what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got about an hour's ride in before it started raining. then i ordered a bunch of inks and stuff for my silk screen set-up so i can finally make those "pedaling sucks" t shirts i was talking about a long time ago...

took some pictures of my bike, too, 'cause i realized i never posted any complet ones in the daylight, so i'm gonna do that now...

Hey Bairdco need any graphics done for silkscreen? I have done a ton of layered imaged for printing... Let me know when they are ready, I want one...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

nope, thanks though.

i have a home set-up, totally unprofessional, DIY style. mostly i draw and letter everything by hand, then transfer it to the screen, then screen it.

there's always a smudge here or a thumbprint there, but i'm pretty darn good at it now, and the "mistakes" just add to the charm. makes 'em kinda punk rock.

i'll post up a thread when i get them going...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool, keep it up Bairdco, you'll get better eventually :) The old errors will be the 'hip' classics to sell later :p

Mark, when I tried to log into your ZombieWerks site I got a BSOD, win32.sys error, I think its just a 'flash' thing, but damn. Even Wordpress? I've been in contact with Adobe but I'm waiting to hear back, Nice looking site, I just have something wrong on my end I think. Looking good though
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool, keep it up Bairdco, you'll get better eventually :)
Mark, when I tried to log into your ZombieWerks site I got a BSOD, win32.sys error, I think its just a 'flash' thing, but damn. Even Wordpress? I've been in contact with Adobe but I'm waiting to hear back, Nice looking site, I just have something wrong on my end I think. Looking good though

Yea it may well be a flash error but the WP is working well on my end and I just logged into it from another machine and it was OK... Thanks for the compliment and as soon as this latest build is done I will start to make some posts and populate the pages... Let me know if you continue to have problems I see you already registered... Just a quickie WP site I threw together but will prolly make it a static site later with a blog attached to it. No forums though I really hate to admin anything since the last one I had that got big (LOL @ PAUL)...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well I had to use my handi tool kit today,so here's some pics of what I roll with, + nuts and bolts. I had a bogie wheel on my tensioner reach critical mass while riding 30+ I could have salvaged the parts but some bone head in a car drove over it while I was standing there trying to recover it from the middle of the road. Fortunately I had a spare tensioner in my bag of tricks so I was back on the road in a few minutes with my alternate part. What a bone head, I guess not everyone on the road is so kind these days, Se LA VI, I didn't let them pee in my wheaties. I'm roll'n again. dance1

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was 60 in Chicago today I fired up one of my four bikes and took a long ride, that was so nice ! Its been a long winter I missed riding.
thats great! i still cant ride here in PA. the weather has been nice for like 5 days. but the snow a slush would kill me.lol and i just took my back hub off my rim:( need to get the new one on.. and quick! spring is in the air:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

went to sears and bought some 2 stroke oil and a spark plug, figured "what the ****, it's $2.30, if it fits, ok! if not, oh well..."

the thing fits!

'first fire' (made by e3) ff-11
havn't run it yet to see how much of a difference it makes since i'm painting the frame. but i hope it'll help. be nice to have some place local to get spark plugs for it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

going to install my new motor on my new bike tomorrow so i can ride it around.. hope it goes fast but need to go buy a few bolts first to get the stronger ones for the motor mounts and exhaust pipe
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Chain came off last night right after some people cheered me on for building the bike myself. I bet I looked awesome pushing it home. I had run it without a tensioner after shortening the chain but I guess it stretched enough to where there was slack in it again. I put the chain back on tonight and re-installed the tensioner to act as a guide. I'm about to attempt a ride into town to see if it's all fixed.

Also the rear band brake squeals after a certain speed. I'll work on that later.

2/20 The brake adjustment worked and there's no more squeal. However, the chain popped off again, this time about 1 1/2 miles from home. More bike pushing ensued. I re-positioned the motor, which I should have done anyway after I had widened the frame and put on a new wheel. I also re-positioned the tensioner, but stripped part of one of the bolts holding it in place in the process. I tried shoving the tensioner over to see if it would fall into the spokes, but the chain holds it in place now. I just rode for a few miles to meet some friends and look at abandoned houses. I rode it there and back without any more problems. I'm still not ready to try commuting on it again.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my motorbike a few miles to the local home improvement store for a caulking gun and chop saw blade.
While locking up my bike, a fellow walked up and began asking questions about it. He thought it was some sort of small retro motorcycle but I explained to him that is was an old beach cruiser with a China girl motor kit. He took a pic of it with his cell phone. He wants to sell his off road motorcycle and get a dual purpose bike.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

painted the frame. missed a few spots (it was dark out when i painted it) but it turned out nice, gonna touch it up tomorrow, let it sit for a day or so, then put it back together.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Red paint. More red paint. Still some more red paint. The clear coat's on its way soon. The Higgins frame is looking good in red. When I get my new digital camera, I will be posting pics of it and the working mock carbide headlamp. Things are coming together.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Trying to get the last final touches on the new Crannie so when it quits raining and is a little warmer I am ready to ride...



Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

touched up the spots on the frame i missed while painting it last night.

letting it dry in the sun right now, then gonna let it sit for 24 hours while i let the paint cure, then put it back together.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rode around for awhile, back wheel started squeaking, so i just now took it apart and re-greased it.

it's an NOS shimano cb- D120, which is basically the same as the E series, but it's heavier-duty-er.

or so i thought.

the brake shoes are almost toast and all the grease was burnt off.

this hub was basically new and re-greased with phil wood grease when i laced it up for this bike.

i guess shimano hubs ain't the best on a hot rod bike.

i took some better shoes from an old hub and popped out all the bearings from the races (and added more) to make it a loose-bearing hub so it rolls better and hopefully lasts longer. if you've ever re-built a coaster brake hub with loose bearings, it ain't that fun, but it's not that big of a deal.

i think i'm gonna test ride it over to target to get me a cheap speedo so's i can show youse guys how fast it really is.

and i'm working on some different hub options...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rode around for awhile, back wheel started squeaking, so i just now took it apart and re-greased it.

it's an NOS shimano cb- D120, which is basically the same as the E series, but it's heavier-duty-er.

or so i thought.

the brake shoes are almost toast and all the grease was burnt off.

this hub was basically new and re-greased with phil wood grease when i laced it up for this bike.

i guess shimano hubs ain't the best on a hot rod bike.

i took some better shoes from an old hub and popped out all the bearings from the races (and added more) to make it a loose-bearing hub so it rolls better and hopefully lasts longer. if you've ever re-built a coaster brake hub with loose bearings, it ain't that fun, but it's not that big of a deal.

i think i'm gonna test ride it over to target to get me a cheap speedo so's i can show youse guys how fast it really is.

and i'm working on some different hub options...

Sounds like you did good with those hubs over all. I would not expect to make it past 5 days of heavy braking and a Morini. pffft. :p I am a pretty big tall guy tho..

The speedometer I ordered will have a tachometer, temp sensor, mph, average speed, clock, Maintenance a high temp alarm, built in fuel consumption calculator and it will even run off the china white wire:D

I had no luck with cheep speed ohmmeters and the Morini on my last build. they worked good on the china tho. I found these, these are like Doritos they make more! Ordered nine of them lol. When they get done falling apart I will make a custom light! for the white wire on the China lol.Waterproof LED Bike Bicycle Head Light+Rear Flashlight - eBay (item 250521741093 end time Mar-22-11 23:09:43 PDT)




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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Shipping that light set all the way from Australia may get expensive.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I only spent about 24 dollars.;) I keep a keen eye on my bank account. Read to me that it came from china. Id be lying if I said I did not feel a little leery about it. lol
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