what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for concerns, guys. It's an injury i incurred over 20 years ago. It reoccurs every so often. The last time was four years ago.

My bike is secure at work, as well as all my riding gear. I'll have someone drop me off at work tomorrow. Then I'll ride it home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today I learned that "final" mounting of the motor takes a few more steps than you'd think.
I think I've had the motor on the bike 7 times now, with a handful of mounting variations. The final setup is pretty cool. Just gotta make a shim or 2 for the mounts, & it'll be time to start aligning the chain. Got a deadline of Sunday night to get it on the road.

I've had to do quite a bit of fabricating on this bike, but it's finally coming together. My buddy has been a great help with making parts & teaching me stuff, so I told him to consider the garage his whenever he needs it. That was a good move....the garage now contains a drill press, a brand new band saw, torque wrenches, tap & die tools, more light, & (my favorite) a full set of ratcheting box wrenches. I'll probably start a build thread...I've still got notes & pics from the process, & maybe somebody use some of the solutions I've got.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was on my way to school at 730AM, made it almost there, just less than 7/8 of the distance. My pant leg got caught in the motor chain and I skid and stopped from 35-40MPH down to 0MPH in a matter of seconds. Got off my bike to tear out the piece of tiny clothe, nothing was wrong with the motor/gear. So I was just getting ready to hop back on.. I noticed the chain was loose, and guess what... the damn tensioner bent like a mother ****er. So I had to walk it the remaining distance, and got to school at about 815AM. Now I'm waiting to get done with my classes here in 2 hours, (at 1250AM), and see if one of the janitors would be kind enough to help me bend it back in place so I can ride home. I had a nice morning, wouldn't you say? haha
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Glad you are not hurt rmerac. That is cool you ride an mb to school. I rode pedal-bikes a lot, and some kids were real d-bags about it. I had to buy an old road bike and convert it to fixie to keep them from wrecking my racing bike or messing with the gears. Luckily they didn't poke the tires or steal it.

Try getting some long bootlaces to use for leg binders. I like to ride in slacks and usually don't have a problem, but on a windy day once, I burned a pair on the engine fins. Use the shoelaces to wrap the pants (not too tight) so they don't flap. Also, getting some pedal extenders might help, or a longer BB or wider crank. (I don't know what kind of bike you have)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Re final mounting of motor. I mounted mine up as high as I could on the seat tube, and shimmed the mounting plate on the front to get the rear clamp to line up. This makes the chain pass over the left chain stay well enough I don't need the can-opener tensioner.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nothing wrong with riding to school, or work.
I ride seven miles through the woods every day to work. It's 20 miles on the road, or seven through the forest. I usually take my mountain bike though, it's more fun. But on the occasion, I do take the MB.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for the tip HC. The motor's riding pretty high now, it's mounted on 2 pucks with U bolts & plates. Looks like there's about a 2mm gap up front I'm making a shim for. Maybe I'm being too anal, but I've seen some of the pics of sheered mounting studs & I don't wanna take the chance.

Got some sweet new black metal fenders with ducktails today at the LBS. They look a little wide for the frame, so the shop told me take em home, see if they fit, & if not I can return em. (Honestly, I'll probably just make em fit). They didn't have the bullet headlight or old school analog speedometer in stock, so the owner said he'll check his house this week to see if he's got some old ones he can sell me. Gotta love the local shops.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installed a longer intake manifold, while test riding it, i accidentally popped a wheelie from idle.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I brought my bike home from work.dance1

I hurt my back at work on Monday, so I had left my MB locked and secured at work. Yesterday was spent visiting the doctor and the accountant.Doc gave me muscle relaxants. IRS claimed I owed them $9K, but I got it whittled down to $1600. That was painful too.:-||

This morning I woke up at 60% normal, good enough to drag myself to work. At day's end, I wasn't any better, but put on my protective gear and hobbled into the parking structure. There she rested, my faithful steed, none the worse for spending the night away from home, waiting patiently for her master. My son had suggested that we strap her on the bike rack and carry my MB home. However, she had a full tank of gas. It would've been messy if the tank wasn't drained before racking the bike. It seemed like a better idea to hop on the bike, hold on and ride away. My son has never ridden my MB's, so it'd be safer if I brought the beast home. After a thorough inspection,my bike roared to life, I hopped on, slowly rode down three floors of the parking structure and onto the road. This time, it was a joyride instead of a race home. All shifts were made smoothly at a much lower rpm. Traffic was left at a respectable distance behind. Six miles flew by before I realized that I was home. Road bumps went unnoticed by simply lifting my butt off the seat. When I reached home, my son was there to carry the bike upstairs to our apartment.

Home at last! Riding my MB six miles was less painful than walking 30 steps to my home.

Time, rest and muscle relaxants do wonders for an aching back. I should be ready to ride to work tomorrow.

I can't wait for daylight!xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks, Dan.

I rode my bike to work today. Riding six miles is easier than walking 60 feet.

God bless painkillers.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

5-7, OT but way back I was showing a kid how to pick up an emergency hawser off the rail on a tug. (I was all of 30 or so, lol) But it was a motion and lift I had done a 1,000 times if not more. But some thing in the back went *crick===snap* sorta sounding. 10 yrs of docs and this and that. Thing just hurt bad a lot of the time.

Sitting in the "Barn" a bar in NC that if you weren't armed, you were under dressed and in a good deal of trouble. lol A native American woman gave me a back rub. She was a good friend and was just a buddy thing. She snapped my neck so hard others heard it over the juke box ! But she found a lump in my back and explained the muscles that should slide over each other had become knoted and were working against each other. Causing me pain. She then told me "this is gonna hurt" LOL! (I am sure my screams can still be heard in space. Or NJ) But she took her thumb and pressed in the center of the lump and twisted. Hurt so good! Was fine, no kidding fine after that. Unless I let my self get dehydrated! I know! Cold baths and lots of water.

Not saying that would help you or in any way advice. Just amazed me. Simple old world stuff. Cost me a beer after thousands in insurance expenditures.
Or; I'm not a doctor, but I played one as a child.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Really glad to here your back is doing better!

200 miles now and I have not added one lick of air to my old said rear Slime tube. Its working flawlessly! Rock solid..:)(^) Talked to Dean today looking at a second BoXer. This ones gonna get freaky!!;) Shelter the Women and Children and tie up the family Dog! dnutdnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installed a clutch cable guide & front fender, made another shim for the front motor mount, made some RTV gaskets

got some drool on a set of handlebars that I'll probably end up using
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What did I do today??? Well I did a 70 mile bike ride out of Lake Mills Wisconsin. About mile 54 I was wishing I had my little China Girl with me!!!! Before i rode i weighed 204 and after I weighed 190. Pumping the fluids this evening!!

Look at my bib number!!!!


Heard lots of comments on the ride like, Dude, what did you do to get that number? Or Look, its Satan himself!!! and so forth and so on!!

Had a good day but surely missed my China Girl!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I would have pinned the number on up side down.
Congrats on your weight loss too!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Har Klap. Wearing the skull and cross bones too. LOL

If ya had a MB with you, you'd really have been the anti- bunch of things.

Great pic.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Har Klap. Wearing the skull and cross bones too. LOL

If ya had a MB with you, you'd really have been the anti- bunch of things.

Great pic.

Yeah that would have pretty funny, tucking in behind one of the trains of 8 or 10 riders. Maybe even wanting to lead!!!.wee.

My shirt is the Jolly Roger shirt with the saying on it, "The Beatings Will Continue Until moral improves"

I am a bit sore today!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm beginning to wonder if the 3000 mile mark is unlucky for me and MaBs. The last MaB I had that made it to 3K broke the frame around that mark. Thankfully, it didn't happen to me this time, but my bike "OCD" hit the 3K mark and promptly munched a chain and got a flat tire. I was expecting the (very beat-up) chain to munch, but not the flat tire. Argh.

So, I decided it was time to give the girl some well-deserved TLC. Off went the 4G, then the engine, then the gas tank. Turned the bike upside down and pulled the wheels. Pulled out the Simple Green and some rags and scrubbed off all that road dirt she'd been accumulating.

To-do list for the next day or two:
replace tires with a pair of Kenda Kiniptions that I got a great deal on
change oil, install Drainzit #1010 remote oil drain hose
drill out and tap all 4 engine base holes for conversion to SAE 1/4" stud
upgrade cable holders from zipties to rubberized clamps
replace all 3 chains, replace 4G belt

Things I need to do, but can't do quite yet:
get wheelstand rewelded (need welder, but he's busy)
replace jackshaft and jackshaft mount (jackshaft is slightly bent, mount is chewed up)
replace crank sprocket assembly with regeared HD version (have in toolbox, need 1 more sprocket)

Good times, good times.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm beginning to wonder if the 3000 mile mark is unlucky for me and MaBs. The last MaB I had that made it to 3K broke the frame around that mark. Thankfully, it didn't happen to me this time, but my bike "OCD" hit the 3K mark and promptly munched a chain and got a flat tire. I was expecting the (very beat-up) chain to munch, but not the flat tire. Argh.

So, I decided it was time to give the girl some well-deserved TLC. Off went the 4G, then the engine, then the gas tank. Turned the bike upside down and pulled the wheels. Pulled out the Simple Green and some rags and scrubbed off all that road dirt she'd been accumulating.

To-do list for the next day or two:
replace tires with a pair of Kenda Kiniptions that I got a great deal on
change oil, install Drainzit #1010 remote oil drain hose
drill out and tap all 4 engine base holes for conversion to SAE 1/4" stud
upgrade cable holders from zipties to rubberized clamps
replace all 3 chains, replace 4G belt

Things I need to do, but can't do quite yet:
get wheelstand rewelded (need welder, but he's busy)
replace jackshaft and jackshaft mount (jackshaft is slightly bent, mount is chewed up)
replace crank sprocket assembly with regeared HD version (have in toolbox, need 1 more sprocket)

Good times, good times.

I've been told that the average bike gets ridden only 75 miles.:-||