what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lol 5-7, I've heard that too. Of course, that's the average department store bike! Back in the 80's I received a yellow Diamond Back MTB for my birthday, my first non-BMX at the time. I put over 50K miles on that bike and sold it to a guy who really needed it when I got my first car in '93. After the novelty of being a cager wore off, I bought a '96 Schwinn Cruiser Six and put over 32k on that one before it got stolen. Owned a couple department store bikes since, but they were all heavily modified and ridden a lot!

None of my bikes have been ordinary, and neither are the bikes many of us MaBers ride!
Heck, some of you take trips longer than 75 miles in one day! :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

last year i was peddeling 10miles everyday to go to work but this year i go with my chinagirl and its alot faster. i should be getting my new motor for my second build today so i might be busy for a couple days. i should take my motor apart to clean it and grease the bearings in it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How did the hubs hold up on that 50,000 mile bike? Wow, that's an awful lot of riding!

50,000 / 30 (miles a day every day) = 1666 or 1667 days

1667 days = a little over 4 1/2 years!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They held up pretty good, Happy, I cleaned them out every other year in the 6 years I had the bike and used nothing but Phil Wood grease. The bearings never needed replacement! I rode that bike everywhere, rain or shine, sometimes with my girlfriend on the rear pegs! :D

She sure was happy when I got a car lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I tell my wife that "cyclists make better lovers." She agrees with me happily...until I put her bike on the car. lol.

I'm hoping maybe an e-bike hub kit or little friction drive kit might make her more willing to bike. She complains "It's too hot" all summer, then when it is cool, she says it is "too cold." I want to pawn her tv.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Avery wise person told me the answer So I did what he said to do and drilled a very small hole in the black stock air filter "Make sure you take out the spongy filter or it will all come out the little hole whether you want it to or not!" Trust me on that one! !! Now every morning before my ride to work I squirt a shot of starting fluid, & the second,I let out the clutch she is running like a Kenyan in the Boston Marathon!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm beginning to wonder if the 3000 mile mark is unlucky for me and MaBs. The last MaB I had that made it to 3K broke the frame around that mark. Thankfully, it didn't happen to me this time, but my bike "OCD" hit the 3K mark and promptly munched a chain and got a flat tire. I was expecting the (very beat-up) chain to munch, but not the flat tire. Argh.

So, I decided it was time to give the girl some well-deserved TLC. Off went the 4G, then the engine, then the gas tank. Turned the bike upside down and pulled the wheels. Pulled out the Simple Green and some rags and scrubbed off all that road dirt she'd been accumulating.

To-do list for the next day or two:
replace tires with a pair of Kenda Kiniptions that I got a great deal on
change oil, install Drainzit #1010 remote oil drain hose
drill out and tap all 4 engine base holes for conversion to SAE 1/4" stud
upgrade cable holders from zipties to rubberized clamps
replace all 3 chains, replace 4G belt

Things I need to do, but can't do quite yet:
get wheelstand rewelded (need welder, but he's busy)
replace jackshaft and jackshaft mount (jackshaft is slightly bent, mount is chewed up)
replace crank sprocket assembly with regeared HD version (have in toolbox, need 1 more sprocket)

Good times, good times.

WTH is a remote oil drain hose All I can picture is you holding a radio control for a T-MAXX hitting the switch and the oil dumps out ..James Bond style.. Shaken not stirred?!! or do you mean remote as in "hidden well?"?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's a hose that relocates the drainplug for easier access and less mess. There's very little room for drainplug access with a 4-stroke and SBP shift kit.
I was sick of removing my engine everytime I had to change the oil. :D


WTH is a remote oil drain hose All I can picture is you holding a radio control for a T-MAXX hitting the switch and the oil dumps out ..James Bond style.. Shaken not stirred?!! or do you mean remote as in "hidden well?"?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went out for a ride..to CIBC bank ..to get bank account for PAY PAL only. After account was finalized, I deposited $250.oo The bank refused one of my $50.oo bills and said it was not real!!! Man did I get angry and told them that bill came from the TD bank and that it was real. So before taking it back to other bank, I rode my bike and took the bill to the RCMP station(federal cops) There, the security gaurd told me that it is only administration building and to go about 20 blocks away to get to the RCMP.
So, back on my bike and when I get there, its not the RCMP, but the Edmonton City Police!!!!! They told me that the bill is real!!!! Before I exchange it, I am going to find out how common this misprint is because if it is a one of a kind misprint, then collectors will pay good money for it. Any way my MB took me on this run around and back home again. I was in the house, and the motor was iddleing outside, to cool down before turning it off. Just as I was going out the door to shut it off, it turned off all by itself.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally got the replacement magneto I have been waiting for. Got it installed and my bike fired up instantly....very happy about that....not happy about the engine going through two of them in succession....hoping this is not a common occurance and everything stays firing now....went for a 10 mile trip and seems fine....definately subsided the riding fix I was in dire need of....anyone else have problems with magnetos going out?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was a beautiful day so I cut out for a quick ride. I had the "quiet muffler" installed and the bike was so quiet I could hardly tell it was running. The Nexus hub worked fine even though it was under water during hurricane Irene. I rode for a mile or two along the river, watching the shrimp boats going in the opposite direction. Everything was perfect right up to the point I threw the secondary drive chain. Initially I thought the problem was the 36-tooth Sick Bike Parts sprocket I recently installed on the on the wheel since the teeth on the new sprocket are not quite as long as those on other sprockets I have used. After closer inspection I realized that the rear wheel had moved forward throwing the sprocket out of alignment, causing it to throw the chain. Apparently I failed to tighten the wheel nuts when I removed and oiled the chain last week. This experience made me realize that there is one disadvantage to having a single drive chain, if it goes, there is no pedaling home. Anyway, it was a nice walk back and after reinstalling the chain I was able to complete my ride. The Red Hornet is a blast to ride!!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode the bike for a short run, realized that I need to use the choke on my NT Speed carb now. For some reason I have never really had to use it and just tie wrapped it to make sure it wouldn't slip and cause the bike to choke during riding. Used the choke to start the bike and it starts right up. Also, I received my carbide light from eBay, I got a really good deal on it and almost want to get some carbide rock to use as it seems mechanically sound (all the parts are there and water valve works great). Now I just have to fabricate a bracket to hold it on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went out for a ride..to CIBC bank ..to get bank account for PAY PAL only. After account was finalized, I deposited $250.oo The bank refused one of my $50.oo bills and said it was not real!!! Man did I get angry and told them that bill came from the TD bank and that it was real. So before taking it back to other bank, I rode my bike and took the bill to the RCMP station(federal cops) There, the security gaurd told me that it is only administration building and to go about 20 blocks away to get to the RCMP.
So, back on my bike and when I get there, its not the RCMP, but the Edmonton City Police!!!!! They told me that the bill is real!!!! Before I exchange it, I am going to find out how common this misprint is because if it is a one of a kind misprint, then collectors will pay good money for it. Any way my MB took me on this run around and back home again. I was in the house, and the motor was iddleing outside, to cool down before turning it off. Just as I was going out the door to shut it off, it turned off all by itself.

That's why I only deal with $20 bills or smaller. If I get stuck with a counterfeit $20 or less, I can live with that. If I get burned with a $50 or $100 bill, I'd feel that pain for the rest of my life. Here's how it goes down at my bank:

"Let me have $1000 in cash, then deposit the rest".

"How would you like it? Hundreds?"

"No, I want it all in $20 bills."

"Sir, that's a lot of 20's".
"Yes, I know. I've been cashing my check like this every month for nine years". dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, that's brave, taking the strange bill to the police. I wonder what else can you do if you get an odd bill or a known fake, though. Kind of sucks, because if you don't deal in fakes and didn't know it was fake till a bank or teller said so, what can be done? If it is marked with the pen and changed color, no one else will take it either.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Scootmeister, do you have a thread about your silencer muffler?

Also, why not carry spare chains? I popped a motor chain once and started pedaling, then thought about it and was going to put it on the motor side, but I got a ride.

After that I started carrying a spare chain that could work on either side.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The muffler came with an early Chinagirl, it's the one where you can remove the endcap and baffle with a screw. The muffler came with a 66 cc Chinagirl so I'm thinking it is less restrictive on the 48cc chainsaw engine. I cut the original pipe off and welded a male 3/4" pipe fitting to the muffler so I can screw it into the female pipe fitting I welded to the exhaust pipe I fabricated from thick-walled steel conduit. I welded the other end of the specially bent conduit to a manifold I fabricated from heavy square steel pipe that bolts to the engine jug in place of the standard chain saw muffler. I fabricated a gasket from copper flashing to make sure the manifold doesn't leak. The beauty of this setup is I can unscrew the quiet muffler and screw on a standard Briggs and Stratton muffler with 3/4" threads for an unrestricted Bultaco sound. I can tell a real difference in the performance of the engine with the B & S muffler, but I like the quiet purr of the other muffler when I'm crusing through the neighborhood or town.weld. If I want to "get on it" and take a spin along the river, it takes me 5 minutes to swap the mufflers out (as long as its not too hot).