what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well G, I'm kind of a hack, so I couldn't do 'proper'... but I could u/l some pics to Lord Vader and he could add them to his tutorial thingy, which is already there...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


I hear ya there. Once I figure it out, I'm going to do a video in segments on full teardown on an HT.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


video would be bang-up fancy!
...but Norm's chalkboard method is dandy for people who may have bandwidth situations.
These really ARE simple engines.
I think the prob is they mixed a little too much cheep in w/simple!
Oh well.

thinkin more..Ouch! that hurts!
video WITH audio track MIGHT be a big help with the most complicated part of an HT.
setting up a cns.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hooray. I got to ride mine today. I went to town to get some stuff from Lowes. I'm sick of the construction. Some ijit almost hit me and ran over a schnieder egg just so he could pass me, then slam his brakes to turn into his street. Jerk. Oh well, the rest of the ride was nice, with a cool breeze that says goodbye to summer, and a cricket symphony.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you use a grease gun and rubber tip to pack grease through the left side where the little steel cyclinder and ball go in (clutch throwout), won't it grease those little bbs?

What about white lithium grease in the can with red straw?

I'm coming to agree with you, Acraze, that the MAB may be the perfect commuter ticket...

I been looking at factory moped models, and recall a honda hobbit we had, and got rid of !!! because of poor handling... and I'm looking at all the scooter available now, and their prices... I don't really care for scooters much, though I remember a friends Honda Helix that was pretty plush.

I'm thinkin I'd just as soon stay below the radar with a MAB, as opposed to getting a mc and all the regs for them.

MAB is dandy for going over to see the doc, or the redbox, or the likker store.
Still gotta build a nice basket, though... and maybe a trailer, too.

Well, I did work on my MAB today...
Finally got out the spiffy little tool and pulled the complete clutch out, then the pinion gear.

Good ole Norm, Lord Vader, has NOT included in his great motor instructions that to access the bearings inside the clutch hub you need to have three little tiny pins AND a press. Them lil china fellers seem to rely on a press fit to keep the main part of the clutch together... figgers...

lol all I wanted to do was grease them 56 ball bearings and I still can't get it apart! lol and when I DO grease em, the design is gonna sling that grease directly onto the clutch pucks! Whew.
I dunno...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

waiting for my new pair of thorn proof tubes for my MB. Haven't seen them for a few years. I hate fixing flats and I am no fan of slime. last time I used thorn proof tubes and tire protectors on my commuter bike I wore a three inch bald spot on my tire and I still did not get a flat.

I don't see as well as I used to, so I have a harder time spotting those bits of glass and junk in the road. I used to ride one of my bikes with sew-ups for a thirty mile commute(I used to be thirty pounds lighter to) without worrying about flats.

I should get it by next week and will se if they work as well as I remember.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

HCS, No... squirting excessive grease in the end of the sprocket shaft where the bucking bar is inserted will NOT lube the (56) little tiny ball bearings the clutch rides on. Doing that would just send a bunch of grease onto the clutch pads, if you pumped a whole lot in there...
Actually, ANY grease on the (56) lil tiny bb's will end up on the clutch pads!
It's a bad point in the design with no real fix.

I hope to post some pics, and dialogue over in Lord Vader's thread that will clearly show what is going on in there. Norm may consider my efforts worthy of incorporating into his tutorial??? :-)

...always a fly in the ointment... I can dis-assemble further, for pics, OR, re-assemble so I can ride the lil thing! lol
Nice WX here in Kalifornia. sry to read abt you Irene fellows. Sounds messy.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

bent my exhaust pipe with a torch & a garden weasel prong....picked up a new skill & gained about an inch of clearance between the pipe & the front tire.

After trying about 10 different combinations of parts from beat up rear wheels, I've decided to throw in the towel & just buy a new one. I would have upgraded it soon anyway....might as well do it now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i put on a front tire and rim. straightened the forks. replaced the fuel filter. fixed carb leak(kinda). started it for the first time!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Been removing heaven-only-knows how many years of rust from my wife's bike. Sweating bullets trying to keep track of where I've placed all the parts. Pinching pennies right now, so I have to clean the original parts (vs buying a new fork, seat post, cranks, handlebars, etc.) The build thread is titled "Lovely bike for a lovely lady". I'm hoping she'll let me motorize it so we can ride together someday. :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

waiting for my new pair of thorn proof tubes for my MB. Haven't seen them for a few years. I hate fixing flats and I am no fan of slime. last time I used thorn proof tubes and tire protectors on my commuter bike I wore a three inch bald spot on my tire and I still did not get a flat.

I don't see as well as I used to, so I have a harder time spotting those bits of glass and junk in the road. I used to ride one of my bikes with sew-ups for a thirty mile commute(I used to be thirty pounds lighter to) without worrying about flats.

I should get it by next week and will se if they work as well as I remember.

So your riding around on thin tubes aye. Speaks volumes about your terrain. I had Continental Town & Country Urban Bicycle Tires Good 2.4mm thick tubes with liners and got a flate in to days from a Goathead sticker. and I always tried to avoid them. These are nice thick scabbed tires too. Got the puncture at an angle by the scab tread from the side wall.

I put my Favorite Slime Sealant in there never touched it again.

I personally cannot imagine ever riding around ''especially uber speeds on a Motorized bike'' with a frail thin tube! To me that goes along with riding without a helmet. Real Motorized vehicles don't come with such a thin tube.

I have been riding around for 4 weeks now on a bald rear tire on my BoXer bike. That's the one I pulled the two now nails out of. Little carpenter size picture nails. Same tube Same tire no tire liner its holding air perfectly. No fuss no patch kit no mess.

Nails glass those are absolutely the least of my worries. Its nice to no I have protection tho. Its the stickers here that are absolutely brutal.

I am simply gonna put the very same tube in a new tire http://motorbicycling.com/f53/24-x3-0-true-heavy-duty-27659.html
Next round I will go all new again.

A decent tube adds considerable strengths to a weak tire!

I peddled a none motorized bike home across town once carried on my shoulders, Bars Back pack a new H.T. and a J shaft kit a hanging precariously. ''A complete bike with down hill forks still attached'' Had it hanging around my neck and shoulders by the frame. Figure that had to be more than 300 pounds with me on the bike easy. I am the big lumber jack fellow.


What is a pinch flat and what is a patch kit I forgot? Have not seen those in years now. :-{

Cute little buggers but I got no use for Gerbils. Ha Ha

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Been removing heaven-only-knows how many years of rust from my wife's bike. Sweating bullets trying to keep track of where I've placed all the parts. Pinching pennies right now, so I have to clean the original parts (vs buying a new fork, seat post, cranks, handlebars, etc.) The build thread is titled "Lovely bike for a lovely lady". I'm hoping she'll let me motorize it so we can ride together someday. :)
Sounds pretty cool Allen:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Man! Glad to hear your OK Happy? Just a slow speed spill can hurt and maim.:eek:

Cool vid Brodder.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks. The ground was really hot and the tires are soft rubber mtb treads. Last time I put road 1.75 or 2.0 on it, I ran over some farm tractor mud and gravel and about did that same thing, so I usually just leave something knobby on and try to take it easy.

"Flying is easy, son! It's landing that is the hard part!"

The car driver at the light stared and started to get out, but I just gave them the 2 thumbs up and shoveled the bike out of the road.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I really don't like slicks my self. Here with desert wind Monsoons lately there is washes of sand gravel textured dirt unto the pavement in spots. Not paying attention and going down hard is always a cause for checking my self.

All my builds lately are 26X2.7 or 24x3.0 with some kind of tread aired to about 42 psi or more. I like this size tire because it claws into the pavement better and smooths the ride. Everything has its trade offs. 26x1.75 is a great long lasting tire I just don't trust their grip as much personally.

Its a darn shame manufacturers make all these frames for the smaller width tires. Then of course there is the H.T. chain clearance ditty.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Google Fatties Fit Fine and besides the inevitable porn you can find stuff about Surly bikes that take 3.0 tires, snow bikes, and other frame companies that fit big tires.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The new all terrain Mountain bike 29ers are pretty sweat. More tire on the road. Potentially less rolling resistance
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congrats X !

You'll be in for a lot of fun!!!

We'll see you next over at the HATE CNS threads... heehee :-)

Really, they ARE a lot of fun setting up the carbs and stuff.

8R... it's a good thing when wisdom sneaks in !
I keep messin' around with the same old stack of salvaged bicycle parts... spend HOURS just looking at different things plotting how I can make use of them, or which combination might be the most resourceful.

It's always nice to get something you know is good and run with it. :-)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Great crash vid, Happy!
Glad you didn't wreck the camera, or the bike much, and of course, yourself.

Ha! I feel like 'The Dude', listening to your soundtrack while I was doing something else at the table... 4 stroking along... heck, mine is FAR worse!
...and we gotta get you to loosen up your throttle cable or lower the idle just a tad.

I'm a highly experience HT mekanik now... lol my ht will idle nice ! lol
It's ALL tore up now for the clutch work. Will get back to speed improvements once that is resolved...

I've tried SO many times to watch the goat's 10min video but always have trouble with the feed. WiFi... Oh well...

Those are GREAT WIDE tires GH has got... I looked at his tube link.
mebbe I float a bank loan to get set up that way... :-)

Hey! Anyone wanna talk abt their camera and video technique?
I got a old panasonic that uses a DVtape... but never even tried to get anything over to the pc... I'd like to ! Guess I don't know nuthin abt it.

Really enjoy the vids when my link is flying! Tnx!