How often do you wear your helmet?

How often do you wear a helmet?

  • I wear one no matter what

    Votes: 105 52.8%
  • I wear a helmet most of the time

    Votes: 47 23.6%
  • I only wear one on long rides

    Votes: 16 8.0%
  • I just wear one when I want the look

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I rarely wear a helmet when riding

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I just man it without one on

    Votes: 22 11.1%

  • Total voters
.shft..shft..shft.I leave my mount-on gas tank loose enough to move if struck hard. If I get in an accident it isn't mounted so tight that it doesn't give a little bit. Doing this might save my junk.
Put a powerful front light that will strobe on the front and RUN IT IN DAYLIGHT RIDING!

It's late and I am tired so suffice it to say my year long 'semi-research' has revealed one glaring most important safety thing I have found isa bright flashing front light.I'm talking 1K Lumens LED you ban see from a 1/4 mile away and you can kiss most of the major percentage of 'cut me off' wrecks off.
I don't care who you are, if you glance down the road and see a 1K+ Lumen flashing light even in AZ noon sunlight you will take another look.
That my friends is all it takes for that driver to take second look.

Just a tip from an old guy that can't take another major spill and worked on how to prevent one to begin with.

Do you have any links to places that sell such a bright safety strobe light for bicycles? I plan on adding one to my bike but I never thought that I should run one that is that bright.
Even though I almost never wore one before, cuz I thought I was too good of a rider to crash, I will start wearing one on my MB now. I only wear one on a regular bike when I'm going off road or something where I could easily fall, I'm still just a stubborn teenager. A MB is a better reason to wear a helmet. On a regular bike I just look like dork who's mom makes me wear it, lol.
I always wear some kind of helmet when I ride, when on the street I live on which is a dead end I wear a bicycle helmet. When I ride on roads with more traffic I wear my cruiser helmet. I learner the hard way, in 08 I crashed a dirt bike on a backyard trail through the woods that didn't end well. I was tuning the bike and only doing about 15 mph, hit some loose pine straw wash out the frontt end and went down on my left shoulder. I broke my collar bone, three ribs and ruptured my spleen. Also skinned a large spot on the top left side of my head and had a slight concussion. A helmet would have helped.
Dead looks for loopholes. So do Doctors. He's brain dead, a helmet would have saved him. We can use his organs to save another life. The family gives a Donor up for not wearing a helmet. Your choice. (c)
I always wear a helmet. For now it's just a cycling helmet (although a very nice high end Bell) that I still have from my road bicycling days and a half shell motorcycle helmet is on order. The cycling helmet smells pretty bad at his point! It strikes me as odd that just because a rider is close to home or on pavement instead of dirt that there is an illusion of more control over circumstance. I hit the pavement head first after hitting a dog that popped out from between two parked cars. Broke my helmet into three pieces and knocked me out for a bit. We have dogs, kids, even deer in our 'burbs here. Stupid drivers are scary enough but it doesn't take much to put you on the pavement. That's why cyclists shave: the scabs heal faster, nothing to do with aerodynamics. I've burned my leg on the engine so now it's blue jeans, also full finger cycling gloves, work shoes, daylight running lights front and rear, and the state requires a brake light. When the leaves turn I'll break out my leather jacket. I don't care if I look like dork or a wanna-be or whatever. If I hit the pavement or actually when I do (odds are its going to happen) I'm going to walk away.

If you don't wear a helmet at least be sure to sign up for the organ donor list in your state. Might sound cold but there it is. I wear one but have signed up anyway.
.shft..shft..shft.I leave my mount-on gas tank loose enough to move if struck hard. If I get in an accident it isn't mounted so tight that it doesn't give a little bit. Doing this might save my junk.

I had a big chunk of my thigh removed by my gas tank when I got t boned. I think if the tank could have moved a bit it would have saved me some skin
I too have bit it on dirt bikes as a kid and a motorized bicycle twice now that I'm old so I don't dick around with safety, my body just won't take any more real spills and come out OK.

I have a 1/2 shell Pro Tec I wear and of course glasses and gloves even when it is 110F (it's 113F today).

I employ the logic of a 'loose tank' myself on most every build but for a different reason.

I put some handlebar grip material between the 2 tank stud pairs and snug the tank down tight enough to not move around or rattle but if the bike falls over sitting still the tank moves and doesn't dent. It takes both hand but I can spin the tank back into place and that has saved a good hanfull of potential tank dents.

One last thing I will scream until my my last breath is it is better to avoid a wreck in the first place and I have 2 things that will drastically cut down the chances.

I won't let a bike out of my shop with one brake even for simple repairs and I have to pay for it myself. Riding any MB with just a coaster brake is just flat stupid and begging for a wreck.

I really need to make a video of this but the logic is simple.
Most every potential crash danger you will experience out on the road is someone pulling out or across in front of you because they didn't see you or judge your speed right with just a glance.

A bright strobing front light, especially in daylight, and drivers take a second look and that my friends is all it takes for them to realize you are hauling ass and stay put until you pass.

My personal favorite for the money is:
1200 Lumen 8.7V Lithium Ion Battery powered CREE XM-L T6 LED Light.
Package includes front and rear lights, battery pack with velcro mount case, charger, handlebar mount and some cheesy headband mount thing I laughed at ;-}

It has High, Low, and Fast Blink modes, it is removable, rugged and does an outstanding job day or night for less than half what bike shops charge.

$55 installed for my customers which is a frigg'n bargain I really try to get them to buy because the last thing I want is a customer getting hurt for something as silly as no basic safety according to my book.
KC that's how I have my bike set up, flashers front and rear. Like you said if it makes a driver look twice thinking its an emergency vehicle its worth it.
I won't let a bike out of my shop with one brake even for simple repairs and I have to pay for it myself. Riding any MB with just a coaster brake is just flat stupid and begging for a wreck.

Wish I could stop by your shop jk. My brake is the 26x2.75 wide maxxis knobbly tires rubbing on the front fork slightly till I find some to throw on.

God brakes are a nice thing to have, esp good ones.
God brakes are a nice thing to have, esp good ones.
I know that was just a typo and I'm not religious but ya, God Brakes would be a good thing.

Nice Greg, have you noticed how much better people see you now?
I sure as heck do.
Helmet? Ya I wear one but as mentioned that is for protection after a wreck.
God brakes and a blinking lights prevent them ;-}
I set both flashers to that annoying strobe / disco type flash, it bothers me to look at it to get it set so I think they will get noticed. Yes people do do a double take when pulling out of a side street.

I have had so many wrecks as a kid on non motorized bikes without a helmet that I have to be very thankful that I made it to adulthood!

I wear my helmet all the time now (especially since I've motorized the bike and it goes way faster than me pedaling).

Also, I figure motorizing the bike may be inviting scrutiny from the Police just because the bike now has an engine on sense in giving them a reason to pull me over and ticket me for not having a helmet. (In our area, it is law to have a helmet on when riding a bike!....aarg...BUT I would do it even w/o the law).


Also, I figure motorizing the bike may be inviting scrutiny from the Police just because the bike now has an engine on sense in giving them a reason to pull me over and ticket me for not having a helmet. (In our area, it is law to have a helmet on when riding a bike!....aarg...BUT I would do it even w/o the law).


that's what locals have told me seeing me w/out helmet/brakes (for temp)

I've ridden past cops twice with a friend on a non MB without helmet too, and another time alone. Recently however I was walking it past some cops at a house and a lady cop gave me the look of I'm going to remember you and pull you over LOL, no idea what she'll say prob will have helmet then ha ha!
I'm guilty of not wearing a helmet when I'm tuning and adjusting and running up and down the back lane here, which isn't the smartest thing considering the blind-corners and side lanes. Otherwise, I was wearing a bicycle helmet all the time until the yearly motorcycle show came through, when I dropped the cash on a show-special priced motorcycle helmet (and goggles).
Pics are in this post.
I ripped my face off and nose off when i was 15 going down a step city street when I was 15 or 16 on a MTB no helmet ( mind you i crashed from bad city planning, but going 70-80kmh). Im 31 now, and lucky to be alive, you can bet I wear a helmet all the time.
I set both flashers to that annoying strobe / disco type flash, it bothers me to look at it to get it set so I think they will get noticed. Yes people do do a double take when pulling out of a side street.
Indeed. All you need to do is get the motorist to take a second look.
And good brakes just in case they are idiot drivers ;-}
I have never worn a helmet and never will.....I also dont wear seatbelts.....

Anytime the gov't tells me i HAVE TO do something I feel its my duty as an american citizen to not do it....

This is a grerat forum !!!