What's your favorite quote

Pops had a couple of good ones for me when I was growing up. He was a man of few words.

When I started dating - "Son that thing can get you into more trouble than you can ever imagine"

On the need to save - "Son you can make a million dollars a year, but if you spend a million a year you ain't ever gonna have caca" Well you know what he said - :)
Pops had a couple of good ones for me when I was growing up. He was a man of few words.

When I started dating - "Son that thing can get you into more trouble than you can ever imagine"

On the need to save - "Son you can make a million dollars a year, but if you spend a million a year you ain't ever gonna have caca" Well you know what he said - :)

No doubt those are good ones and very true....
Pops had a couple of good ones for me when I was growing up. He was a man of few words.

When I started dating - "Son that thing can get you into more trouble than you can ever imagine"

On the need to save - "Son you can make a million dollars a year, but if you spend a million a year you ain't ever gonna have caca" Well you know what he said - :)

A very wise man your dad!
thanks for sharing all keep them coming
and isn't it amazing how much sage advice
can come from 8 or 9 words:)
Steve, your friends have 8 cylinder cars and 4 cylinder brains.

My Dad- after we had just slid into the driveway at a high rate of speed and the police went down our street right behind us with lights flashing looking in every drive way. I escaped that time because I wasn't driving.

You can't borrow your self out of debt.

The best friend you will ever have is money in the bank.

My Dad who was Secretary Treasurer of Bordens Dairy in Canada.
Leave the gun. Take the cannolis.
'The Godfather' :)

Interesting bit of trivia: In one of John Connely's Harry Boush novels, the bad guy, a killer, always looked at the surveillance camera and mouthed the words, "Don't forget the cannolis." It became a key point in the story.

"It ain't easy be'n cheesy......"

Chester Cheetah

"I just want to be."

Crash Davis
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How wise our fathers seem as we get a little older.

My dad once told me, "Never discuss religion or politics, unless you want to have an argument."

I sometimes use another of his lines. He grew up in Liverpool, in a rougher time. "Do you want to wake up with a crowd around you?" If nothing else, it buys a few seconds while someone figures out what it means.
20 years ago when my dad dropped me off at college I asked him to divulge some good "life advice". He said he'd tell me exactly what HIS father told him when he was young. It was unexpected considering his usual peaceful, hippyish attitudes. It was this:

"Don't take no **** from no-one"
Yeah my Pops was a sharp guy. Electrical engineer. Me too, I followed him.

Now he don't know what day it is.

I say to him "it's time for bed" and he answers "do I sleep here?"

It's **** getting old.
Since we're talking about advice from dads here's what my father said to me when I was leaving to join the Air Force,: " Keep your head down, your mouth shut and never volunteer for anything".
I took his advice and after two tours in Vietnam and 125 missions, I'm still here :)

Yeah my Pops was a sharp guy. Electrical engineer. Me too, I followed him.

Now he don't know what day it is.

I say to him "it's time for bed" and he answers "do I sleep here?"

It's **** getting old.

I'm sorry. I know it must be very difficult for you.
One of the quotes I like is "never bet on anything that you cannot influence the out come of ". Another is " if you ain't the lead dog the view never changes ".
"Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame."

"I would never die for my beliefs.....because I might be wrong."

"It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this."

Bertrand Russell

If you don't know who he was, research him. Just for those who aren't as old as me, he was the originator of the 60s 'Peace Sign'. It is a derivative of British Naval semaphore for the letters, 'N' & 'D'. which, as Russell saw it, stood for 'Nuclear Disarmament'
