As I have said before Im not saying Opti2 is the final word on 2 stroke oil, but the hard facts are that it works and as far as it being made for low power engines.... if that is the case then our china girls fit right just fine, its true that there are some other good oils out there and under really high performance applications I know there are better choices than Opti2, but several of us have proven that the china girl enginea do very good on Opti2 with some benefit over SOME of the other oils, example: low to nearly no smoke, low odor, increased performance ( a few mph increase in top speed ) in some cases, good throttle response, and a less messy engine and exhaust since so little oil is needed, in my opinion when you can have all of this out of an oil and it has proven to give high protection to the internals, its a win win..
And by the way weedwackera and chainsaws are hard working high rpm engines and if rental companies trust it over all others in there rental equipment it isn't snake oil....
When I have taken my engines apart to do mods after running Opti2 at 100:1 the internals are. Overed with oil, what I understand about Opti2 is that it is chemically designed to be drawn to heat and it adheres to the internals, its advantage is not how oily it is its ability to adhere and its film strength under heat and pressure even at a small amout compared to many or most of the other conventional type oils.
I like synthetic oils also and run them in my vehicles and my motorcycles including my Harley, they do a great job and Im not hating on them at all, my entire point is regarding our china girl bike engines, its just a nice thing to me to have my bikes run good and reliable with virtually no smoke, low odor, smooth throttle, good top speed, engines last under even the hard riding I put them through, I have run my bikes wide open throttle in the Texas summer heat for 7-8 milea non stop running over 8000-9000+rpm at speeds up to 45mph and has een 48mph a few times engine still runs good as new and sometimea I ride 50+ mile round trips and almost the entire ride will be at wide open throttle or close to it.... to me this proves the level of protection Opti2 provides, my personal experience di tates my opinions on this subject, at first I was a little skeptical myself, and I ran Opti2 at around 70:1 but then I took the plunge to 100:1 and have not had a single issue for around three years.
I wish you the best with whatever you use and I dont care what anyone else uses, if it works for you and your happy and confident with it I say " go fur it " for me Opti2 has proven to do exactly what I want and what I need for my engines so I use it and will continue to use it.
Seems this discusion will never end and people will always refuse to accept the years of evidence that proves that Opti2 is an excellent product and does exactly what it claims to do, but thats OK, some people swear Ford makes a horrible vehicle and wont own one, me personally I buy Ford trucks and have had better luck with them, do what you fell good about and enjoy it, thats what I do....
Peace, Map