I try to stay away from this arguement since it's a personal choice but here's my thoughts for what it's worth.
I still have large dents in my skull but I didn't expect to be run down by two cars that night while standing on a side street so I didn't wear my motorcycle helmet.
I got far luckier than I should have and survived without brain damage. No one knows why.
The real eye opener came when I was a volunteer fire fighter. If you had seen what I saw over the years you would never question helmets or seat belts. People died because they didn't use either. They would have lived, with injuries, but then someone on the police and fire department wouldn't have had to go to thier homes and tell thier family that they would never be coming home again.
Screaming, yelling why them, crying, frantic phone calls to other family members to tell them the tragic news, and the police and fire fighters being called every name under the sun and being hit in fits of rage like they were the reason that thier loved one died, would have been avoided by a simple act.
Then there were the ones that you put in the ambulance with injuries which you knew were going to condem them to a life of misery in a nursing home or extended care facility. Alive in a dead or damaged body that they could never escape.
It really is your decision but stop and think how many people that decision will effect other than yourself.