what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Filled the old peanut, which I am using for a temp tank, and fired up the Higgins! Took a quick spin around the block. Man, what a rush after nearly a year of being away!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Carb started pouring fuel.
Against my own better judgement I took it off and started taking it apart at night under a streetlamp. I told myself I was more likely to lose some irreplaceable part than actually get it running with the few tools I carry.
Turns out the floats in that gas well or pool at the bottom of the carburetor had come off it's hinge. the pin that attaches it poured out with the fuel. I slid it on and was back on the road minutes later.

Question: Is this common? has anyone else hadthis happen?
It's a Grubee shyhawk with about 150 miles on it.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still doing minor tweaking. Spring seat, Inverted my bars and gooseneck. Way more comfy now.

Found out that 3/4" copper elbows fit on the NT carb perfectly. Might get to use my air filter yet. :)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

wandered if i could ride my bike all the way to manitou from my house sucess was a great ride just cruise the whole way thier
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took mine for ride to do socializin-jst got back....my summer 48cc Bridgestone just hauled like nobodys buisness..had to keep easing back to slow down- the carb on it has no gass air ratio set screw like my 35 has. It's preset at factory to give maximum power at certain RPM. -will not let me go slow-kicks back at me -have to gun it and then it kicks in and I get nothing but power and speed-real smooth.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

KDB had the same thing happen to me. Wire let go in the float hinge. I think I fixed it with a clip I made that goes around the two holes. So far so good.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

broke my carb flanges and intake. gotta buy a new carb and offset intake or billet.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was install day for a pair of http://motorbicycling.com/member.php?u=12350 Al.Fisherman clutch rollers. The install only took a few minutes per bike, and went quite smoothly. On the wife's bike the cable is long enough and the set-up was perfect first try. On my beast I had to sort out the cable routing a bit, took about an inch and a quarter off the end of the sheath and retipped it to get me the slack I needed for the clutch to work properly. Now both are smooth as silk, and on mine it takes a single finger to pull the lever now. On hers it takes a little more effort, but it's still under it's first 100 miles so the cables haven't stretched much yet.

Thanks for the rollers, Ron, great work!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did a quick ride to the store and everything went flawlessly. Had good power from the start, after a couple of blocks I turned the choke off and it pulled grate. I have been having some problems with it missing at random intervals before, so its made me leery about going on a longer ride. Tomorrow I am going back to school and I guess I will try for a twelve mile run up a steep set of hills an back.

I will let you folks know how it went tomorrow.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the extended intake soldered up and mounted. Can't test yet because of rain, grr. Hopefully it'll help my bottom end

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lookin' cool Killer! I really like the look of copper. Just a thought, have you considered a copper or brass fuel line? I think that would really set it off and look sharp.

My chain started coming off so took up the rear of the engine but think I have an ever so slight alignment problem. But livable.

All of a sudden, stalling at quick starts. Gonna clean the carb and check float. Just started happening and getting worse. Not a biggie and only stalls when I wail on it at city green lights.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

wonder what ppl would say if you took a chinagirl to banavil salt flats? and the copper fuel line would look killer with the copper intake man.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I looked at it longingly. That's about it. Frequent thunderstorms, no rain suit, and me with a head cold that makes my temples throb and my nose run like a leaky water main. All in all, rather a sucky day spent indoors being sick.


There's tomorrow. My bike runs now and I want to ride it. Just not today.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I pedalled my bike to the Chevron station this morning to fill gas. Instead of using my reserve bottle's oil, I shut the petcock and poured in 2 oz at home. There might've been 8 oz left in the tank, so that made for a good mix when I reached the gas pump. After fillup, I rode on the bumpy grass for a city block. Then I stopped, opened the petcock and started the Tanaka engine.

Upon reaching the parking structure, I couldn't find my access key. I'd forgotten to place it around my neck, so I couldn't access the lot. I lifted my bike out of the way of the cars entering the parking structure. The lot attendant then opened the gate for me, and I roared up the steep ramp.

Thirty minutes later, I'm standing in my work cubicle.....and it hit me. My back went out. Methinks it was the way I lifted the bike out of the way and onto the concrete "island". I spent all day walking around in pain. It was okay when I sat down, or even drove the company car. If I pushed my rolling chair down the hallway, that was much better than walking. To play it safe, I left my MB locked and secure at my workplace. My wife picked me up from work; it was a rare occasion that I let her drive me as a passenger.

Unsure if I'm going to work tomorrow. I already notified my secretary that I hurt my back. If I don't go to work, I'll still retrieve my bike from the parking structure and ride it home.....slowly. The hardest part will be pushing the MB up to my second-floor apartment.....all 21 steps.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ouch! I am sorry to hear that your back is troubling you! If you haven't seen a doctor yet, I recommend a product called Backaid Max. For me, it works much better than Doans.
I am 6' 7" so I am always doing my best to treat my back carefully when I do heavy lifting.
Still, "stuff" happens from time to time and I have been nearly incapacitated by the pain.

Get better soon!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lost my speedometer. :(

the display/computer had shimmied a little while i was riding and i went to adjust it with my thumb, next thing i see is it bouncing on the ground next to me and getting run over by cars.

at least it was $12

best thing you can have in your arsenal is GOOP and clear GE silacone...Dennis
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the extended intake soldered up and mounted. Can't test yet because of rain, grr. Hopefully it'll help my bottom end
That chrome and the copper look looks great! You gave me some ideas about an experimental intake on one of my Morini's . I got to thinking about the shingle effect of those fittings. I got to thinking about Venturis and there effects. My hour glass shaped hole in my main jet diddy I just recently discovered ''by accident'' and like a whole bunch at the moment!:)

I was beginning to think about the fork crowns I had lying around before for a carb manifold.

What I am thinking about now is hydraulics of air so to speak. A way to speed up the air a tad right at the carby. '' I still pounder what I can get away with with a big carb'' Was thinking bigger ''fatter'' shorter intake with a funnel shape right where the carb bolts up to said manifold? This in theory dunno? Might better atomize fuel? Mebbe from air sped up at said carby?

I may try it or never get around to it at all. This thing run's very well to begin with right now. It's the ol grass is greener somewhere analogy. I can't help but want to try some things and see what they do...

I was wondering how your higher rpm's are fairing off with your long manifold? It looks Kewl..

Thirty minutes later, I'm standing in my work cubicle.....and it hit me. My back went out.
I purchased about 9 years ago now one of the authentic models ''not a knock off brand'' the Chuck Noris Total Gym's .

For three months all I did was target my back muscles with it. Best money I ever spent. I have not thrown my back out but one time in my life about 18 years ago. I do lots of stretching out now. That total gym can target back muscles precisely better than anything I myself have yet to see when used correctly..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ouch! I am sorry to hear that your back is troubling you! If you haven't seen a doctor yet, I recommend a product called Backaid Max. For me, it works much better than Doans.
I am 6' 7" so I am always doing my best to treat my back carefully when I do heavy lifting.
Still, "stuff" happens from time to time and I have been nearly incapacitated by the pain.

Get better soon!

Thanks for your concern, GearNut. I'm off to the doctor; I had this exact symptom earlier this year. My best crutch is a rolling chair; I feel absolutely no pain pushing it around. Next best thing is a 6-foot wooden pole(staff).

I need time, and painkillers. On a scale of 1-10, it's 0 when sitting and sleeping, 4 when tossing and turning, and intermittent spasms of 7 when walking.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Get well 5-7, back pain sucks...

dang, guys, I was going to paint the intake black(hi heat), but now y'all got me thinking of leaving it(maybe a flux wash to brighten it up). Copper line would look great, and I wouldn't have to use crappy looking zip-ties. Are compression fitting's the best way to go? The threads I've checked out with copper lines use a 'cheater' piece of normal line to attach to the tank/carb/filter, that should work good, eh?

As far as bending the tubing goes, I've read in the past that filling the tube with sand, or even filling with water and freezing it will help it to keep from kinking. I'm thinking for the 'old timey' loop. Or is it soft enough to coax it around a seat tube or something as long as I don't force it?

I'm still battling an air leak where the elbows attach onto the manic shorty. Doesn't idle worth a crap, lol. So haven't opened her up yet, don't want to cook it with a leak/lean condition.

What I did was cut a + in the end with a hacksaw to give it room to crimp. Not working out too good... Should get 3 more elbows and start over, call this one a 'mulligan' :p

That hourglass venturi effect sounds cool Goatman. Copper fittings are cheap to play with. Let us know what you come up with :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hope your back is better soon! I hurt mine picking up my baby! AG! At least it went down in 2 days. I didn't get to ride my bike though. I found an old door and started using it for a ramp to put the bike in the truck.