What's your favorite quote

You should hear my deceased dad favorite quote. I can't repeat it here but it would make you feel like scum of the earth. Be careful what you say to your kids IMHO.
"Where's my forkin' spoon?"
My 2-year-old niece at her birthday dinner after the adults received their silverware.
"I've never seen any young daredevils lining up there to try it" - Evel Knievel, reflecting on his attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon.
To me, Evel Knievel is one of the few people that had earned the right to say, "Do you know who the **** I am?"
This a quote I heard from guitar legend Leo Kottke (he mumbles a whole bunch of stuff between songs):

"I'd take a whole ROOM full of paranoid schitzophrenics before stepping into a room with even ONE catatonic....they're the worst I think"

Then as per his usual non sequitur he went on to play Vasoline Machine Gun, which is a really great song. Sounds like three guitars are playing..
Why buy new when used will do

Politicians are like diapers! They need changed often and for the same reasons.

If nature had as many laws as man. God, himself, could not rule.

These are all tidbits of wisdom passed down from my grandad, Raymond Carson Loy, RIP
And of coarse this one ; If they're droppin mortars on your a** then move your a** somewhere else!!!

SSG Rydell speaking to FNG Delgado Afgahn Mtns 1988
One of the few things my Dad said about the war is "The first things you learn in a battle is to never, ever, look to see where the bullets are coming from."
