what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I blew the threads on my fixie threaded hub & sprocket setup doing that same thing. Ended up being an expensive flub.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went out and ran an errand. Investigated getting a power chair for pops. He is 90 and getting out of the chair where he watches TV all day is getting harder every day. As long as the doc writes a script Medicare will pick up $350 of the grand they cost and the doc already said he would, so life will be easier for us.

Oh yeah, I rode the MB out to the hospital supply place of course and everything went just fine. No drama, lotsa "cool" looks and the 2 cops I rode by paid me no heed.

Life is good.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I cleaned up my bike real good and got it ready for tomorrow's Denver Area Ride II, now it's raining so probably no riding for me today.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put another exhaust on the white bike yesterday ( Dont pay any attention to the zip tie holding the canister at rear, that was just a quick way to hold it in place while I tested to see if it was going to work the way I wanted it too) and reduced the jet size in the carb one size, I have 80 miles on that engine now and it was time to stop all that 4 stroking it had even at WOT, it would only hit 30 mph with that expansion chamber on it and now that I took it off and went with a port matched home built exhaust flange and a length of 1" flex pipe dumping into a rear ( Energy Drink Can ) chamber at the rear it will hit 38 MPH and cruise nice at 30-32 MPH now, I know 38 MPH aint much to some on here but this engine is bone stock, no polished ports, nothing deburred and cleaned up, just a tuned carb and an opened up free flowing exhaust and gained 8 MPH and it just has 80 miles on it so it isnt even good and broke in yet, I will be putting my other shaved slant head on it in a couple days to raise compression and this will be all I do to this engine until I get a hundred or so more miles on it, then I plan to scribe the piston at TDC around the intake port and resize the skirt to flow the air/fuel in better and then do some deburring, polishing, and port matching, this should bring this engine to life or at least I hope it does and should since it's such a good runner already.



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    White bike new exhaust3.jpg
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    White bike new exhaust1.jpg
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

WOW! I spent all day well 12hrs. setting up a inline reed first I drilled out the piston and then a power port and reused the gaskets-had many vac leaks head and base so ride re-tork ride re-tork ride re-tork I finely got it to seat,then on to the reed cage I made it of 7 plates you know that had to leak and it did so I tighten it down 3 times and then ended up wrapping it in two part puddy that did the trick. I'll lean the carburetor and crimp the muffler stinger for the right back presser in the morning.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i finally got back to wrk one my shift kit full suspendion build. i didnt have a way to grind down the motor space the 1/8" i needed to make the chain fit so i took it out side and cleaned all the stains and bike tracks off of my concrete porch by standing on it and and going up and down. it came out perfectly grinded straight and the porch is clean now lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Applied Cascade damping compound to the inside of the clutch cover and the magneto cover, greased the gears while the cover was off.

Looking forward to less noise.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took it out for a ride, and much quieter, the stuff worked good.

Yep, amazing difference greasing those gears up.
I cut a piece of cardboard that fits inside the clutch cover. Free way to reduce noise by a serious amount.

When you're greasing it up, don't forget to pull off the sprocket cover, pull out the rod and bearing and put some grease in there too!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This is the second time I greased. I use white lithium which comes in a little "toothpaste" type tube. I squeeze out a tiny dab (about the size of a BB) on my finger and apply to the big gear and rotate and repeat about 6 times with the sparkplug out. Then spin it a couple of wheel spins to distribute and it works real good. There wasn't a lot of splatter on the cover when I took it off.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my new sparkplug, bringing up the heat from a BR7HS to a BR5HS.

Popped by Wally World on the way home, and found a marine fuel connector setup (male and female for 3 bucks a piece).

So, now I'm going to connect it up into my gas can for a cheap gallon tank. Only thing is I need to fab up a cage for my luggage rack so I can securely mount it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

When I had my bike running, once a week I'd just put a little BB sized dab on the gear. You don't want too much in there. I think I used wheel bearing grease. But just because that's what I have.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How about some pics of that work your talking about here, I'm curious.....

WOW! I spent all day well 12hrs. setting up a inline reed first I drilled out the piston and then a power port and reused the gaskets-had many vac leaks head and base so ride re-tork ride re-tork ride re-tork I finely got it to seat,then on to the reed cage I made it of 7 plates you know that had to leak and it did so I tighten it down 3 times and then ended up wrapping it in two part puddy that did the trick. I'll lean the carburetor and crimp the muffler stinger for the right back presser in the morning.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok I've got the bugs out of it. Gos like a shot!!!!!-dead spot after 40 if held wot I back off the throttle and it's good
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

No I dont guess I will see it then, I wont be at willow springs but I would really enjoy being there I'm sure.......

In the future if you do get a camera I would still liek to see what you have done, sounds like some very good work......

Be careful on that thing if it runs that good......


see you at willow spring on the 18-I don't have a digital camera
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started chopping and welding an old motorcycle engine guard to create a new exhaust system. So far I have the cylinder flange fabbed and match ported, cut the engine guard in two to give it the correct twist, and welded up the whole mess. A good start for a header. I plan on having the exhaust exit out the right side of the bike. It will cross over right behind the seat tube and come out between the pedal chain and chain guard.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

No I dont guess I will see it then, I wont be at willow springs but I would really enjoy being there I'm sure.......

In the future if you do get a camera I would still liek to see what you have done, sounds like some very good work......

Be careful on that thing if it runs that good......


maybe one of the kids phones will work if we can figure how to do that-not much to look at- as for the workmanship I'm convinced a more knowledgeable person could have gotten more performance out of it but I'm learning and it moves out nicely with a few oddities I hope to figure out in time.- if you wont to do one I'll walk you through it? it's just scary when taken as a hole but step by step it' vary do able- peace dude.