what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thinking about taking the motor off to give the bike a new needed paint job. Thinking about stripping the paint to the metal and giving a quick shot of clear coat to prevent rust. Then I might spray the motor plates. Want to get a new bike (beach cruiser), put on a speed carb, billet intake and an expansion chamber. Gotta get the $ first. Gotta get out and ride, haven't rode in a few weeks.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I forgot to replace my Chevy's gas cap at the Chevron down the road, so I rode my bike down to look for it. Found it, brought it home, then realized it was broken. Too many cars ran over it. So I rode my bike down to the auto parts store for a new cap. The bike felt good, even accelerating up the moderate hill(It helps if you get a running start, lol). On the way home, my bike was so happy that the expansion pipe kissed my leg.

Must wrap the pipe with insulation. Other than that, nothing went wrong, not even a smidgen of oil to wipe off the bike.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, I need to wrap my xchamber up. I have it setup so its right under my left leg. And...I accidently put my thigh against the side of it and i get a nice burn for a second. :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

swapped my bushing into the motor, and shortened the expansion pipe. reved the p*** outta it. felt great! like it should run.

now it's got a nasty rattling sound near the top end... :< hope i didn't break something...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok so its been a while! but my bikes been running great since like December. the only thing i did so far has been to gas it up and ride it. but i guess what i done today was take the studded tires off it and change over to summer tires, but in the process of tightening the homemade skateboard WHEEL chain tensioner i over tightened the bolt strippin it. so basically i replaced the bolt with a grade 8 and im on the road again

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You have a skateboard wheel tensioner too?!
Wow, I was poking around the garage three years ago looking for something to use. Saw the wheel and thought it would be perfect if I put a groove in the middle... Didn't think anyone ever did the same.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok so its been a while! but my bikes been running great since like December. the only thing i did so far has been to gas it up and ride it. but i guess what i done today was take the studded tires off it and change over to summer tires, but in the process of tightening the homemade skateboard WHEEL chain tensioner i over tightened the bolt strippin it. so basically i replaced the bolt with a grade 8 and im on the road again


It Is great to see ya WA! Just today I was asking about you and other folks from way back who just sort of went missing.

(2 any one reading this, look at some of WA's work. Some great stuff)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

all right guys im glad some of u remember me. basically i got a job and a girl friend and that pretty much took up all my life. plus my job was a night job so i slept all day and worked all night my spare time i spent with my girl. but please beleive im still an enthusiast and have tons of ideas in my mind

honestly im back online cause i quite my job after sum old lady (my bosses mother in law) started yelling at me and my boss just let it happen.

so now i have about 2 weeks to chill till i go commercial fishing
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the NT carb I ordered, and a long clutch handle to replace the red CNS carb that came with my Grubee 48cc kit. Swapped out the carb and clutch handle, went to crank it up, it kicked, it sputtered, I felt a surge of power........then the chain broke.

Lightweight chain came with this kit. Can I run the heavier 415 (?) chain on the same sprockets? looks like it. Tomorrow is another day.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just got back from a several mile ride and rooled the Odometer overto 130 miles and some change on this new engine I'm breaking in, it is super windy here right now and it will make the china gal work a bit but she keeps me motroing right along at 28-30mph when I'm bucking that high wind and then when I loose the wind or get it to my back I'm good for a very comfortably 32+mph.

This engine is working out so good right now with no mods done to it that it's a bit scary for me to think about messing with it much, I will be putting a shaved head on it to boost compression a bit, if this make it even better than it is now on the hills around here then that may be as far as I go with this one other than maybe a different carb. like the RT carb that Duane sells, I have one on order I plan to put on my other bike first to see how it proforms after I get it tuned up nice, this other bike has the SBP Xpan-chamber exhaust and I pulled the jug and did a real nice polish job on the tranfer ports and deburred the intake and exhaust, it has a slightly shaved head, I took about 2-3mils off of it just to get it nice and flat.

If the RT runs out real nice on this engine I'll get one on the new engine as well.

Like I said it's very windy here and in the upper 90's here today but I still had a nice ride, got 550 miles on this Karaoke Huffy now and it just rides good, never a glitch I just crankl it and go......

I know some are not a fan of the "cheap" bikes like my Huffy but I've had zero issues from it, I changed the peddle side chain ring to a 36T instead of the 44T, and chunked the guard, I pulled the axles out of the wheels and cleaned all the factory grease out of the bearings and replaced it with and industrial grease called PEAK which is as good as is made period, and it should be good @ $32.00 per tube......ouch....!

All my bearings are still tight but free and zero signs of wear after 550 miles so I'm not worried about that end of so far, no broke welds or stress cracks in frame which I do look for before most trips out just in case, because I know some have had issue with this on the cranbrooks.

I like my Huffy....and like I said this new BGF engine is working out really nice so far, very smooth and nice power.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

fixed the rattle, bushing wasn't fully pressed in. now i just need to do some tuning work (changed the pipe length on the expansion pipe (more top end) but thinking i need it just a little longer to get some torque)

all right guys im glad some of u remember me. basically i got a job and a girl friend and that pretty much took up all my life

they have a way of doing that ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Welcome back, WildAlakan!
May you have the best of good fortune with your new fishing job!

You have a skateboard wheel tensioner too?!
Wow, I was poking around the garage three years ago looking for something to use. Saw the wheel and thought it would be perfect if I put a groove in the middle... Didn't think anyone ever did the same.

I have a skateboard wheel tensioner too. Ground it to size and grooved it with my Dremel while it was spinning, chucked up in my drill press. Urethane dust all over the garage and myself when I was done.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

all right guys im glad some of u remember me. basically i got a job and a girl friend and that pretty much took up all my life. plus my job was a night job so i slept all day and worked all night my spare time i spent with my girl. but please beleive im still an enthusiast and have tons of ideas in my mind

honestly im back online cause i quite my job after sum old lady (my bosses mother in law) started yelling at me and my boss just let it happen.

so now i have about 2 weeks to chill till i go commercial fishing

Jobs and daxtitg g-friends......they're a dime a dozen, not an excuse to bail out on your motorbicycling obligations laff

All that aside, welcome back! Now call Killercanuck and let him know the water is clear and it's OK to surface now as well rotfl laff rotfl
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

About to finish welding up a bracket for a setback seat mount. Put some bracing inside and appears like it is going to work just great. Now the metal bird feeder/waterer suffered a little but could not pass up the nice thick tubing and angles for bracing inside. Who knows may have saved a penny or so. lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

motor grenaded :<

something must have gotten in the crank case cause i heard a nasty crunch noise followed by the motor dying.

prognosis: motor suffered catastrophic failure due to material entering the combustion chamber and created 3 scores on the cylinder wall, 1 broken transfer port (cylinder wall collapse) and 1 broken piston ring.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh Man Skarrd. That is not good.

nope not at all...

got a new top end coming from zoom bicycles.

head and base gasket

this weekend gonna pull the engine off the bike and turn it upside down and shake it to see if anythings still lingering in the crank case.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

nope not at all...

got a new top end coming from zoom bicycles.

head and base gasket

this weekend gonna pull the engine off the bike and turn it upside down and shake it to see if anythings still lingering in the crank case.

Be sure and check the lower con rod bearing and make sure it is not missing rollers, this is what happend to my first engine that did exactly what you just described yours did.....

Mine seized up on me, I was able to get it unseized and then I thought it might be ok, I put it on another bike an it started and seemed to run fine, I took of one day on a 8 or 9 mile trip and on the way back about 200 yards form my house itjust quit and wizzed down to nothing, I could tell it had lost all compression....so I knew it wasn't a good thing that just happened, I pulled the jug and I had a ring broke, deep score it piston, deep score in cylinder wall, large chunk busted out of transfer port and then after checking things closer I realized that I was missing one or 2 needle bearing on the crank because there was way too much space in between the ones that were left and I could see that they tried to turn at an angle on the crank instead of sitting straight on the crank journal.

This is when I got a used crank form someone and rebuilt that engine and it ran very good until that used crank petered out on me and ate into the case on the clutch side allowing the mag rotor to eat into the case on it's side and destroy the crank seal.

Check that lower end out very good or you may be rebuilding another grenade.......

best wishes to ya
