
  1. breath_easy13

    can you tell me if this engine is compatible w frame?

    theres really no description but i love this frame, and i want to know if this 80/100cc zeda will fit perfect on the motor mounts. also, does anyone know what max tire size this frame can fit, 26 x 2.25 ? i cant find the specs anywhere, but i would love it was 26 x 2.25 frame...
  2. O

    212cc predator build

    This is my first big build, I ended up getting the 212cc kit, and I need a good frame on a budget and im having issues finding one, ive checked my local shops and cant seem to find a frame to fit the motor. I'm new to a lot of this and dont have much money or income, I need a frame that can tide...
  3. M

    Frame broke. What is a good frame?

    Earlier this week my frame busted in the back where the seat stay connects to the rear dropout on my way home from work. What is a good budget frame so I can get my bike back up and running. Its my main transportation to and from work. I was thinking about buying a frame from bike-berry that has...
  4. S

    79cc Not Fitting Inside Frame

    Hey guys, newbie here. I recently purchased a 79cc 4-stroke engine kit to put inside a mountain bike. I got halfway done assembling everything and then did a dry fit inside the frame and realized it wouldn't fit. I'm afraid gasbike won't accept a return at this point so I was wondering if it's...
  5. P

    SMALL FRAME!!! I've already bought the thing! 1st BUILD HELP :(

    So I planned on whacking a 2 stroke engine kit from eBay onto a push bike and couldnt find any decent hybrid bikes in my area. I walked into a well known local bike shop and fell in love with one recommended by the owner - A Python Quantom 8000 Men's hybrid bike. I fell in love and purchased on...
  6. waynesdata

    My skyhawk frame build.

    Bought a 135mm Gasbike frame. Reused parts from kent bayside bicycle. pedal assembly, seat, seat post "with spacer", and 1“ threaded fork "with spacer". My bayside handle bars could have been used.
  7. J

    Need some help with 70 degree frame pick

    I have been searching and researching but am not sure. I have some questions and need some help. Perhaps not using the right terms. Or just overthinking. Is the standard 48cc or 66cc 2 stroke engine mounted at 70 degrees between down tube and seat tube? I have seen 70 and also 75 degrees...
  8. N

    Best frame for dirt-bike-esque 2 stroke kit

    I'm planning on getting a 2 stroke 66/88cc kit with a SBP jackshaft and i want to basically have a mini dirt bike. I'm looking for a base bike that's 7 speed and maybe has fat tires. If anyone's ridden in loose dirt with a normal mountain bike vs a fat tire your opinion on whether a fat tire is...
  9. TheNecromancer13

    My Dad didn't believe me when I told him this engine would fit in my frame...

    I bought a 79cc harbor freight predator engine despite my Dad's warnings that it would never fit in my frame, he was wrong, but only by 3 millimeters (actual figure, I measured)... here's some pics...
  10. M

    Panels to hide side of engine?

    I saw this post where a guy just briefly mentioned about how a guy made panels to go on the side of his bike frame to cover the engine and everything to make it look neater... I am not going to quote it or give you a link because he just said what it typed above. But, how do I do this? I haven't...
  11. M

    Chain guard won't fit/ stay on bike...

    I have tried zip ties but on the chain guard where the hole is, it is too far back behind the frame where I am supposed to tie it down. I can upload pictures if needed... What should I do to try and fix this? Or are there any other chain guard alternatives? I want to be safe, I have been riding...
  12. AttackCadillac

    Gravely in drop loop frame issue

    Hi I am fairly new to this site and i'm on my first build. My problem is that I am trying to blueprint a drop loop for the engine to cradle in and I can't find a good way to do it. If any of you have had this problem before I could really use some help. P.S. I REALLY do not want to take the...
  13. AttackCadillac

    Worksman frame tube size?

    Hi, i'm new to the whole motorized bike scene and i'm building a early Indian tribute with a Worksman frame. My question is what size frame tubing does a Worksman Newsboy use (I'm stretching the frame) and more importantly where do you get it from. Thanks much, AttackCadillac
  14. M

    motorized bicycles in Europe?

    I was looking for a frame with an integrated gas tank and a combustion chamber but I cant seem to find any stores in Europe.I thought of buying the frame from King's motor bikes but I dont really know how things go for duties and customs.Does anyone know any stores from Europe or anything about...
  15. F

    Help with finding some 24" wheels please

    I'm building my first motor bicycle sort of retro classic style.Im using a phantom (felt style) tank frame with Monark 2 springer forks ,aged brooks springer saddle etc. But I am having trouble finding the wheels I'm after . I kinda fancy some 24" 5.0mm wide rims pref black or gold as I wanted...
  16. M

    Mini-motard ideas.

    So in my motorbicycling hobby, I built two bikes which I sold off for a cheap price when I decided to get a motorcycle. But drivers are kind of too crazy nowadays for a motorcycle and my mom got really mad when I decided to buy a bike saying I'll kill myself haha. So I decided to build...
  17. M

    Will this full suspension bike hold a motor?

    Hey guys, sorry about that last post without any pics, I guess a moderator got to it first and had it deleted. Anyways here's a picture included. I saw this mountain bike on craigslist and I'm wondering if it's possible to mount a Chinagirl without too much fabrication involved. Thanks...
  18. K

    Predator buid

    .trk it has a 212 predator, gear ratio is 10:27:1, has removed the governor, but that is it(no other upgrades). how do i make it go faster!, and not hurt the engine(want to be safe!). NOW BEFORE
  19. Noxuz

    Looking to build the ultimate mountain Motorized Bicycle

    Hello!! after lots of thinking and searching for upgrades for my motorized bike i came to some conclusions. -Nice suspension forks only come in OVER size frames -Over frames are mainly of aluminium and really rarely are big enough for a motor. -Motor perfect frames are for standard forks and...
  20. A

    Can I Make This Work?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm new here.....

    I have a Trek mountain bike that i want to put a Flying Hourse 66/80cc kit on from I have not ordered it yet because of a little problem i might have. Now the problem i'm having some trouble with right now is the four shifter cables that run along the top of the down tube...If i...