100:1 Mix

Well,wonder if this Opti 2 is as good as Lucas.I doubt it.
One of my bikes was put together in 1964,still runs fine with Lucas..hum.dnut

Can you run the Lcas at 100:1?

I run lucas full synthetic in my Harley but what n it comes to 2 stroke oil I run Opti2, it is in the top of the top of the best. Stroke oils you can buy, not saying it is the very best for very situation but for management yars it has been proven to be superior to most others or there wouldnt be equipment rental businesses who ise it exclusively and say the reason is because for many years they have never had a piece of equipment fail do to oil related reasons, Opti2 is a top rated product and it is all I use in my 2 smokers... I will add a teaspoon of Maxima 927 Castor every so often to a gallon of fuel that's I run in my bikes but mainly just Opti2 at 100:1 99.9% of the time.
Bottom line is that it works and is superior protection compared to any other dino oil or semi synthetic 2 stroke oil in my opinion and experience.

I'm just in the old mold. I'm sure it's good oil, but I'm hard set in my ways and I would never mix at this ratio.

KenX i have 66cc that has been run 100-1 opti2 from day one . even broke it in at 100-1.
it now has 2000 trouble free miles. runs like a striped azz ape.

i just pulled the motor off to do some port work and mill head.

i checked the ring gap, same as new i checked befor fireing it up the frist time and i used my bore gage and no wear in cylinder bore. try that with 30 wt at 30-1 20-1 or what ever.

you just need to tune the carb for 100-1. getting 145 mile per gal.

plus no smoke, no stink, no unburnt oil all over every thing.

so just stay in the stone age good luck.

Don P
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And the Opti2 story continues.......!

Doubters are always gonna be around but that is OK I'll just keep on using it and enjoying this most excellent product.

Map reddd
Well,wonder if this Opti 2 is as good as Lucas.I doubt it.
One of my bikes was put together in 1964,still runs fine with Lucas..hum.dnut

i love lucas oil !!! i add 1-1.5 oz of lucas oil upper cylinder lube to my regular mix at 40:1 making it around 25-30:1

for my regular mix i use opti 2 or pro mix from lowes mixed to 40 to 1
Lucas makes great products for sure, I use several of there products in my cars trucks and motorcycles but I have never personally had any other 2 smoker oil outperform Opti2, 100:1 is as good as it gets for my china girls and everyother 2 smoker I own.

I have noticed a difference in rpm's and mpg between Lucas and Opti. Opti did better. It's just hard to find dealers up here that carrry it compared to Lucas. But I know where to find now when I need it
Well Mapbike,Im gunna try it..been looking fer a reason to buy a balanced engine from ThatsDax anyhoo...:) For my new (to me) Dyno Glide winter project.
Installed a Dax balanced lower / 69cc top end / slant head today. Running Opti 2 @ 80-1 for the 1st 1/2 gallon because I'm not macho enough to go w/ 100-1 from the get-go. Anyway, this thing is smooth and crazy-fast!
Installed a Dax balanced lower / 69cc top end / slant head today. Running Opti 2 @ 80-1 for the 1st 1/2 gallon because I'm not macho enough to go w/ 100-1 from the get-go. Anyway, this thing is smooth and crazy-fast!
Go for it! At least you're not one of those who buy Opti-2 then mix it @ 40:1. That is a waste and way too much oil.

And, it looks like you picked a bad day to stop sniffin' glue too. :)

As 2door has said.... go for it and run it at correct ratio and you will have an excellent experience with Opti2. ... really great stuff.

Go for it! At least you're not one of those who buy Opti-2 then mix it @ 40:1. That is a waste and way too much oil.

And, it looks like you picked a bad day to stop sniffin' glue too. :)


Hi, just popped in to clarify 2door's glue sniffing gag; this: Wrong week.jpg was my avvie at that time.
Since then I've gone for something in a more non-specific flavor.
alright guys i have a question here and a real good one too......

back in my karting days, 125cc and 150cc air and liquid cooled kart motors comer and rotax carts and even yamaha karts motors, i ran 20:1 and 25:1 some times even 32:1 depending on weather and track conditions. i ran those mixes reguardless of what type of oil was going through it. those motors turned upward of 15,000 and over rpms ! the mix of 20 to 1 was to keep things lubed up when racing at WOT engine ripping at 15,000 rpms non stop for an hour around the track and i never had a problem ! then were tunned and set to run perfect at that ratio.

i am under the impression that opt 2 would run fine at 100 to 1 in a small weed eater or similar motor with a max rpm of like 5,000 to 7,000.... the more rmps you turn the more oil you need to force through the motor to prevent friction and heat, the faster the motor turns the more oil per oz is needed ! i would not dare run opti 2 at 100 to 1 in my old rotax 125 race motor ! no way hoseay ! i just refuse to believe that 100:1 mix is enough oil to keep a high end 125cc high comp race motor lubed up !

i dont believe there is any way in **** that if i went back to the race with my old kart and ran opti 2 at 100:1 through it, that i would even fininsh the race ! i am almost certain that the motor would sieze up within the first 20 min of turning 15,000 rpms. i just dont believe that 100:1 is enough oil to stand up to real high rpm and tight tolerance punnishment like that no matter how good it is !

i have had close calls with over heating and scoring of the cylinder running caster oil at 20 to 1 ! even running amsoil 25 to 1 ! there is no way opti 2 is that mutch better or that good that it could hold up to high temp and long run times at 15,000 rpms without damaging that type of motor. i mean most newer kart motors are electronicay limited to 16,000 rpms but can turn even higher !

but judging by the experiances people have had on this forum.... it would seem to run fine at 100:1 in our loose tolerance small bore 60-70cc china motors turning around 8,000 rpms max, thats half the rpms of what a real 2 banger kart motor turns, and the tolerances are probably twice as loose too so thats why i believe the 100 to 1 mix you are all using is working fine for you.

i would love to hear from some one who is honestly running opti 2 at 100 to 1 in a motor that is turning some srs rpms ! i mean i want to hear from a person running a hopped up high comp china girl at the track and races, and runs opti 2 100 to 1 at 10,000 rpms wide the fack open the whole time and see what they have learned and gained from it .

i want to know if opt 2 at 100 o 1 mix can hold up to over 10,000 rpms for extended periods of time at the race track, as of now i simply do not believe it can, i do think its fine for a weed eater or a stockish china girl turning under 8,000 most of its life though, i just dont think it could stand up to the super high rpms for any length of time. i have never heard of any high preformance race kart or race motor ever .... ever .... running 100:1 mix of anything LOL ! almost all super high end and high rpm 2 bangers run close to 20:1 to 30:1, i mean the least amount of oil i have ever seen some one run at the track has been newbs running 50 to 1 cause they didnt know any better and some one told them to mix 2 stroke oil at that ratio.

has anyone run opti 2 at 100 to 1 in a high preformance race motor at the track ?
has anyone run opti 2 at 100 to 1 in a motor that turns 10,000 to 15,000 rpms on the regular ?
if so let me know cause i have never in my whole time spent karting have ever heard of that. i have heard of 100:1 mix ... just not for high end race aplications .... does opti 2 hold up to this ?

just sayin............ i wouldnt dare run any one of thease kart motors at 100:1............ ever.......... would you ??? in a china girl... umm yeh who care lol its only a 100$ motor and a new jug and piston is only 30$..... so who cares but the china girl has sutch loos tolerances and turns sutch a low rpm that it will probably run just fine at 100 to 1.


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Hey rog,

Really nice kart and anyone can easily see you are highly qualified.

I have Never run 100:1 for an hour at WOT in a custom built high performance engine.

I have run 20:1 and it is horrible. No other way to put it.

My experience leads me to the 100:1 camp.

Your experience, and challenge :-) is worthy of a qualified response.
I will look for the information and come back with it, if that is acceptable.

In a few minutes, I am unable to find direct information, but this is the testimonial page from Interlube... http://opti2-4.com/index.php?dispatch=discussion.view&thread_id=6
They have maintained an enforceable warranty on their product for over 25yrs...

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Opti2. .........

It's a geat product in veything I've used it in and has made my engines run much better and I have had failures in the past with other high quality oils run at 30-50:1 ratios, I dont have anything however that will turn 15, 000 RPM so I cant vouch for Opti2 @ 100:1 in those conditions, it seems that there are at least two or three people that have left testimonial of sing Opti2 at it recommended ratio in high performance high rpm lite aircraft applications, im gonna say its gonna take a butt load of confidence in a product togo with it in that application........!
All I can truly attest to is my own personal experiences and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Opti2 is an excellent product and will be the only oil I will rely on full time in all the 2 smokets I currently own and I plan to switch all my 4 smoker equipment over to Opti4 this spring since my local hardware store carries both of the Interlube products and has for many years.

If I were running something with extremelyhigh heat and rpm potential I would likely do as 2door/ Tom and add some high quality degummed Castor oil to the mix just for a dab of added insurance again possibly galling at heat temps and high revs, but I have a lot of confidence in Opti2 for everything I own.

Opti2. .........

It's a geat product in veything I've used it in and has made my engines run much better and I have had failures in the past with other high quality oils run at 30-50:1 ratios, I dont have anything however that will turn 15, 000 RPM so I cant vouch for Opti2 @ 100:1 in those conditions, it seems that there are at least two or three people that have left testimonial of sing Opti2 at it recommended ratio in high performance high rpm lite aircraft applications, im gonna say its gonna take a butt load of confidence in a product togo with it in that application........!
All I can truly attest to is my own personal experiences and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Opti2 is an excellent product and will be the only oil I will rely on full time in all the 2 smokets I currently own and I plan to switch all my 4 smoker equipment over to Opti4 this spring since my local hardware store carries both of the Interlube products and has for many years.

If I were running something with extremelyhigh heat and rpm potential I would likely do as 2door/ Tom and add some high quality degummed Castor oil to the mix just for a dab of added insurance again possibly galling at heat temps and high revs, but I have a lot of confidence in Opti2 for everything I own.


wow you know it never hit me to look it up on the rc or air plane forums............. i will give it a look and report back here with my findings. i would love to prove myself wrong cause 100:1 can open up new jetting possabilities and allow more actual fuel in the cylinder during the combustion wich would lead to more HP especialy at higher RPMs .

lol i have had near failures at every oil mix ratios even motors tunned to run perfect at 25-1 ! its from the shear abuse though and not just average riding . i would love to know if opti 2 can stand up to that at sutch a thin mix ! if it can get some more hard data on it, i just might swap out and rev the piss out of the motor i am running for a good long stint, then pull here apart and see whats up... would need rejetting and proper tunning of course but i would love to srsly put it to the test !

i put a grubee gt5 to the blow up test for 3 and 1/2 strait weeks reving it to the max and beating it like you would not believe, even started a thread on trying to blow it lol ! i ran lucas oil and true fuel end mix was 25 to 1 to 30 to1 max and for the life of me i could not get it to blow even holding the throttle wide open no load for a good 3-4 min every day when i got home! when i pulled it apart, the motor looked pretty darn good considering the insane abuse i put it though actualy trying to blow it ! there was only minor scoring of the cylinder wall and minor scuffing of the piston skirt !!!! the rings were hardly worn and still had a good amount of black on them and were not scored just slightly worn, this was after putting 2,000 miles on it and then spending 3 pluss weeks trying to blow it !

i atribute the condition of the motor and the amount of abuse it took without fail to the verry ample amount of oil and the quality of oil i was running, this is why most karts run 30 to 1 and run wide open most of there life and show little signs of where.

if some one could show proof that opti 2 could hold its own in a similar sinario i would swap out in a heart beat ! this would open engine tunning up to a whole new lvl ! as you know more fuel = more power and 100:1 is a lot more fuel in the chamber than 25:1 !!!

i may slap that grube back together with a new jug and piston and port for max rpms and give opti 2 a blow up test same as i did with lucas oil. after that lil experiment i trust lucas in any motor !!! lol

it honestly just feels like its against my religeon to try it lol as i have never heard of sutch a thing in a preformance motor in my life, and i am scared of new fangled things lol

and your right about the confidece factor !!! i am confident i can run opti 2 at 100:1 in my old weed wacker..... i am not confident however that i would run 100:1 safley in a 2,500$ 15,000 rpm custom built kart motor with a hundred hours of my own blood sweat and tears into it !
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a little background... i raced karts all 125 to 150cc 2 bangers for a few years and my whole life has been spent on 3 wheelers ! i have been riding and restoring and selling / swaping vintage honda act 3 wheelers for a long long time and when you custom build and restore something as beautifull as a frame up resto and custom modded 250r air cooled 2 stroke 3 wheeler into a chromed out 310 stroker with a 12 in extended swing arm and extra wide axle and aluminum mags .... you tend to want to run the best of everything in it and want to baby it lol when you spend 50 to 100 hours building a kart motor and know its going to turn srs rpms and are and old school thinking kinda guy .... you run castor oil 25-30 to 1 lol i have that old school thinking and its hard to let go.

i need some solid evidence opti 2 at 100:1 can hold up to that kind of srs abuse before i swap out and give it a try. i am sort of hard set in the old ways lol

i have run opti 2 at 40 to 1 just fine but am not prepared to go to 100:1 mix ratio just yet

if some one could come on this thread and say hey i raced sutch and sutch a motor with opti 2 at 100 to 1 at the track for the last 6 race events and here are the photos of the cylinder wall and piston skirt afterwards....... i would bow down and pony up on the 100:1 band wagon, that would be hard evidence it stands up to the test of the track, but as of now, i have yet to hear of a single person in my life racing any kind of preformance 2 stroke at 100 to 1
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When I see statements like this, it's pretty clear that there's nothing anyone could say that would reassure you, regardless of their experience or application...

...which is ok, you shouldn't run anything that makes you uncomfortable, no one here is selling anything, no one here is trying to convince you otherwise.

If a thousand some odd post thread isn't enough, a few more won't make a difference & you've clearly skipped & skimmed over some of it's content - for example 100:1 mixes aren't anything new or revolutionary, synthetics designed for just that have been around for nearly forty years now & major manufacturers such as Yamaha not only use it in preformance applications such as racing but in their commercial offerings as well, their oil injection systems preset at the factory you'll void your warranty if you try and alter it or even just run a richer premix.

...but again none of this really matters, text on a screen is hardly reassuring when it comes to a lovingly hand built engine and that's understandable. I would strongly suggest just doing a bit more research - knowing the 100:1 debate has been going on for what's getting close to a half century now and to take both it's advocates & detractors with a (large) grain of salt. Then if you should so choose, experimenting yourself with a less valued engine just to see where it gets ya... like these cheapo two stroke kits, which they're pretty much perfect for.

Is 100:1 worth the concern? Well, aside from using less oil & thus less build-up there's really no significant preformance difference between it and any other quality oil at whatever ratio the manufacturer recommends for their product - so no, if you're that skeptical and distrustful of the experience already offered, there's nothing anyone is going to be able to say to mollify your fear, nor should they.

Try it or don't & to each their own - I'll only run 100:1 in my 'smokers, but I've been using it for years in all sortsa stuff (dirtbikes, ultralight aircraft, outboards, etc) & have learned to trust it utterly, but that sort of trust isn't going to come from stranger's testimonials so it's up to you at this point ;)