100:1 Mix

As I have said before Im not saying Opti2 is the final word on 2 stroke oil, but the hard facts are that it works and as far as it being made for low power engines.... if that is the case then our china girls fit right just fine, its true that there are some other good oils out there and under really high performance applications I know there are better choices than Opti2, but several of us have proven that the china girl enginea do very good on Opti2 with some benefit over SOME of the other oils, example: low to nearly no smoke, low odor, increased performance ( a few mph increase in top speed ) in some cases, good throttle response, and a less messy engine and exhaust since so little oil is needed, in my opinion when you can have all of this out of an oil and it has proven to give high protection to the internals, its a win win..
And by the way weedwackera and chainsaws are hard working high rpm engines and if rental companies trust it over all others in there rental equipment it isn't snake oil....

When I have taken my engines apart to do mods after running Opti2 at 100:1 the internals are. Overed with oil, what I understand about Opti2 is that it is chemically designed to be drawn to heat and it adheres to the internals, its advantage is not how oily it is its ability to adhere and its film strength under heat and pressure even at a small amout compared to many or most of the other conventional type oils.

I like synthetic oils also and run them in my vehicles and my motorcycles including my Harley, they do a great job and Im not hating on them at all, my entire point is regarding our china girl bike engines, its just a nice thing to me to have my bikes run good and reliable with virtually no smoke, low odor, smooth throttle, good top speed, engines last under even the hard riding I put them through, I have run my bikes wide open throttle in the Texas summer heat for 7-8 milea non stop running over 8000-9000+rpm at speeds up to 45mph and has een 48mph a few times engine still runs good as new and sometimea I ride 50+ mile round trips and almost the entire ride will be at wide open throttle or close to it.... to me this proves the level of protection Opti2 provides, my personal experience di tates my opinions on this subject, at first I was a little skeptical myself, and I ran Opti2 at around 70:1 but then I took the plunge to 100:1 and have not had a single issue for around three years.

I wish you the best with whatever you use and I dont care what anyone else uses, if it works for you and your happy and confident with it I say " go fur it " for me Opti2 has proven to do exactly what I want and what I need for my engines so I use it and will continue to use it.

Seems this discusion will never end and people will always refuse to accept the years of evidence that proves that Opti2 is an excellent product and does exactly what it claims to do, but thats OK, some people swear Ford makes a horrible vehicle and wont own one, me personally I buy Ford trucks and have had better luck with them, do what you fell good about and enjoy it, thats what I do....

Peace, Map


That's something I can agree with, if I was too use opti again I'd probably run it at 65-70:1 it is pretty expensive, the rebranded 1 gallon packets of us2 are 2$ a piece at my local Meijer. In the lawn and garden section incase anyone is looking for it but can't find it. Though I can't guarantee it will be at your Meijer. 2 bucks for 1.8 oz, I usually get a quart of my oil at 16$
You'd have to get 18 of the packets to equal a quart, that's about 36$ a quart. Though I'm sure it's allot cheaper in bulk. $$$$
Going to try this stuff at 32:1 because I purchased20 dollars of it. . I'll let everyone know how it works. I've read this thread till I'm blue in the face, lol! Talk about bringing a thread back from the dead. Talk to me. No bull here I'll let everyone know how it works for me.
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I believe in feeding all my 2strokes oil, the more the better. More smoke more oil dripping from the pipes has been working just fine for me for over 30 year's.
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From what I understand about mix oil, too much will cause the burn to be lean.
Which means you could burn a piston in spite of clouds of smoke and oil dripping out the pipe.

Yes, I understand.
That is old school thought.

Two cycle mix oil was never better than the products they make today.

Time to step into the brave new world! lol

Stihl, Yamalube, Motul... I believe they are all running at 50.

I'll look forward to your report while running at 32.
Just remember: it was made to run at 100:1. If you use it at a different ratio and you get damage, can you really blame the oil? Can you really blame a product after not following the design specifications?
I've been using Opti 2 for years now with good effect. I bought a big box of those little packets and although they are more expensive than bulk, they are worth it to me.

Just nip off a corner and squeeze. No more cleaning the dead flies and the dust out of the measuring cup. Did I get it all? No more waiting for the stuff to all flow out of the cup either.

It's pretty cool. You always have to pay more for easy - :)
I'll start out at 50:1 and go from there. That should work just fine. These little engine's are very cheap anyway, but I don't want to hurt it. Talked to a friend that has over 100 guys cutting huge government contract and he told me he used it for awhile at 50:1 no problems. But switched back to cheap oil mix.
This oil can be used at any manufacturer recommended mix ratio. I just talked to opti oil rep on the phone. so I'll run this 32:1 and it'll be perfect he said.
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This oil can be used at any manufacturer recommended mix ratio. So all this 100:1 only is bull. Trolls be gone. I just talked to opti oil rep on the phone. No where do they state 100:1 only that's straight bull s___ so I'll run this 32:1 and it'll be perfect he said.
I think you'd better read the lable again, sir. And please don't tell those of us who have run Opti-2 @ the recommended ratio that it is "BS". You can have your own opinions but don't denigrate those who differ with you.

Well said 2 door I took yer advice at 100:1 on a brand new engine never ran before and it is still doing Great a year later.
I'm running at 71/1 with no problems, for each his own. The instructions say mix one 1.8 oz pack with one gal. Gas.
Never had a problem with 100:1 here either, even after doing a teardown inspection after several hours of runtime everything looked as new inside, no wear at all.
It may just be me, but a 'rep' that says it's OK to run twice as much oil has just doubled his sales..........

I'd probably run Opti 2 also, but it's just so easy to get what I use at my place of business.
Yup... If I was a sales rep I'd be saying to mix it at 20:1 or whatever they wanted to hear to increase my sales too... remember what PT Barnum said?
The only thing mixing Opti2 other than 100:1 does really is increase the cost of your fuel mix. Yes, it'll run at any ratio, but why waste it?
I'm about to break in a new top end for my 48cc china girl and got a couple 1.8 oz packs of opti. What would u guys consider the break in process with this stuff? How long should it take and any special recommendations on driving while break in (take it easy or ride like ****). I'm planning on just using the recommended mix at 100-1.
1.8 oz pack to a gal. is what I'm running, it's 71/1. If you want to run a little rich on oil add on pack to 3/4 gal. That would be 53.3/1.
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I'm about to break in a new top end for my 48cc china girl and got a couple 1.8 oz packs of opti. What would u guys consider the break in process with this stuff? How long should it take and any special recommendations on driving while break in (take it easy or ride like ****). I'm planning on just using the recommended mix at 100-1.

Thanks but I am not looking for mixing ratios here, I am going to use standard ratio, I want to know about break in length and style used by other opti users with great results.
I read this entire thread yesterday and it was great lol