what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to the store two blocks away that's all I could do it was so cold. It is going to get down to 18°f, The ground was already starting to freeze at 6pm it is crazy cold and not enough snow. I can't wait to take a ride in shorts and not three layers.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is interesting about the modified brake lever. Most people just ignore the set screws used for reach ajustments, but I've never heard of anyone filing the levers to increase cable travel. Compressionless cables (straight wire cable housings such as Odyssey Slic Cable) are the best thing for clutches.

Mbuna, thanks for reminding me why I (love Oregon but) don't live there.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My motorbike got some unexpected attention at the auto shop today.
The service guy asked me if I could leave my car for service.
I told him that I had my motorbike on the back on a bike rack and could ride it home.
The service guy peered out the glass doors and decided to step outside
for a closer look. He likes to bicycle to work on occasion and said it gets
very sweaty in the summer. I told him about our site, some of the laws and restrictions in TX and some sources for bike motor kits.
After finishing the paperwork inside, I went back outside to unrack the motorbike and ride home. As I began to swing a leg over, the service guy again stepped outside and said “I want to hear it run”. I pedaled across the parking lot, released the clutch and motored away.
On the 7 mile motorbike ride home, a guy in a new Camaro clapped his hands as I went by. I’ll take it as a complement, whatever his intention.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

HAHAHA wheelbender6 I got nearly the same types of looks and comments when I was at PEP Boys the other night to air up my tires on my bike..

The service manager at this location happens to be a leggy good looking blond female that drooled all over my machine and pretty much discounted me to being just the person riding it LOL...

Then coming home I was honked at by 3 different cars and waved over by a near neighbor to find out how he can get one too...

Funny how these machines grab peoples attention isn't it?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Even Better I just got back from Harbor Freight where I went to get some more zip ties and when I came out there were about 10 people standing around my bike and I had to answer questions about it and where to find kits etc.... I even had to do a parking lot lap and I let a couple people ride it around the lot. I then went to the drive thru to get some beer and smokes and got waved down by a guy wanting information.... I think I need to get some cards on order with the forum addy and my website just to allow people some information.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

bought a second kickstand and a handle bar cup holder.

forgot to get a half link while i was at the bike shop.

a guy in a new Camaro clapped his hands as I went by. I’ll take it as a complement, whatever his intention.

there's a guy in a new camaro around my neighborhood who seems to think the speed limit doesn't apply to him. (seen him do probably 65mph(at least) on the 45mph streets, then 45-ish mph in neighborhoods)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hey mark dont let just random people drive your bike because if they crash it, it will be your fault and then you will be without your sweet ride. great that your a friendly guy but i had a close friend crash mine into someones car and that guy wasnt so happy to see a motor on that bike trust me..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't forget that if "random people" ride your bike, they might just go all the way home with it and not come back.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yea BABY... it is finally partly sunny and in the 50s today so I am off on my first extended ride. I ordered my new Bike cards last night to give to people that ask about the bike and printed some temporary cards up. So far I am very happy with the performance ad feel of the new Huffy Cranbrook build but will take a few tools along with me just in case... See you all later... ZOOM ZOOM
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Only had time for thinkin' about it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lets see, couple days ago i put a 24" tire on it.

feels better now (kickstand actually works now!) but it threw off my gear ratio :<

e-mailed pablo asking what chainrings the shift kit comes with. thinking it's a more economical purchase for it, rather than a single gear.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just put a new tube in my rear tire. 3rd one in 2 months! The valve stem keeps getting severed from the tire and tube rotating on the rim, due to my tires being wider than normal balloons. This time I decided to try the tire-within-a-tire trick. Hope it works! :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted rear brakes. 'bout it.

Car had to go in the shop for some work. Needed a computer to ask it's computer what was wrong. It answered around $1,400 of work. Gonna miss that car, snork. But strapped bike on the car, dropped it off and rode to work then home. Never really thought about it but our rides are really great back ups. Car was down and didn't miss a beat today and was early for work. Just thought that was cool. And ride home was awesome. Good day so far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just put a new tube in my rear tire. 3rd one in 2 months! The valve stem keeps getting severed from the tire and tube rotating on the rim, due to my tires being wider than normal balloons. This time I decided to try the tire-within-a-tire trick. Hope it works! :D


XD i couldn't resist.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After a rally in 2008, I posted this Skarrd; (sadly, a true story)

"Last yr, after a libation or 3 with dinner, I couldn't keep up with the Whizzers on my china girl. my gas tank had slid half way off and my muffler guts fell out. I yelled at her "Not in front of the wizzers!" She ignored me. So I rode behind singin' at the top of my lungs ((no one could hear me with a st8 pipe)) "Born to be Mild..."

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be Mild
We can climb so high
I never wanna Crash

Born to be mild
Born to be milllliiidddd

Had to be there, snork."

Every MB should have a theme song!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

last few days did nuffing but rode and made a few bucks..usual days for me. thinking about putting my kit over onto a bike i got yesterday. a huffy mt havoc. wut caught my eye about it was the front forks. kind of springer like. imma decide the next day or so if i am. gonna do a google pic search and try to post a pic of wut 1 looks like. mines top tube looks more slanted than the 1 in the pic i found lol


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL @ Dan "born to be Mild"... I have a shirt design for this forum I submitted with "built to be wild" as the tagline... The still liked "not just for peddling any more" better... BTW Paul what about the shirts? Is gettiing warmer and we need something to show the pride when we ride LOL

MY Crannie build has been surprising me with how well it has been running. With some minor exceptions I have been riding like a fool... I did have to change out the stator the other day after running through a puddle and water getting into the ignition box and had an air leak in the CNS 1 carb that needed to be tracked down but other than that it is a running fool. I actually hit 38.6 mph today by my GPS...

I did work on the fenders and painted them black as well as the chain guard instead of the crappy cream color Huffy uses...

I also ordered my bike cards as it doesn't appear I can go out for a ride in peace without someone wanting to know where o get a bike like mine (I got waved down twice today alone, oh well better than police lights I guess)... Thanks Barely Awake for letting me use the background of your cards... Here is the proof from the printers:


$30.64 for 1000 cards is a heck of a deal I thought, sure beats me printing them and trimming them on my own...
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