what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bikeberry.com sells a $35 OTS brand metal "rag joint" that replaces the 2 rubber donuts, and has slots for the spokes.

Yesterday, I had to re-adjust my rear sprocket/rag joint setup. The chain popped off twice in 12 hours. I'm beginning to really dislike the rag joint. Its nearly impossible to get this thing perfectly straight. My 1st bike I put over 200 miles on it before I had to tighten any bolts on it. The rubber discs are not cut with even thickness. One is more wedge like than the other. I had an extra kit so I tried to match up the 2 best rubber discs.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

filled my tank with fuel, stood there looking at my engine, thought geez i did good then went back inside and fell asleep lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Decided, after troubleshooting not getting spark on here, to swap out my magneto in an attempt to correct the problem. It worked!

After that I also decided that the rattling from my broken fender mounts was annoying me too much, so I took them off.

After doing this the bike looked like a misfit.....A board tracker trying to be a cruiser or probably more like vise versa.....so I completed the board tracker look by inverting the handlebars and adjusting the throttle and clutch cables to fit the finish.

Loving the new look and am very happy that my bike can have a different look with very little work and no money..xx.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You will need to cut out 12 spokes from your wheels. It only fits 36 spoke wheels.


I am sorry to hear that it won't fit for you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Why not put a little gas in the oil bottle, mix that up, then dump in the tank and continue filling? I prefer to mix my gas at home and fill before leaving, but I have used this method with success.

I USED to do that. Then I realized it's an unecessary step and another chance to spill fluids and dirty my work clothes. You know, big gas nozzle in bottle's small neck. Pump, pump, spill, drat. Remove dripping nozzle, pour in oil, keep bike from falling over, pump fuel with right hand and hold reserve bottle in left hand. I'm always thinking that the gas pump is on a timer, which might stop pumping if I dilly-dally. I swear, three hands would work very well, pumping gas.

This way, I don't need to keep fuel at home AND remember to bring it home on a weekly basis. I pour oil in the bottle a few days after the last fillup. If I'm running low on fuel while on the road, I use the oil reserve. If I pedal from home to the nearby station, I shut the petcock and pour in oil from the quart container at home. Once at the Chevron, I open the cap, process my debit/credit card, slosh in the gas, complete the fill and pedal away.

After refilling so many times, I had to figure out what works for me and what doesn't.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ah!!!!!! I just saw this TUBE 2.75/3.00X23 IRC think I will order it tonight!! I know mebbe I am just rambling again lol. Mebbe they come radio active now!!? Seeing the power plant accident and all ;):D

Problem is motorcycles measure by the rim and bicycles go by the tire... I had to stretch my last tube just a tad to get it on the rim. Pretty sure this one is it..

Not Kidding these tubes come in a shoe size box! They will not fit in any thing smaller.

I should have gotten this onelaff
These tubes came in today they will not work on a 24X3.0 bicycle tire. So nobody should even bother to try these. I will have to return them. Also they were not heavy duty like my first tube I tried. :(

I will just get the same tube I used before because well it worked pretty good.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is the fun thing about the bikes. Lots of creativity, and people sharing tips. I use this, and don't spill the fuel. It has a button to release the fuel dispensing lever, and when you let go, it shuts off instantly. I can carry it in my milk crate to go get the fuel, or just leave it at home after fueling.
Blitz Gas Can 1 Gallon $5-10
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a jug and nozzle like that, as well as three other jugs. i USED to carry a jug on my bike, until I found a four-liter fuel tank. All my jugs are in storage now.

Hey, whatever works is good enough.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I carry my emergency fuel in a Gatorade bottle and usually have it in a bottle holder on the bike
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Last night I pulled an all nighter puttin together my motorbike I have a sbP shift kit ,expansion chamber , cns carb with cns aluminum billet intake using a Dax 80 all installed on a Novara bonanza frame

So far so good started up easily shifts nice now all I nOw I just have to tweak the carb and adjust a few things here and here mainly the right side cog on tue jack shaft keeps vibrating loose and sliding to the right I'm gunna file the shaft some more try some removable locktight if that don't hold some exteme hold will
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is the fun thing about the bikes. Lots of creativity, and people sharing tips. I use this, and don't spill the fuel. It has a button to release the fuel dispensing lever, and when you let go, it shuts off instantly. I can carry it in my milk crate to go get the fuel, or just leave it at home after fueling.
Blitz Gas Can 1 Gallon $5-10

Got one just like this out in my shed; works great. I got a pretty good system: the gallon jug holds some premix, the plastic oil bottle is one of the ones with two reservoirs where you squeeze the oil into the upper one that has measurements on it - 20 to 1, 32 to 1, 40 to 1, and so one. And I would carry a small jug of two-stroke oil with me wherever I went - just enough for a pint of gas.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got one just like this out in my shed; works great. I got a pretty good system: the gallon jug holds some premix, the plastic oil bottle is one of the ones with two reservoirs where you squeeze the oil into the upper one that has measurements on it - 20 to 1, 32 to 1, 40 to 1, and so one. And I would carry a small jug of two-stroke oil with me wherever I went - just enough for a pint of gas.

Yes, I also carry a small container of oil wherever I go - just enough for three quarts of fuel.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my friends cranbrook to help break it in, He is a young guy with two and four year olds and no time to ride the bike. It's been a long time since I had that problem, anyway the bgf z50 is coming along well getting stronger every ride. What I have found that works for me is to ride the bike up the road I live on and back about three to four times which gets the motor to operating temp. but not too hot, about five miles each time.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just ordered a flying horse 66cc engine kit for the schwinn stingray!!! YEA!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm home with a kid too. I pull my toddler around on my pedal bike for "tree watching time" (watching the trees go by and the little birdies flying around in the nature preserve). I haven't towed the kid trailer with the mb. I think it is probably too loud, and geared too high. I have another bike, a really sedate looking road/hybrid bike. When I get one of the friction drive kits, I'll put a rubber hose on the muffler exit and run it high enough it doesn't smoke the trailer lol. I think if it has the small roller we can cruise around at 10mph and not be too loud. Is there a thread on this?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Without bothering to check a weather report (remember this, it becomes important later) I decided that, after a year, it was time to see if the engine on my Higgins would run. There wasn't any reason it shouldn't. I spent many hours in the shed taking things apart and checking things over once I could walk around better after that accident. Brand new carburettor. New plug. Several adjustments and much tightening. Searched all over for any hairline cracks or other damage. Nothing should be keeping it from running top notch.

So tonight I grabbed the old peanut and bolted it on. Wired everything up. Made a last check of all nuts and bolts and wiring connections. About this time I hear a *CRAA*AA*ACk* BOOM!!! - and rain falls on the shed almost as if one of those forestry choppers emptied an upteen hundred gallon bucket. No riding tonight.

I've studied criminal law, civil law, bankruptcy law; shoulda studied Murphy's Law.