what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Would drilling and safety wire help?

That is a thought Acraze. I been trying to come up with a mechanical rather then chemical fix for this. Seems to happen on all. I really am at a loss as to how to go about it. The shaft does not extend all the way to the end of the clutch. So I use washers as a spacer. Pic below;

Oh man! There are 2 set screw holes. Could thread a wire threw. Thanks Acraze!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is a thought Acraze. I been trying to come up with a mechanical rather then chemical fix for this. Seems to happen on all. I really am at a loss as to how to go about it. The shaft does not extend all the way to the end of the clutch. So I use washers as a spacer. Pic below;

Oh man! There are 2 set screw holes. Could thread a wire threw. Thanks Acraze!
Hey Dan if you can secure a light gauge washer to the sprocket some how you could always bend up one corner of it to hold against the flat on a hex head to keep it from loosening.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is gonna be cool Skarrd! Could put a good sized diesel in that mug.

Yesterday I lost the retention bolt holding my clutch on the engine drive shaft. So my shoed clutch guts, shot out. I put it back together but might be toast.

I have tried loc-tyte and muffler sealer. They just loosen up eventually. Just one of those things ya gotta watch. Not exactly my long suit. Ya know, paying attention to stuff.
Dan I would like a clarification of what happened. I have no doubt that you say there were parts (shoes) shot out of the bell of the clutch.

What I have are a couple of centrifugal clutches both toothed and pulley types. None of the engines I have are with a threaded hole in the end of the crankshaft, which I understand helps keep the clutch on the shaft even though I have a keyway for use with key and a set screw.

I have seen other posts that talk about drilling the shaft and tapping threads so you have this additional feature.

Also there is another set screw that is 90 degrees opposed to the keyway set screw that also is tightened.

As I were in the past be tempting fate now by not having the threaded hole in the end if the shaft.

I think a bolt and something like a fender washer to hold the clutch in, in the case that the other two set screws and keyway fail is what it is for?

The thing about the clutches I have, there is a cir-clip that is used to hold the clutch together and the shoes and the springs, ect parts inside would not be coming apart unless it failed. The clutch coming off the end of the shaft could happen if the chain also broke and both set crews loosened.

So I am not sure about a bolt you speak of that let the shoes shoot out?

Measure Twice
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Whicked score Skarrd! Frig Dan hope you have a backup bike, for your courier thing. Dang.

I've had some fun with this today, new 29er:


Pic post of the build

Friggin still smiling from the first run. Dang tornado warnings around here, don't want to push my luck...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You could try a short piece of threaded rod and a nut to lock it, to make a stud, then use a flatwasher and locknut to hold the clutch hub on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looks like fun to motorize, Skaard! wonder how it will handle?
..be like taking off in a tail dragger!

Dan, no better than what I can see in the sole pic, and description, I can pick out a few options.
The crank is soft, or the screw you selected is.. really poor choice of a screw! lol and at least one of those washers is not concentric... that may throw a force in the soup to work that screw out.
If the crank and/or the screw are soft, ot there is a sloppy match of the threads, it's an uphill battle and you'll probably get a vacation for littering the hi-ways and by-ways of the public...

BTW, Fine idea to take a pic of your cherished bike with a row of Harvey's Honey Huts as a backdrop! LOL do they have a downstream pipe that dumps into the river that bridge goes over??? Whew!

Fire up that there shiny mill and make a bored slug to extend that crank so the grade 8 allen head bolt you buy for it next time can actually be tightened up against something besides a couple flimsy washers.
You could maybe machine a flange on it that would retain the clutch.

Make a friend at the airport...
Them guys got A #1 quality stainless steel lock-wire and can even describe to you the lost art of actually using the stuff so it works!
Drill your allen head bolt on that there mill/drill so you can use the spiffy lock wire!

OR, you could use a hex headed bolt and drill and tap the clutch center part to insert a holding screw like used on an HT flower nut for the clutch.

The slug for the crank extension is probably still needed.

I'd agree, a mechanical solution might be better than a chemical option because all that stuff is heating up with use and heat is the method we commonly use to break epoxied screws loose... but they got some really good stuff now that could additionally be applied to the thread for assembly once you know it's working well.

Good luck
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks Guys! I really do appreciate every ones time and effort.

I just typed a wall of text and it got lost. Dang interweb
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took the new bike out for a ride (no motor yet, just pumped the tires)

it's shakey at first (but also not used to how chopper bikes handle, been a while) but once it's moving, man... it's awesome!

also will be able to use the sbp jack shaft bracket on this one, just need to drill a mounting hole to keep it from twisting, but it'll run the pocket bike motor, or someday a 4 stroke.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was pay day Friday and I just landed a pretty cool contract for my courier gig. (A courier is a person or a company who delivers messages, packages, and mail) Could be a really good thing cash wise.

So went for a ride and found this odd little bar, The "sports page" just down the road in Hartford. If there were 12 people in it, 2 would have to stand and you would have trouble getting to the rest room as it is so small. The owner, George, is from Peru and a great and friendly host.

Made a couple of new friends. The little one kept waiting for me to come out side for a smoke so she could curl up in my lap and go to sleep. The taller one and I proceeded to drink way to much until her date arrived and Carol came pic me up many hrs later.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have not done it yet, maybe it just to bright to even use on the bicycle and road. Maybe I can make something that can aim the beam more down on he road and not in peoples eyes. I have a huge maglight and some smaller bicycle lights to compare to. Lol it even has cooling fins like the china girl. 50 watt 4500 lumen hid flashlight!

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just got back from vacation. The bike sat for two weeks in my apartment while I was gone. On the morning that I returned to work, I pumped up the tires a couple psi, pedalled to the gas station, poured oil into the tank and pumped in three quarts of 87 octane. The Tanaka 47R engine roared to life in two pulls. I pedalled for a couple blocks and jumped off the curb for a good sloshy mix. Then I opened up the petcock and I was off to work. I had leaned out the high end a few weeks ago. The engine seemed slightly mushy in midrange, so I might reset the carb. Other than that the engine runs fine. In fact, it starts MUCH easier now. One pull with choke on, then engine fires up on the next pull with choke off (This engine has less than 1,000 miles on it).

The rear cassette had to be replaced because the gears were bent. This was prolly due to powershifting and beginner's abuse of the shifting. Now whenever I shift gears, I pedal for two seconds then apply power.

The 37.09:1 first gear is excellent for climbing steep parking ramps. It also works well with gridlocked, bumper-to-bumper traffic on steep hills.

This bike is a trip. It is the perfect commuting vehicle. All I did was fill gas and air after two weeks of not using it. The bike took me to work without a hiccup. Traffic was REALLY bad. In certain areas, I jumped onto the sidewalk to bypass the gridlock. The engine ran slightly above idle when necessary, at about jogging speed.

Whenever I pass slow moving traffic, I've been pedal-assisting my bike. I think the drivers feel less resentful if they see me working for my ride.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After following that link I found this


Kinda cool DIY page.

Cool. If ya make one, please post pics.

Man, ya gotta love this intertube/web comthuncter stuff. So easy to share thoughts and information. Is like having a library card to every library in the world where the books and magazines update them selves.

I think it's gonna catch on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looked at mine and thought "Oh, yeah, I need to order that new magneto and CDI/ignition coil unit before it gets too cold to ride"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a air box/silencer today of sorts. The 21mm carby lets more motor noise out.:(

Used 15 layers or so of the plastic diamond hole shaped, nylon/plastic fruit mesh directly waded/wrapped over the big foam racing air filter. How many layers is currently hard for me accurately to say? The stuff little cherry tomatoes/limes/oranges etc come inside from the store all sacked in. 1.90mm size Drill bit. Found a Plastic container to sleeve over the large foam filter from Harbor Freight. ''The smaller container that plastic cable ties come in.''

Note the plastic was so thick on this container I used a hacksaw blade to cut it.

Has a 10mm or so air gap clearance from the circumference of the foam element without the fruit plastic mesh and is cut flush to the plastic frame the foam is attached/glued to at the carb side.

Drilled a whole bunch of holes strategically all over the circumference of the cut to length old cable tie plastic container sleeve. Boarder of too many. Then finally three more layers of plastic mesh and last two nylon layers of stocking to cover it on the outside for appearance sake air flow/noise and strength/stiffness was thought into this equitation while testing my lungs on it. Was kinda of a happy accident lol.

This all couples together with the only one main hose clamp that holds the large original foam filter to the large nylon plastic nut that simply threads onto the back of the carburetor.

I know it sounds like I went backwards? Testing this thing I could not see any difference in air restriction that I could accurately discern from simply blowing through the filter with my lungs. I was very adamant about that when constructing and checking.

Cut my currant motor noise down substantially prolly in half the bike seams to run better too.

Here is why I figure? Air/fuel mix that always blows back through the carb filter on a two stroke is now contained very nicely in my larger air box/silencer to the tune of coincidental nice humidity. The atomized fuel/air charge is contained and effectively recycled. Sounds good ha ha thats my story I am sticking too it lol. :D

Hard to explain but its a working and I like it. So far as appearance is concerned. It looks just like my original foam filter at first glance yet is just a little larger and its still black in color from the two layers of black womans nylons on the very outside. It weighs very little and the whole shebang is nice and stiff from the one hose clamp and outside layers of plastic fruit mesh stretched tightly over the plastic sleeve acting like a unibody structure.

It also partially breaths from the 10mm or so gapped circumference but that is stiffly strategically filled up with the plastic mesh to gracefully accommodated the gap and buck noise.. All this is crammed together and hidden from sight by the one hose clamp. ''A nice miracle too snork''laff. Last it is still totally serviceable/reversible in a snap to clean it all up and repack it. This things breaths remarkably well!!

Wish I could find my camera's memory card? I will no doubt go over the design to clean things up a tad. I love a quite bike. The BoXers exhaust noise is very quiet all the racket comes from the carb.

Its a bit loud just like a H.T. when the throttle is all the way open. Have gotten remarkably close to a little ol honda generator sound DB wise when just cruising down the street.;) This has always been my goal with the Morini.

I always wanted to construct a air box/silencer. Will be redesigning etc but my first go at this has been a hoot! Opened up some ideas anyway.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went and read that whole post and was sorely disappointed to find no pics at the end of it :-(
I know really Sorry for that I got a few pictures I would like to share too. Gonna have to make it my next mission. Its an old camera Olympus cheepy can't find my old or a new memory card for it. Checked the price of new cameras was a bit outta my budget locally. :(

Edit for 3 hours of riding later and half a gallon of gas or so. Unscrewed the assembly to blow through it again and sure enough the relative humidity thing. The foam element is a bit saturated with oil. Will it get more saturated? Kinda Doubt it. Will have to observe things? I think I road it long enough to get a clue.

It is slightly more restricted now but not by much or anything I wanna fret about just yet I think dunno? I did have to fine tune the fuel idle adjustment screw once much later in the riding around but not in the beginning which had perplexed me . I also got it out of kelter once doing the wrong adjustments.

I don't really at the moment notice any loss in performance. Darn thing runs it seams a tad better. Hard telling until I give things more time?

Thats the fun in this hobby something interesting to try. I will eventually perfect this! This has peaked my interest.

Also noticed that later on after my last adjustment this darn thing starts up way more often from cold than it ever did without touching the throttle. Before it was pretty much like clock work had to blip the throttle a tiny bit right when hitting the kick start witch was fine I never cared it was never a issue. Now I hit the kick start after this thing has cooled off considerably no choke and no touching the throttle it starts into its usual low idle.

The kind of foam filter I have been using has virtually no restriction what so ever that can be discerned simply left alone stock.

Another edit just checked with the filter unscrewed off starts up with out blipping the throttle. ''Force of starting habit made me miss that.'' Pretty cool I can just screw the filter off and recheck my over all judgment lol.

Now I am plain ol over analyzing things need to just step back obverse for a few and ride!~ I will give it a whole week then say sumthun.:p
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm coming to agree with you, Acraze, that the MAB may be the perfect commuter ticket...

I been looking at factory moped models, and recall a honda hobbit we had, and got rid of !!! because of poor handling... and I'm looking at all the scooter available now, and their prices... I don't really care for scooters much, though I remember a friends Honda Helix that was pretty plush.

I'm thinkin I'd just as soon stay below the radar with a MAB, as opposed to getting a mc and all the regs for them.

MAB is dandy for going over to see the doc, or the redbox, or the likker store.
Still gotta build a nice basket, though... and maybe a trailer, too.

Well, I did work on my MAB today...
Finally got out the spiffy little tool and pulled the complete clutch out, then the pinion gear.

Good ole Norm, Lord Vader, has NOT included in his great motor instructions that to access the bearings inside the clutch hub you need to have three little tiny pins AND a press. Them lil china fellers seem to rely on a press fit to keep the main part of the clutch together... figgers...

lol all I wanted to do was grease them 56 ball bearings and I still can't get it apart! lol and when I DO grease em, the design is gonna sling that grease directly onto the clutch pucks! Whew.
I dunno...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rust - I would love to see someone do up a guide to doing a proper clutch ring removal without splitting the case for bearing access, and ring/plate maintenance.