what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

5-7, OT but way back I was showing a kid how to pick up an emergency hawser off the rail on a tug. (I was all of 30 or so, lol) But it was a motion and lift I had done a 1,000 times if not more. But some thing in the back went *crick===snap* sorta sounding. 10 yrs of docs and this and that. Thing just hurt bad a lot of the time.

Sitting in the "Barn" a bar in NC that if you weren't armed, you were under dressed and in a good deal of trouble. lol A native American woman gave me a back rub. She was a good friend and was just a buddy thing. She snapped my neck so hard others heard it over the juke box ! But she found a lump in my back and explained the muscles that should slide over each other had become knoted and were working against each other. Causing me pain. She then told me "this is gonna hurt" LOL! (I am sure my screams can still be heard in space. Or NJ) But she took her thumb and pressed in the center of the lump and twisted. Hurt so good! Was fine, no kidding fine after that. Unless I let my self get dehydrated! I know! Cold baths and lots of water.

Not saying that would help you or in any way advice. Just amazed me. Simple old world stuff. Cost me a beer after thousands in insurance expenditures.
Or; I'm not a doctor, but I played one as a child.

I hurt my back working in a trailer factory. The guy I was working with and I tried to pick up a wall that was 14 feet long and paneled with 1/2 ply and no windows. Heaviest wall we ever tried to set, everything else had 1/8" paneling and windows that make them lighter. We started to hump the wall up on the deck, I saw my buddys eyes widen and he dropped his end, hernia. I dropped my end, back injury. Pain went on for years, best relief was when I could get a woman(lighter than men) to walk on my back.

The one day when I was working as a soundman for a rock band I was cleaning up after setting up the PA. My back was hurting as usual. I bent to pick up the last cord on the floor when *P*O*P*. It felt like a knife blade of white lightening replaced my spine for a breif second then...pain free!!! Oh, they heard the pop upstairs in the bar over the sound of the loud bar music.

My back hasen't bothered me at all since that time :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

old euro MABs are so cool. dave, watching the bronco's beating 2 set's of dog's this year. sec guy makin excuses cryin shame
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

old euro MABs are so cool. dave, watching the bronco's beating 2 set's of dog's this year. sec guy makin excuses cryin shame

Heheh, Boise State just seems to tweak the noses of the big universities. I posted on Fox Sports today in response to a Wisconsin Badger fan... This is like the first time I've heard of the Badgers having a decent team in a long time, I may be wrong. We play who we can get. Georga amazingly agreed to play us but the 2 times we played them have been away games. It was nice to spank them in their own house but where's the Georga at Boise State game? Some have whined that attendence is low at BSU games but every seat is sold and we actually have scalpers. Nevada was tough but there's been a rivalry from Big Sky days, one that both schools want to continue.

I just said to the dude do you really want to meet us in a Bowl game? We go almost every year that I can remember and have lost two.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

they [sec] will never play on the blue. but put up st. mama's girls collage [out of sec] and you got a 2 yr deal. at least oregon gave it a try. how's the morini going?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My back is much better, thank you. Time always makes it better.

I'm wearing a generic back brace. That helps a LOT, especially since I'm back carrying 40lb boxes.

My 8mm engine chain has stretched so much that the pin is pulling outa the endplate. I think it's too tight, so I'll loosen the chain.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Orange Brian's house to help him and his brother with their shift kit. He's a high school member here, and lives two blocks from my house, and literally stopped me on the sidewalk fronting my apartment. First time I ever met Orange Brian.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had to put winter air in my tires. front and rear. The said rear tube has not leaked down at all so far. I love Slime! Put a hotter NGK B8EGV spark plug on the Morini. Ive been in a little rain and 40 degree weather. Tried the plug by it self to see what was up a couple of days. Then put my Direct Hit attachment back in the mix. Pulstar® Pulse Plugs Pulstar Pulse Plugs by Enerpulse Inc - YouTube

I found a cross reference plug for my NGK finally. Have not tried it yet. I use these. Fuel Economy Hiclone Pulstar Pulse Plugs High Performance Spark Plug KN Filters - About Direct Hits I am using the same one I purchased and used on my first china motor. With about 9,000 miles on it now and on its 4th plug.. Fuel Economy Hiclone Pulstar Pulse Plugs High Performance Spark Plug KN Filters - About Direct Hits

I do a voodoo ritual of a slight dab of silver print paint , dielectric grease and silicone ''permatex gasket maker'' for added insulation.

Now that I found out my official plug exists gonna mebbe get one. I still have too more new DH's left tho. Pulstar® Pulse Plugs

I pulled the exhaust for the first time and manually cleaned carbon accumulation up. Still running great . I think I will try this plug in the summer as well? Dunno. Kinda like it. I always did like NGK's Had a B10EGV in it before.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today and tomorrow were looking like they could have been much worse days.
On my way to work Thursday morning I had the back tire go flat on me. I had no choice, so I slimed it and made it there, slimed it again and made it home. Based on where the slime was spewing out around a spoke, I thought an old problem had returned with that spoke punching the tube. I didn't have time to grab a replacement tube so Friday I set out on the second bike. It went well, for about a quarter of the way there when the back derailieur tore itself apart and locked up the pedal chain. I found all the parts spread over my last 20' or so of travel. At least, it looks like everything. Turned around and made it home with time to take the car instead. :(
So today I sorted out the farked up derailieur, and retuned the shifter cable for it. I expected it to be moderately straightforward, so it fought me every step of the way. It's back together and ridable now. Tomorrow I'll put a dab of threadlocker on the offending bolts.
The biggest problem I've encountered with working on bikes after they're done is supporting them. I don't have a bike stand, or anything else to hold the bike up to drop a wheel, so I went with what has worked (sort of) so far, and threw a tie-down strap over a truss of the garage, lifted it by the crossbar and hooked on to each side of the carrier rack. It's not the most stable, but it works for dropping a quick-release wheel without draining the tank or mangling the muffler. Anyway, got the wheel off, got the tire off the rim and inspection shows it wasn't spoke related at all, and the rim liner is still in great-but-slimy condition. I've found the leak in the tube, and it might be savable. Tomorrow I'll wash the wheel and tire clean of slime and put in a new self-sealing tube I picked up. I was expecting to have to take the Dremel to the inside of the rim hunting for burrs and such. It looks like it'll be a fairly quick to finish job, so I expect it to find a way to fight me. If nothing else setting the wheel into the right spot in the frame and locking it in straight with everything aligned as always "fun".
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I repaired my chain and loosened it some. The clanging issue seemed to have disappeared.

Today, I rode to Orange Brian's house to check out his Roadmaster/HT shift kit bike. His chain is jumping/searching at the cassette, so he'll have the derailleur/cable adjusted. Brian's engine starts, but dies a few seconds later. He has a new Dellorto carb and intake. The bike sat for a few weeks, then the problem surfaced. Before I went there, he disassembled the carb, which had a lot of crud in it. I noticed there was no fuel in the clear line...and no fuel filter. Methinks the crud in the tank plugged up the petcock and its brass screen. Brian plans to install an SBP petcock and fuel filter. After cleaning the carb, he should have no problems.

Dang, we should've taken pics!

I agreed to sell Brian my latest find. He originally intended to turn his Trek/HT bike into a 17-mile round trip daily commuter. Methinks the bike I sell him would be a better daily driver. It's a Trek bike with Mitsubishi TLE43 2.2hp engine, Staton chain drive and NuVinci hub. It just needs new tubes, a killswitch and rear brake pads. It had been sitting at my place for several weeks. I pumped up the tires, and after a few pulls, the Mits engine sprang to life The previous owner/builder let it sit unused for three years, but after filling new gas and air, the bike started easily.

I don't think the engine is broken in yet.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

they [sec] will never play on the blue. but put up st. mama's girls collage [out of sec] and you got a 2 yr deal. at least oregon gave it a try. how's the morini going?

The Morini is setting wrapped in a garbage bag awaiting the right frame where it's been since I got a much longer throttle cable. As you might imagine the one that came with it was from it's pitbike/minimoto days. I've looked the motor over real good and if it has 100 miles on it I'd be suprised.

I am just dragging my feet getting started on the build. I think I have the parts needed to strech the BigMo. Next month I order the aluminum plate to make a set of pull-back risers. Stock riser is 3 inches, new ones I'm making will have a 4 inch rise and a 3 inch pull-back.

And, really, I MUST learn how to post photos, I bought a Mitsuba DV3000 camera so I have no excuse there. I just hate learning new things...sometimes :P
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I installed my extended Wald 872 handlebars on the Higgins. Wow! This was the exact look I was going for originally. I have got to post pics of the bike with the new handlebars on. I now have a very comfortable riding position AND I have the long, back-swept handlebar look of a vintage motorcycle. I'm likin' it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I straightened my Wald rear rack and stitched up my saddlebag where it got scuffed. I took the bike on a short ride. Need to re-gap my plug. My neighbor wants to buy the bike. I am thinking about it. If I sell, I can put a Dax on my very pedestrian looking hybrid/road bike, and have something I can get more use out of.

Hooray, wife is sweet. Selling my grubee bike and getting the dax drive. Wee! I don't feel like I can ever have "too many bikes" but I don't know where I can get another wife. lol.

sale ad here: http://motorbicycling.com/f23/grubee-48-beach-bike-400-a-34373.html
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I got back to the garage today, yesterday was just too wet and crappy and the arthritis was making things a challenge.

So, I washed out the tire, washed off the rim and got the new self-sliming tube in. Getting the wheel back in position was as much fun as I expected, but it's done and while I had it in the sling I trued the wheel using the brakes as guides. It's not perfect, but it doesn't make contact when turning.

I've mentioned before I that don't have a stand to work with, so here's a few pics of my (current) answer to needing to hold up the bike when there's a wheel off. One tie-down goes over a joist and holds it up by the carrier, another makes the bottom triangle anchored by a large air compressor one side and an old wheel rim with the portable compressor sitting on it on the other. There's a third tie-down that doesn't show from this angle, it goes from the stem tube to the corner of the workbench, so that I can pull backwards to adjust the wheel. Not perfect, but it works in the space I have to work in.

Once that was done I got to spend an hour convincing the jammed garage door to go either up or down. Finally got it worked out and closed up for the night.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome Happy. A good partner, supportive wife is just an incredible thing.

CT, I use a center kick stand with the double feet. Ya can put a 2x4 down and get almost enough room to get the back wheel off. (Have to lift with one hand and work the wheel with the other but just briefly) For working on the front wheel, I too tie it to the garage door rail but is just a little more then the pivot point of weight to hold it up. And is awesome for just working on the engine. My $26 cheapo one, the legs started spreading and became all but useless. But solves a lot of problems for the $.

Just a thought. Still be nice to have a proper stand.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I use a motorcycle strap, too, to lift the bike. I just hook it to the tree outside. A real workstand would be nice, but never got around to it, always found something else that I needed or wanted more.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can't recall the last time I had anything with a center kick stand.. though the neighbour's wife's bike has a clever one, both legs fold off to the left side of the bike when it's up. I've had the back-axle style for longer than I've had this bike, so over 20 years. But that's a good idea... if I trip over one I'll see what I can do with it, thanks (got me thinking a bit now.. I already think I see how I could tinker up a quick-release for that so it doesn't have to be on full time).
The strapping works, it's just not easy to work around.. as the pics imply, there's not a lot of square footage open in my garage. We've been trying to do something about the space in there, but any space that opens up suddenly has a bike appear in it. In the last while two bikes became five and a half bikes and a bike trailer.

I'm going to check around here, there are enough bike shops that I'm betting at least one will sell some sort of basic workstand that people can use at home for tune-ups and such. If I find something useful I'll let you know.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here are some work stands.

There is a kind by Minoura somewhere that looks like an ironing board without the board, and has a fork block and quick release. It supports under the bottom bracket. About $70

re-gapped my plug and checked over my bike, getting ready for the Dallas WRL MB ride Saturday! Hooray.

Hi, CTripps, if there is a spoke ever poking the tube, there is a serious problem with the wheel. If it is a single wall rim, where the nipples are un-guarded, you can use a couple wraps of Gorilla Tape, my favorite rim strip ever.

If it is a double wall rim, the spokes should not be able to impact the tube at all. Gorilla tape is still good for these rims. Just stretch a length out 4" more than the circumference, and nick with a blade and tear a strip in size needed. 2 wraps should hold even the highest PSI tire combos.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hi, CTripps, if there is a spoke ever poking the tube, there is a serious problem with the wheel. If it is a single wall rim, where the nipples are un-guarded, you can use a couple wraps of Gorilla Tape, my favorite rim strip ever.

If it is a double wall rim, the spokes should not be able to impact the tube at all. Gorilla tape is still good for these rims. Just stretch a length out 4" more than the circumference, and nick with a blade and tear a strip in size needed. 2 wraps should hold even the highest PSI tire combos.

I've only had a spoke related problem once, and I don't do business with that bike shop any more. I was working, so I had my wife go in with the wheel for me, with the list of what I wanted done. They ignored truing the wheel and fitted it with a new new tube and tire, leaving a rim full of spaghetti spokes. If you even mention motorizing to them they put on the "We're TRUE CYCLISTS" attitude and then treat you worse than a Hummer driver. In Vancouver there's only about 20 more bike shops, so I have other options. Anyway, still not sure what caused the puncture this time, but I washed the rim and tire out thoroughly by hand and didn't find anything. My rim is lined with some sort of blue band, can't recall the name on it right now. It looked to be in great condition, smooth all around etc. It's strange that even with a new tire this puncture was in the same place as my last two tubes, a couple of spokes from the valve stem, on the outside/treadside of the wheel.

So today I changed the fuel line to a bit of 3/16" ID line I bought from NAPA, and went for a test burn up and down the lane, seems to be good. I'll change the line on the other bike tomorrow, probably. Got all my carriers and gear back on as well. It felt weird not having that weight on the bike for the test run. I discovered the right side carrier had worn through the sheathing on my rear shift cable. No strands were broken, so I greased it, sheathed it with a bit of pvc tubing, and double wound it with "magic wrap" tape. Hopefully I have it positioned now so that it doesn't wear too quickly.

The weather's supposed to clear for a few days, so we should get some good rides in.