What's your favorite quote

Several come immediately to mind, but this is one I came up with myself after years of working in production jobs.

"In any corporate environment, no matter how hard you work to get ahead of your schedule; someone somewhere will do just enough less so that your net gain is always zero." - Woody's No Net Gain Hypothesis.
"No one can see the Great Oz, not no one, not no how"

I had that made into a small plaque that was over my office door when I was in facility management.

"There's two places here for sleeping.. 1) Sitting upright riding in the passenger seat of your city issued truck, and 2) a wheelbarrel tipped up sideways." - Water Dept. Supervisor.
'Use it up, wear it out, or do without". On my fathers fridge.

"Only speak when you can improve the silence". Same place.
I came upon this one recently from, I think, Walt Whitman. And I'm gonna hafta paraphrase since I'm doing it from memory;

"It's good to have money and the things money can buy. But one should take stock frequently to be sure that he's not losing the things that money can't buy."
"I'm busier than a cat covering his s..t in a litterbox."

Actually told to me by an employee this morning!!!
This thread really caught on, and there are some great ones here.
A lone soldier was detailed to the Marines for duty in a particularly unsavory city. While in a discussion about weapons range, and it's limitations on patrol movement, he reminds his comrades "What's the maximum effective range of a U.S. Calvaryman... all of it."
Not for everyone, but it makes my spurs rattle! That's the day they started calling me Gunny.
I'm busier than a possum trying to cover s**t in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

One of my work mates when the boss asked us if we had time to do something else.

This thread really caught on, and there are some great ones here.
A lone soldier was detailed to the Marines for duty in a particularly unsavory city. While in a discussion about weapons range, and it's limitations on patrol movement, he reminds his comrades "What's the maximum effective range of a U.S. Calvaryman... all of it."
Not for everyone, but it makes my spurs rattle! That's the day they started calling me Gunny.
"A sucking chest wound is natures way of telling you to slow down".

"When you realize it's your own grave you're digging, it's time to put down the shovel."
~Me to coworker for whom everything was coming out of his mouth wrong towards somebody else.