under DOT control.

I'd imagine you could do an E-bike, though.

Many years ago I watched a bus driver refuse a passenger who had just come from a pet store with something? in a bag... The driver was saying, 'NO, not on MY bus!'

and I understand.... Captain of the ship, and all.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a similar problem when I jumped a chain on the way to Portland. I loaded my motor bicycle on the light rail back home. when I got off the train there were two uniform TriMet officers waiting for me. They gave me a ticket for two hundred and fifty bucks and sent me on my way.

I went to court and told the judge what happened and he let me off with a warning with a note that if I got another ticket for anything else for two years I would have to pay that two fifty.

the reason for the fine was not the motor but for the gasoline. If my bike was electric there would be no problem.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I made a new clutch plunger for my China girl today (the plunger is between the clutch cam and the marble, inside the drive sprocket). I used a bolt and drilled the end a bit to help it stay on the marble.
I had been unable to adjust my clutch properly for quite a while. I finally figured out that my plunger was a bit too short, from wear or whatever. I found a bolt of similar diameter and cut it a bit longer than my existing plunger. So far, so good.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

As a noob here, I'll jump right in if you dont mind.
My 13 year old son and I worked on a MB build this weekend. Started out with a mountain bike we got for free but had to change to his mountain bike as the old one had issues. Got the china girl in but couldnt get the spark plug to bend so it would fit in the frame so off to Wally World to pick up a cranbrook. Got the engine in and the gear on the rear tire. what a chore working around the coaster brake. He was very involved in this build and we had a lot of fun. He was putting the shutoff valve into the tank and broke the threads off in the tank. He was in tears as it had been a long day.
I gave him a hug and pulled out the easy outs and got the threads out. Went to the hardware store this morning and picked up a lawn mower shutoff valve and some formula 55 pipe thread sealant for fuel systems.
Got the bike together and the smile on his face was worth all the effort and he rode this thing.
About a half hour later the front engine mount bolts came out and the engine spun locked up the back wheel and skidded the tire. He didnt dump it but pushed it home and wore a hole in the back tire. No problem, we just took a tire off my wifes mountain bike!!!

Tomorrow we will drill and tap the front mounts to 5/16 24 and put some grade 5 bolts in.

No matter what it was a fun project and I have a second engine to mess with and just found a friend with an Schwinn Stingray chopper he'll give me for $40. I think I'll save the engine for that. I believe I'll need an extra long chain but am unsure what to do for a motor mount for the stingray.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still working away, whenever I find a few minutes, on my wife's old cruiser. Polished up the rims until they gleamed. Got some big balloon tires with wide whitewalls to put on them. Loaded the frame into the back of the van, so if I catch myself near the auto part store while I still have money I'm going on in to do some paint-matching. I'm nearly done with this bike, except for painting the fenders.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put some old Wald mini apes on this old gal today, and I put the original front end back on her, I had front suspension forks on it but just never liked the way it handled and rode with them so we went back to the old school stock forks, put the mini apes on and replaced a broken throttle cable that gave it up today, took her for a 12 mile road trip this afternoon and really enjoyed it, this little engine just pulls so good, it's not the smoothest one I have or the fastest with a comfortable cruise speed of 25-27MPH and a top out at 36mph, but it is my oldest BGF engine with about 1,300 miles on it now and as you can see in the pics below, I beat-em up and get-em very dirty, nothing fancy about it but it is rock solid reliable to this point and I haven't put a wrench on this bike because of a failure in over a year now, hard to complain about that one even though I dont ride it everyday like some do.

Anyway, here is the pics of old reliable and the new/old front end back on her and the mini apes which I wish I would have done a long time ago, darn these bars are comfortable.....! also I built a different exhaust and had a local muffler shop make me a tip I slash cut and brazed on the muffler I made up from a modified lawnmower muffler and brazed on a stock header pipe that is port matched to the head.

Last pic is the way it was until the changes I made today...handles much better now.

Peace, map


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm building my sixth bike black and white Schwinn riverside, I painted the motor black and white the gas tank is white with black flames, and duel pocket bike exhaust sitting on the rear rack. I can't wait to fire this bike up. I have one problem I'm waiting to get a new rubber spacer for the rear gear because one of them was cut like a wedge and the rear gear wobbled. I will post pictures when I'm done.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got to do nutton with her today but say good bye on my way to work. Been raining for days here. Sadly, running out of summer too.

Hot Wheels, looking forward to your pics. I built my first Riverside a while back and man, she is a pretty MB. Cracks me up and love it when folks ask "what year is it?' Just has that classic MB look. I was real worried about the welds between the dropouts and the seat stays. (was slightly misaligned and really chintzy) but has held up fine. For what I paid for her, could/would gladly make some supports.

Sorry for the ramble. Just a big Riverside fan now.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ordered a motor from Duane goin on my next build

Someone stole my only motor bike so I really just need to get on the road again
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I think I'm on to something that I know several others have surely known for a while but it just hasn't been said lately....

Took the old black Mountain Bike that I worked on yesterday pulled the 26" rear wheel off with the 41T sprocket and put a 32T sprocket on a 24" wheel I had and after completely taking all the internals out of the wheel and cleaning & repacking the bearings and oiling the freewheel bearing I put this 24" wheel on the old 26" mountain bike, all I can say is WOW................!!!!!!!!!!!

By dropping down to the 24" wheel the overall weight and rotating mass has dropped to the point that this little engine will pull hills like crazy and run a hole in the wind WOT..... It is unbelievable how much of a difference changing to the 24" wheel with the 32T sprocket has made, the negine on this bike is one of the older straight plug engines with the Aluminium intake and it has the 6mm head/jug studs.....I plan to put 24" wheels on the Huffy Karaoke now as well and go with the 32T sprocket I may go down to a 30T.

This thing runs awesome now............I'm really stunned at how much of a difference this made........

(^) (^) (^)

Peace, map


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