what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got to ride on my new cranbrook with a new rawmotors anglefire kit.. so fast for now.. think i need to fix my clutch pads on my old bike,
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i finally fixed my flat tire it was cause by the wires in the tire rubbing against the tube

well see how long this innertube last with that rubbing hopefully another month so i can put summer tires on

well i admittingly have been nglecting my bike but it sure felt nice to ride it last night and today especially when it got me across town when i would have had to stay home
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I changed the mixture setting on my newer type carb. First it was way to rich but I set it at two notches leaner and it heated my tuned pipe so much melted the 450 degree tubing. So I set it back to the stock three notches down. maybe this will work. My new carb seems to have a wider barrel so maybe it sucks more gas I would like to get at least one hundred miles to the gallon, but maybe that is asking to much.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took it to a car show.

lol'd at all the people who would walk by it and think "ok it's a bicy- wait, is that a motor on it?"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rode it around today, since it was almost 80 degrees out. went to the swap meet and found a guy selling a bunch of auto parts. bought 20 NGK's for 10 bucks, some copper lines and some other crap. oh, and some t shirts so i can hopefully get some screened up sometime this week, in between working on the raffle bike.

my clutch is squeaking.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just realized today after taking Nashville Kat's advise on a smaller rear sprocket, (Thanks Kat!) I am getting insanely good millage! I have yet to really test and do the math but is phenomenally better For the price of some lower end so, so worth it! RPM max's out at around 4K so engine is happy and happy sounding. Speed is still low 30s. win/win all around.

My only MPG test on this engine was worst case. Did it in the cold and on a one mile road with a stop sign half way. Went from stop to WOT to stop to WOT for a hrs. It got 108 MPG. Have to test but now (I am guessing but will report) has to be at least 20% better. At these numbers, don't really care about MPG but was another cool lesson learned. Think that is one of the best parts of our crazy. Never ends and always some thing new to explore. The math said my ratio was perfect. It wasn't.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still not much new to report on the Higgins build. Some parts still getting red paint, some now getting clear coat. (Tough clear coat.) Also modified a 36T front pedal sprocket to fit the crank I'll be using. And I cleaned up the old red glass reflectors. They don't shine as bright as modern ones do - but they have "vintage cool" so I intend to find a way to use them.

I also have plans to make a fake, metal tank for the handlebars which, back in the day, would have held fuel/water for the carbide headlamp. But it will hold batteries for all lights. I'll be running a cloth covered set of wires from the tank to the headlight - just for the attention-to-detail effect. A lot of this stuff I'm doing just because I can.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I moved my ignition box to the seat tube, above and behind the engine. The speedo doesn't reset itself as often, but it didn't cure it. The box will stay dryer and cleaner up there anyway.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

washed some salt off the fenders. Raining like heck here. Noticed how close I cut the crank clearance. No amount of planing will ever replace dumb luck. The pipe support is just an old chain tensioner cut down. (pic below)

Can't be riddin' dirty, snicker.

LOL Skarrd. We gotta write a MB version of that song.

and I need a few more lines for this one;

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and you can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

I keep posting this and no one ever adds lines! ( I really do think it's funny but still a work in progress)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dan, I'd send that into them. Sounds perfect to me.

Now I think I'll get a beer.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did Steve! No kidding. Sent it to the woman who heads up their ads at a separate company. No reply. I was hoping for a hat, some free beer or at least a hat, snork. Really, is a Bud light cap to much to ask for? I worked hard on that for several minutes with a rather horrible hang-over.

But is all about the fun. (and free hats) wut ya gonna do.

On a serious note, it is short 2 or 3 lines according to their existing ads. When I come up with them, gonna send to AB directly. I really do think its funny (but I have rather low standards) and just think it would be cool for us. Gonna make ring tones for us. I am working on one with a 4 stroke warming up. Is actually pretty cool. I am down to one 2 smoker and have yet to record her. But will get to it some day.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

just looked at the pic I posted of my crank. In real life you can just barely see light between the crank and muffler (read rubber blow bag, snork). Has to be less then a MM. Might drill the hole bigger in the blow bag just to see if it makes a difference. They cost $6.99 at Harbor freight. $20 @ home depot. Is the same dang thing.

Think I posted it but the drain cleaning "blow bag" was put on as a joke. I thought it would expand and explode. Dang thing works awesome. I tested it against a Ace hardware small engine muffler and works better. I used a garden hose splitter and had both on at the same time so I could experiment. Silly blow bag out performed the "real" muffler. But the real one did sound meaner. Some vids and pics http://motorbicycling.com/f37/riverside-build-23871.html
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dan I forgot about that blow bag. I have been a two smoke guy all this time now. When money permits gonna do a four smoke and a blow bag!! (^)

For some reason you got me thinking about bag pipes now lol.:p:D

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

washed some salt off the fenders. Raining like heck here. Noticed how close I cut the crank clearance. No amount of planing will ever replace dumb luck. The pipe support is just an old chain tensioner cut down. (pic below)

Can't be riddin' dirty, snicker.

LOL Skarrd. We gotta write a MB version of that song.

and I need a few more lines for this one;

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and you can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

I keep posting this and no one ever adds lines! ( I really do think it's funny but still a work in progress)

LMAO!! that is awesome man!
i need to do a 'Mr. custom chopper thing motorbike guy' version of it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got more painting done, and some sundry fabricating, plotted circuit schematics for the lights so I'll know what I'm doing when it comes time to wire them.

A neighborhood teen saw the shed door open and the light on, and asked "What're you makin' in there?"

I said "A motorbike."

He said "No $h*t?"

I said "See." Pointed around.

He asked "Can you build me a car?"

I told him "Sure, how much money ya' got?"

He said "Well, I guess it'd have to be a very small, slow car."

I said "How 'bout a motorbike instead?"

He seemed to be thinking about it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Every now and then, my gut tells me to do one thing and I do something else 'cause I think I know better. One day I'll learn:

Went to buy masking tape. Saw one kind that was a buck or two more, name brand, advertised "easier removal". Sounded good, gut said "get it".

I didn't. Bought cheap basic masking tape. Generic.

Began painting rims by masking off the lower parts of the spokes. Tape worked well so far. Painted rims. So far so good. Time to remove tape. (Insert sound of DOOM!)

It took me much of the night to try to pick the G&^%$&^$ Da^&$^%d Effing bits of tape off of all 36 spokes because the stuff was SO cheap that, try as I might, it would ALWAYS shred to little bits. Lots of little piddling bits. As I grew near to finishing the picking on the one wheel, I looked over at the other wheel, knowing I would need to repeat the process tomorrow. Stuff that makes a grown man cry.

Lesson for today, class: buy the good tape. Don't torture yourself needlessly. And listen carefully to your gut. It may be worthwhile.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got my shift kit today.

started putting it on today, until i got to the point where i needed my chain breaker. damn thing ran off while i wasn't looking.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL Allen, w/ both posts. Ayup.
I wanna do a car build sorta like BarleyAwake's trike. DMV keeps telling me "No, wuts wrong with you?" snicker. Really, a small light car maybe a Mini frame with MC wheels.. Could be prtty awesome. For around town only. Non-highway.

Ye- haa Skarrd! Pics, pics.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so yeah, got as far as getting the engine side chain on.
shorted to 15 links, ok
putting back together, not ok
chain is too short with 15, too long with 16, and sorta long with 15 1/2

gonna try something with the shims later on and see if i can get it to work.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

HA Finally a spring like day here in Ohio... 57 degrees and partly cloudy... After the 3 week shakedown and fixing all of the minor problems as they have arisen and tightening bolts nuts and screws I got to take the scoot out for a real ride.

As I calculate it from where I live to Dayton proper it is almost 18.5 miles... I rode the river park bike trails and all through downtown Dayton and back... so all in all 35- 40+ miles without a single hiccup from the china girl.... I am so happy cant wait till it warms up even more than this beautiful day...

Bikes make you enjoy the weather more I have seen so far...

zoom zoom....shft.