what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thank you duce....

These 2 smokers have been and still are a learning experience for me, I have pretty good knowledge of mods to 4 strokes and have done a good bit of tinkering with them over the years, not a pro at it by any means but I have built a few of them up to run pretty good, but the 2 smokers are a whole new ball game for me, its all trial and error for me on them and it seems to be more error than it is trial at times.LOL!

But I just keep tinkering, hoping to get just a tad more out of-em so I can pull the hills a bit better and get over that 40MPH hump that has eluded me thus far..........I have hit the 38 & 39 MPH mark but 40 hasn't been seen on my speedo yet...I do have one engine that is fixing to get the RT carb from Dax put on it and I have another head I'm gonna be shaving down to get the compression up on it also, I have already had the jug off and port matched intake, exhaust, and smoothed up the transfer ports fairly nice, not perfect but wat better than they were when I started for sure, this bike has a 34T sprocket on it so with all this work I'm gonna be pretty upset if I still cant get 40-42MPH out of it once I get this all done and get it tuned in good.

I have a bone stock 66cc with the little 6mm studs and the restrictive alum. intake that will hit 37MPH with a 41T sprocket and the bike is a heavy frame mountain bike from the early 90's and it has 1200 miles on it now, it vibrates to high heavon at that speed with the 41T sprocket but it will do it at will on flat ground, I dont really want to touch this engine because I'm afraid I'll mess it up and it might run worse instead of better........LOL

Thanks for the offer to walk me through the proccess you have done, I may just hit you up about that when I get a few other things squared away...


maybe one of the kids phones will work if we can figure how to do that-not much to look at- as for the workmanship I'm convinced a more knowledgeable person could have gotten more performance out of it but I'm learning and it moves out nicely with a few oddities I hope to figure out in time.- if you wont to do one I'll walk you through it? it's just scary when taken as a hole but step by step it' vary do able- peace dude.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had one of those 6mm stud 66cc engines. Tough little beast! I modded that heavily. Shaved slant head, tuned, porting, custom intake, etc, etc. It hit 40 on flat ground with a stock rear sprocket. Spinning crazy high revs. It finally died...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mine doesnt have the slant head it just has the straight plug head which I have read is actually lower compression than the slant but I dont know if this is fact or fiction.

yeah mine will rev like crazy too, I have run it on 16-25 mile trips almost wide open the entire way and it stilljust keeps on going with 1200 miles on it now, this has been the best of the engines I've had as for as needing any tinkering because I have basically done ZERO tinkering on this one aftre I got the carb tuned I have just run the dawg out of it when I ride it and it never has let me down.....Opti 2 is holding it together IMHO plus it just so happens to be a well put together engine with the acception that it is the worse balanced of the 4 I have, this thing will numb you from head to toe if it is run over 28-30 MPH for very long, I plan to put a 36 or 38T sprocket on the wheel to get the revs down to comfortable at around the 28-30 mph range, it runs very smoothe @ 25-26 MPH but above that and let the vibrations beggin.LOL!

I had one of those 6mm stud 66cc engines. Tough little beast! I modded that heavily. Shaved slant head, tuned, porting, custom intake, etc, etc. It hit 40 on flat ground with a stock rear sprocket. Spinning crazy high revs. It finally died...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday, I sealed the Tanaka three-piece expansion pipe at its three slip-fit connections. The inlet and endbleed ports were prepped, then wrapped with fiberglas sheets soaked with epoxy. The slip-fit adaptor that connects to the OEM muffler had no overlap, so I used another epoxy to try to seal the connections.

The main reason I had to seal the pipe was that leaking exhaust fumes were burning my eyes and giving me a headache. The oil spit was also getting on my clothes, frame and wheels.

The epoxy had a day to cure, so I rode a half-mile downhill to Jack in the Box for breakfast. The connections seemed intact. I used nylon tiewraps to secure the bandages. At that point, all seals seemed okay. After breakfast, I rode to Ala Moana Park eight miles away. Speeds varied from a high of 37.5 mph on the highway to 25 mph in town. The seals looked good at the park. There was a slight oil seep at the muffler flange adaptor slip-fit. When I returned home, I didn't like what I saw. The high temps at the head pipe melted the tiewrap closest to the exhaust port. The fiberglas sheets were disintegrating all the way down to the pipe. The other three tiewraps which were farther from the exhaust flange are still holding out. After I redo the seal with a different type of repair, I'll use baling wire instead of tiewraps to secure the wrap. The seal at the endbleed seems secure. There is less heat at that end, so nothing's falling apart yet.

The seal idea is good. After a wipedown, I notice that less oil was covering the frame's head tube, water bottle and the rear wheel and spokes. I originally thought the wheel was getting grime from my exhaust tail pipe. This was even though the tail pipe extends several inches past the rear axle.

Here's the pipe I'm using on my Tanaka 47R engine:


I've pulled the plug after controlled high-speed blasts over a period of several days. Plug color started at dark chocolate. Now it's at light chocolate, after the last fuel mixture adjustment.

This bike runs like a small motorcycle!xct2
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Worked all day wishin I was Home riding my new build around. Now its too late but off tomarrow. Gonna clean all the cables up and do the final mounting of everything.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the last of the Chinee parts that I'm selling OFF my bike. All the parts are sold or spoken for. It's a good thing, too. I was eying the 49 for a new boat anchor :p

And, somehow, my mind keeps twisting Morini and Ferrari around. I don't know why that is.

And my dreams are filled with Gina Lollobrigida or Sophia Loren riding my bike (showing my age here) with the odometer saying 150,000 kilometers r.ly.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday, put my engine drive chain back on 5 times. But don't tell 2Door as I will lose the right to tease him about his love of chain tensioners.

Sophia is hot Dave!
(We ain't old. Just decrepit. snork)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I painted the new motor I got from BGF chevy orange was going with a black motor but got a silver one bye mistake so I went with it(life hands you lemons make lemonaid).I was going for a old school Can am bombidear dirt bike look,my freind had a can am 370 that was a monster.I am going to sand down the tips of the fins after the paint cures a bit,that should look cool.Now I will have to paint the rest of the bike then I am going to get a real tank for it.
I have done some other work to it I found a nice seat in the dump and put my suspention seat post on it.Next I swapped out the rear rim from a 26" to a 24" rim for more botom end.I also laced in a HD hub with a band brake.

This motor fired right up and runs a lot better than the one that was in it and way more power,hardly any vibration and I took the useless boost bottle off. It is my day off so I am going for a small put then going to stop and get some mixer for the last of my captain and kick my feet up .


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had a great day riding yesterday until I returned to hear that my home town, Joplin Missouri was devastated by a massive tornado. Since then I and my kids have been trying to contact friends and relatives to make sure they are safe. So far everyone is OK but several lost homes. Current death toll is 90. Please keep the people of Jopllin in your mind and if you have the means donate to the Red Cross. We will be leaving this afternoon to drive down. The devastation was huge...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a pair of piston pin bushings in the mail. test fitted one on the grubee motor in my room. gonna put the other on the daemon motor that's on the bike tomorrow.

also need to do some figuring out on the expansion pipe since it's too long for the power band i'll be in (motor's gonna be hitting 8k now, so it'll need to be adjusted to suit that range). also may flip the jug around and see if i like it backward.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today? GOOP SEALANT


FEH! !

use GOOP instead! Flowed onto solder joints, overnight it becomes transparent HARD RUBBER (The same stuff re-badged is called SHOE GOO)

It is a great addition to the tool bag.

Overnight it with will fill and repair a hole in a tire. My right front on the Ranger had a 1/4" deep square hole that has been filled for 3 years.

It also can serve are a rubber bushing for where the wires come outa the engine and outa the Coil

It also can prevent any nut from drifting loose and unscrewing

It also can be used to prevent corrosion

I also applied clear Krylon aerosol lacquer to stop the rust on the cheapo Chinese HUFFY handlebars (and also on the cheapo Chinese gas tank)
In rainy Florida it is WORKING !

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put a new 415 chain on that I got from 2door. Thanks for the chain Tom, it is a huge difference from my old chain; nice and smooth.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Are you getting away from the caged needle bearing to the bushing for better balance and for better high RPM reliability?

Just curious because I remember reading a post saying these are 2 of the advantages of having the bushing on the piston pin verses having the needle bearing, if I remember right.


got a pair of piston pin bushings in the mail. test fitted one on the grubee motor in my room. gonna put the other on the daemon motor that's on the bike tomorrow.

also need to do some figuring out on the expansion pipe since it's too long for the power band i'll be in (motor's gonna be hitting 8k now, so it'll need to be adjusted to suit that range). also may flip the jug around and see if i like it backward.