What's your favorite quote

"What difference does it make!"

Is that a quote or a question?

The quotes a person lives by can give you great insight into that persons personality!
I said that:)

For example if it was a question I can tell you it came from a very cynical pessimistic personality!

If it was a quote, it is a very concise observation on the pointlessness of the things we as humans do!

That should answer you either way! LOL
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Is that a quote or a question?

The quotes a person lives by can give you great insight into that persons personality!
I said that:)

For example if it was a question I can tell you it came from a very cynical pessimistic personality!

If it was a quote, it is a very concise observation on the pointlessness of the things we as humans do!

That should answer you either way! LOL

Without naming names you know who said it. It is a more or less quote. But being as cynical as I am I put it as a favorite. In reality it disgusts me.
Since we're talking about advice from dads here's what my father said to me when I was leaving to join the Air Force,: " Keep your head down, your mouth shut and never volunteer for anything".
I took his advice and after two tours in Vietnam and 125 missions, I'm still here :)


Since we are talking about dads I had the meanest such and such in the world. He would make me feel like the scum of the earth before breakfast as a child. He was a true B**tard. Yes he's dead now and I do not regret my feelings.
I've always told my kids "enjoy life a little each day, you may get squished tomorrow" And "give them what they want and you can have it all".
My old boss's favorite saying. "A man who's never j*****-off is a fool, a man who says he hasn't is a liar."
Since we are talking about dads I had the meanest such and such in the world. He would make me feel like the scum of the earth before breakfast as a child. He was a true B**tard. Yes he's dead now and I do not regret my feelings.

I am so sorry to hear that, and hope the abused doesn't become the abuser!
was your father abused when young? Mine was and the knowledge of it allowed me to cut him a little slack! in the end.

and remember
“If I were free, as a physician, to say what I pleased, I would tell every abused person I see that there is an entire world out there that is nothing like the one you’re living. Go discover it.”
― C. Kennedy
here's some pearls of wisdom from one of my stepdads:

"if you're gonna tell a cop go **** himself, wait till he's already left..."

"never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself."

"never cook bacon naked."

"no one ever got burnt up from drinking in bed."
[Since we're talking about advice from dads here's what my father said to me when I was leaving to join the Air Force,: " Keep your head down, your mouth shut and never volunteer for anything".]

Word for word from my old man Tom; Seabee, three tour, Vietnam. Even then, my dumb-aXX still put my hand up six times. Never again my friend, I've got gas-bikes to build!

BEST advice I ever got in my life was from my mother. This takes a while to truly, truly sink in, but she armed me with this: Women use sex to get love, and men use love to get sex.
[He would make me feel like the scum of the earth before breakfast as a child. He was a true B**tard. Yes he's dead now and I do not regret my feelings.]

And no reason to do so. We can only choose our friends, not our family. Excelling despite such is the victory. It is what it is.
My dad once told me, "Never discuss religion or politics, unless you want to have an argument."

How true that is!!! :-{

My favorite quote from this forum is BikeGuyJoes signature~
"If something isn't broken & you mess with it long enough, it will be!"

I think of this almost every day reading all the problems that guys have on here!

My personal signature used to be~ "Good bikes aren't cheap, & cheap bikes aren't good!" ;)
I am so sorry to hear that, and hope the abused doesn't become the abuser!
was your father abused when young? Mine was and the knowledge of it allowed me to cut him a little slack! in the end.

and remember
“If I were free, as a physician, to say what I pleased, I would tell every abused person I see that there is an entire world out there that is nothing like the one you’re living. Go discover it.”
― C. Kennedy

Yes, and I am not A. Kennedy. I discovered that on my own. Yes my father was severely abused but he should have accepted that as a learning situation. Just as I. He should not have passed it on.
"When I was five years old my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." -- John Lennon
"When I was five years old my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." -- John Lennon

John Lennon is just not my cup 'o tea.
A reporter asked the young Richard Petty when he thought the first automobile race was held.
Petty immediately quipped, "The day the second automobile was built!"
I just thought; I realized how not to treat people. In a sick sort of way it was a learning experience that has served me well throughout my life.
Favorite quotes:

"No matter how hard the Wind of Evil blows
it cannot extinguish the Flame of Truth"
His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso

If you can't afford to lose it, you can't afford to invest in the stock market.
I guess my favorite quote was from a fold out ad by Sony in a computer mag a couple of decades ago I still keep pinned to my shop wall by my desk.


Then again there are times when a favorite quote simply needs a pic and I do like this one for those rare occasions.


No that one is not on my shop wall ;-}