what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I used to make videos with a DV cam, & to hook the camera's rca cables to the computer I used a special graphics card with a dongle hanging out of it.

Basically, if the camera has rca inputs that match the red/white/yellow plugs (or the black one), AND the back of your pc has an open slot that looks like the other end of the dongle, you should be good. Just find some free video capture software & you should be in business. Let me know if you need more than that.....send me a PM or we'll start a thread. Video is what I do.

Also, if your camera has firewire & so does your pc, you should be ready to go. Plug one into the other, turn it on, & a window should pop up telling you what's next. The newer the technology, the easier it gets.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I forgot this was the what-did-you-do-today thread....

Today I broke the bank on a new rear wheel & tire. 12 gauge spokes, steel rim, Crossroads Armadillo tire. The tire's crazy thick.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow that really open up some ideas! Anim8. I always wondered what all the pins do? Armadillos are good tires!

I took the air box thingy off today. The organelle foam air filter compressed inside over time and got too restrictive. Also the cable tie plastic sleeve deal melted on one side. It was not fuel proof. I simply unscrewed it off ran around the block and the bike ran great again right where I left my last carb fuel air screw adjustment. . I simply have the foam filter back on. I am on to a way cool definitely unrestricted idea tho.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

To Rustycase

It idles up like that with the idle screw backed out all the way. It is not leaks. It is the muffler and boost bottle doing it. It is a 5hp briggs lawnmower muffler with a 1" deep box and no baffles, and just enough back pressure to run it well. I have run it on the middle notch of the carb before and it still did it, but did not run as well. Now it is on the next one down and pulls good and idles ok. I like the high idle anyway for the magneto powered headlight. You can hear it sing when accelerating at all or starting to work under load.

Here is an edited video of the same outing, start at 2:08 for pedal start and fun crackling sounds as it idles down the hill, then pulls away from a stop sign.
moped short clip ride 5min.wmv - YouTube

I'm not even running it wide open up that bridge at the end.

I try to keep around 20-30mph because I don't want tickets. I have a commercial drivers license and it is very valuable to me.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That gave me an idea Rusty. I found the plastic is broken on the throttle grip where the elbow noodle goes into it, probably from where it hits the stakes on my pickup bed when toting it on the truck. I can pull the cable out, do something about that cable routing and shorten the cable. the metal elbow hanging loose probably pulls on it just a little . Thanks!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I think I like the 5 minute vid length better than a 10 min one, Happy...
...lol even with de-emphasis on the 'jackass' part! lol and THAT guy REALLY bought it, big time, in his porsche... idiot. some people just don't learn soon enough.

glad to hear you found a prob that can be resolved with your throttle.

when looking through my pile of salvage bikes I have found that the quality, and 'suppleness' of some cables is far superior to most of them. much less drag in the housing! So I make up almost all my cables from scraps out of the pile, and look for the best ones. The throttle cable really doesn't need to be strong, like the clutch cable, or best I can find, for the brakes... It just needs to be really flexible to be sure it will idle down.

Thinkin back on my old days of dirtbikes with mikuni carbs, the spring in the slide of these china bikes sure is strong compared to what the minkunis had in them.

I still think you can go one size smaller on your main jet, then re-adjust your needle for that...

What camera and SW do you use for your vids????

Anim8r !!!!

Yah! Would you pls start a thread on how to make MAB vids?
I'd do it, but I'm just a clod and don't know nuthin abt it.

I got a 5yr old Panasonic GS300 that uses the DVtapes. No edit SW now, but would you recommend any freeware?

I'm even having trouble understanding the little tiny plug ports on the camera. lol

Where is best place to mount a cam on the MAB??? Handlebars for turning movement? Frame for stability? Helmet cam???

is anyone taking special precautions for like when Happy bailed out?

OK, I got no wheels! Gotta take a BICYCLE over to the parts house to see if they got the internal crank seals so I can start putting my MAB back together.

Also gonna check out a rear luggage rack from the pile, too.

Note to self: Next time I can, swing by the apartment complexes to check the dumpsters for bikes from the move-outs !

Gosh. That fancy new wheel, spokes, and tire sound GR8 !!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I used an Everio family camera with the flip -open viewfinder and ready-for-youtube factory software. I uploaded my video to Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, and just "snipped" anywhere I wanted, and deleted parts less interesting until the video was under 10min. I have some friends who have never ridden a motor bicycle or motorcycle, some who have never ridden a bicycle or haven't since they were little kids, so they wanted a video to see what I was so excited about.

The Everio camera is NOT really good for bike videos. It gets distortion from vibration, and it is very fragile, esp at the point where the viewfinder attaches to the main camera. I just made a 20 minute video cruising around. I am not using it on any more bike videos.

The camera mount was easy though, just a Failblog type There_I_Fixed_it setup, made of steel stock, 2 x 3/8 bolts and hardware, a 1/4 screw, wingnut to mount the camera, some tape for padding, and a filed down deck screw for an anti-rotation pin. Gorrilla tape on the handlebars will prevent camera rotation. Rubber shims did not work the best.


I bent the bracket to place the camera a couple inches higher and right over the bars. When it is far out front, the view swings a lot.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installed new tail light its now dark when i leave for work and more traffic now that school is in session i bought one of those turn indicator/brake lightdealys the signal work great but the tail light goes out as soon as i take off so installed a new light and seems to stay on
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally got a rear wheel on. The new axle was a tiny bit too long, so I had to spread the frame to fit it in. While I was looking for a rim liner I pulled apart an old wheel & discovered this really awesome orange innertube with a fully-threaded nozzle that locks in with a nut. I just got new tubes so I feel obligated to use em.....kinda hope one gets a leak soon, though.

Getting the rear sprocket to true up is the new pain in my butt. After that, gonna re-mount the motor with a hockey puck & start connecting all the dangly parts.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tnx for the pic of your movie rig, Happy.

I really like the FAILblog!
Very, very creative thinking over there! lol

Okay! I popped my clutch hub apart today and will post some pics and stuff over at Lord Vader's thread so he can sort it all out, one day, if he wishes...

...taking it apart... lol
EZr than I expected.

Going back together ???
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well I played for ever with my 21mm del carb . Got some gains in power here at 6000 foot. Took just one .005 shim out of my Centrifugal clutch from the stock configuration of ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( / / / dropping the stall about 800 rpm's . Runs flawless late at night around about mebbe 2 seconds slower for a start to finish to full speed on a straight away. ''Night temp about 70 F. its a champ''.

With the big carb tuned in for this temp I could never cruise the bike slow again with out some kind of four stroking gurgle off Idle. If I tuned for that I lost my WOT tuning. Realizing that a touch of load put on a four stroke makes that gurgle go away. I did two things.

First one was I took my centrifugal clutch apart to service it. Found sediment accumulation built up inside the bevel washer stack. Cleaned it all up got a drop in rpm engagement of about 200 rpm's?

Road around and saw it helped but was not totally happy.

Took out the .005 shims was impressed. So I started to richen the carb up till it would 4 stroke again and then fine tuned that. I had ordered a leaner W7 needle to use in place of the stock W9 needle on the 21mm del carb as the W9 needle was on the top notch. ''clip''

Carb has a 55 pilot jet, 94 main jet 258 AU atomizer W7 needle at 3rd notch and stock slide. Whew wipes the sweat back.. Took a lot of time to get to this point!!

I can cruise the bike at 8 miles an hour now Feathering the attack on the clutch.

Here in the day today read at 101 F. outside ambient temp from my on board temp gauge and red lined clear across town got 316 F max motor temp but power is diminished on the big carb with changes in air density. It very easy to say it ran richer. .

I fine tuned for fall season weather. July tuning per-say would be a tad different but not by much with my currant configuration.. It don't take but a second to change out the carb's jet size. That would adversely effect temp too tho.

Id like to say in short all this tuning I have been doing is for absolute power. Moderation changes everything. I even have a barometric weather/temp gauge on my back porch. Just need The Barometric gauge on the bike too. lol

Except for the silencer thingy not sure what I was thinking there? I did make a air box from a 1990 GMC Serria pick up truck radiator return line. It so happen it was a spare old hose I had saved for ever. It also so happened it was the perfect diameter to clamp onto the back the the carb .

I use a short 7 inch or so section and simply stuffed the Foam racing air filter onto the back of that. Bike sounded really cool! Nice deep throughty sound. The tuning of the bike sourly agreed no bueno...

Observing this and the tuning properties it could offer? I then used a inch and a half ''total length'' elbow section from off the back of the carb and then the air filter.

After the carb fine tuning the clutch RPM engagement ditty etc I am happy to say the little cut in DB noise is very livable to me again. This concludes my carby saga finally!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool Goat Herder, you found your Granny gear! :D At the epitamy of tunage... is there no greater gift for all the finagling? :) You should write an e-book!

I got out for a speed run on the 29er w/J-shaft. hit 36Mph(60Kmh) on break in gas and china plug. Should be fun on normal 32:1 and BH6S,
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

cut out a mounting plate for the new bike, might try to pick up some angle iron to support it better since there won't be much under the actual motor to support the weight.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike to the park, manually. I dont have a motor installed yet but will in the next week. Plan on buying a better carb once I get the motor. Also want to get a better spark plug and CDI. Any suggestions? I want cheap and good performance from my parts.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

trued my sprocket down to a 1.5 mm wobble....these rag joints do suck, don't they?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Better carb: Delorto SHA from Pirate Cycles, RT carb from Thats Dax, or the budget priced NT Speed if you can actually find one these days.


I personally think the Delorto SLA Clone is a better carburetor and at $69.95 with a plethora of jets and custom air filter from Piston Bikes a great alternative. I have over 500 miles on mine and not a problem yet, that and my Ultra High Density Clutch Pucks (on sale next week through Piston Bikes too...) LOL....