Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?
The one day when I was working as a soundman for a rock band I was cleaning up after setting up the PA. My back was hurting as usual. I bent to pick up the last cord on the floor when *P*O*P*. It felt like a knife blade of white lightening replaced my spine for a breif second then...pain free!!! Oh, they heard the pop upstairs in the bar over the sound of the loud bar music.
My back hasen't bothered me at all since that time
I hurt my back working in a trailer factory. The guy I was working with and I tried to pick up a wall that was 14 feet long and paneled with 1/2 ply and no windows. Heaviest wall we ever tried to set, everything else had 1/8" paneling and windows that make them lighter. We started to hump the wall up on the deck, I saw my buddys eyes widen and he dropped his end, hernia. I dropped my end, back injury. Pain went on for years, best relief was when I could get a woman(lighter than men) to walk on my back.5-7, OT but way back I was showing a kid how to pick up an emergency hawser off the rail on a tug. (I was all of 30 or so, lol) But it was a motion and lift I had done a 1,000 times if not more. But some thing in the back went *crick===snap* sorta sounding. 10 yrs of docs and this and that. Thing just hurt bad a lot of the time.
Sitting in the "Barn" a bar in NC that if you weren't armed, you were under dressed and in a good deal of trouble. lol A native American woman gave me a back rub. She was a good friend and was just a buddy thing. She snapped my neck so hard others heard it over the juke box ! But she found a lump in my back and explained the muscles that should slide over each other had become knoted and were working against each other. Causing me pain. She then told me "this is gonna hurt" LOL! (I am sure my screams can still be heard in space. Or NJ) But she took her thumb and pressed in the center of the lump and twisted. Hurt so good! Was fine, no kidding fine after that. Unless I let my self get dehydrated! I know! Cold baths and lots of water.
Not saying that would help you or in any way advice. Just amazed me. Simple old world stuff. Cost me a beer after thousands in insurance expenditures.
Or; I'm not a doctor, but I played one as a child.
The one day when I was working as a soundman for a rock band I was cleaning up after setting up the PA. My back was hurting as usual. I bent to pick up the last cord on the floor when *P*O*P*. It felt like a knife blade of white lightening replaced my spine for a breif second then...pain free!!! Oh, they heard the pop upstairs in the bar over the sound of the loud bar music.
My back hasen't bothered me at all since that time