what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i worked on the Raffle bike a little, then headed out and met up with the Aleman and some other guys to do some BS'ing and some GPS'd speed runs.

hit 54mph before i caught up to some cars. my super bike still had a little more power that coulda squeezed out a few more MPH's, but i ran outta room.

on my way home there was a huge wreck and the cops were diverting all the cars. luckily for me, i shut it down and was pedaling up, so they let me sneak past all the bodies in the street. (seriously. looked like they were working on one, and covering up another.)

i ran outta gas a block from my house.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went on a 68 mile ride today. Starting to see the folly of apehangers! My shoulders hurt and used my pullstarter enough times to cause an ugly blister. Saw and heard my first Morini in person. Watched bairdco duck his way through a few 50+MPH runs. Good times!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent 30 hrs, no kidding 30 expletive hrs trying to get the one bolt off the manifold on Carol's car to replace the gasket. So she has my car and I am commuting on the daily rider. Which is pretty awesome. Springer forks rule! Really do make a huge difference. Any way was running late so Carol drove me to work with the MB on the car. Get off work and fire her up. So sweet. Love the sound of this thing. Then, Grinding sound. Before I can shut her down, she stalls. "What fresh **** is this? Sounded like the return spring broke again and was scraping. Had no tools! But a buddy happened past and I borrowed an 8MM wrench. (Broke my own rule of not carrying every tool ya need to build one, while ya ride one) But the center bolt had just worked lose. Easy fix and great ride home. And, and! lol found out some great news about a biz venture I'm working on. Just another cool MB sorta day and spring is coming!


I had not thought of this, Carol's idea. When I hooked the battery back up on her car, the post clamp broke. She was gonna pick one up as I have a meeting tonight. She said to IM a pic from my cell phone as she didn't understand what I was asking her to pick up or just wanted to be sure. This would make it really easy at Granger's or the like when I am trying to do some odd thing or marry to parts together and don't know what it's called or if one is even made. Just sayin as this does happen to me a lot and will be useful.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got it put together!!!!!

managed to get the engine side together with 15 links. just used some washers rather than bother the plates it comes with.

gonna get pictures of it up later today
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

awesome Skarrd! Pics, pics and vid seavoo play?

XD will do! i ran outta time today to get some more pics.

need to put the jump stop on (since i made the chain jump once when i was turning) but other than that it ran great.
a little difficult to get started when it's cold, but i just need to practice more so i can time it right to pedal through, rather than just one jump and hope it starts.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

pics of bike with shift kit!

hit a new top speed! 34.1mph


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome and amazing. Really, what is the HP of a China Girl? Any one know the formula to figure it out? I was working on a "one chain" drive system when the SBP shifter kit came out and is incredible to me how simple and well thought out they got it. Really is amazing.

How is the sound and power differences Skarrd?

LOL, Ya just know some one is gonna ask about your left rear sprocket and how can it move with out a chain. Kinda like "where do you put the gas?" Then ya point to the tank.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome and amazing. Really, what is the HP of a China Girl? Any one know the formula to figure it out? I was working on a "one chain" drive system when the SBP shifter kit came out and is incredible to me how simple and well thought out they got it. Really is amazing.

How is the sound and power differences Skarrd?

LOL, Ya just know some one is gonna ask about your left rear sprocket and how can it move with out a chain. Kinda like "where do you put the gas?" Then ya point to the tank.

i think the plate on the engine says it's 2.75hp but then again, i don't think it's really that.
i need to get a shifter that goes on the left side since it's kinda awkward trying to shift with it on the right.

but other than that it's a blast to ride! i need to fine tune the rear derailluer since it has trouble going down into first, and sometimes into 7th
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congrats Skarrd on the new setup... today even though it is sleeting to high heck I made a couple of short runs to feel the scoot under me and have some fun... I guess you have it bad when you will go out in cold and sleet for a thrill... Oh well it is suppose to be in the 50s by Sunday and I have to keep the cobwebs out so to speak. I did meet a woman locally that wants a bike to meet guys the other day as well as a couple local riders who might be interested in a rally. LOL...

Hurry up warm weather so I can ride comfortably...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My springer forks failed! Am big time bummed. Love that dam thing. Will tear down and post pics but the main stays seem to have parted and failed. So instead of going st8 down say to 7 0'clock looking at the left side, they now go to 7:30 or so. I done the face plant thing and don't play around with the front end. have 2 sets of ridged forks that will fit this bike so not a huge deal but gonna suck going back to solid even for a while.

"it's a blast to ride!"
says it all! Very cool Skarrd

Working on a 3 wheel car to commute yr round. Is lil less then 5 miles to my morning job and here in the nutmeg state(ct), can use a 5 HP engine. So am trying to come up with a combo shifter kit/CVT. Goal being uber low end torque and a high end of 50 on a safe vehicle. Plan on the low end to be an electric motor and the long distance to be the gas/scooter engine. The huge bummer part is I might forgo peddles. Would be bad as I kinda think of keeping em as a sort of challenge and great back up. But this is to be an actual and necessary mode of transportation. Also an experiment in a safe trike/MB. With out the pedals, I don't see them as true MBs.

I rambled there but looking forward to your updates on your shifter kit. Very cool.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dan, glad you didn't leave any major parts on the road. Did you get scraped up at all?

Were the forks the old ones or the rebops?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ouch Dan! I am glad to hear you walked away from it! Sorry to hear that those forks failed on you. After reading of your enthusiasm over them I was looking into buying one.
I am thinking..... not anymore.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

put a new carb and exhaust gasket on today while it wasnt raining. my ol' china girl iz purdy much used to the huffy frame now:)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I finally mounted my super titan on to my bike! All it took was a simple steel plate with six holes drilled in it. No countersinking required.


Now my sprockets line up, I put a 41 chain on because the 415 I had didnt work well with the manic mechanic sprocket Im using.

I should have this thing finally up and running within the next few days if everything goes right.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lookin good Smoothe

Ouch Dan! I am glad to hear you walked away from it! Sorry to hear that those forks failed on you. After reading of your enthusiasm over them I was looking into buying one.
I am thinking..... not anymore.

Thanks Buddy! I have to tear em down and will report. I have to go back and reread but some one here did warn me to go with the HD ones and really really tried to warn me. So is prolly my own dang fault. lol, usually is. The main forks are just pointed forward so may be salvageable. I hope. They look and work great. Funny part is with this build I was worried about the very cheap kmart bike. The chain stays meet the seat stays with a really small and not well lined up drop out weld. Thats fine. Ah, always some thing to learn. Kinda the cool part.

Spring is coming!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lookin good Smoothe
Thanks Buddy! I have to tear em down and will report. I have to go back and reread but some one here did warn me to go with the HD ones and really really tried to warn me. So is prolly my own dang fault. lol, usually is. The main forks are just pointed forward so may be salvageable. I hope. They look and work great. Funny part is with this build I was worried about the very cheap kmart bike. The chain stays meet the seat stays with a really small and not well lined up drop out weld. Thats fine. Ah, always some thing to learn. Kinda the cool part.

Spring is coming!!!
Hey Dan sorry to hear about the failure and that you are OK... I also have the cheapie springers on my Crannie so if you can post images it will be helpful to look for the same defect and maybe prevent an accident...

You are right Spring is coming I got to ride yesterday till the bike began over richening and fouled the plug. I swallowed my pride and the Crannie and I took the bus home rather than trying to limp it back...

Here is what I found:


That 1/4" of cable pull transmits to half choke at least.... OH well luckily it was an easy problem that did no damage, it could have been worse. Any one have a repair Idea to secure the cable better besides squashing the hex retainer?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice job on the Titan, Smoothe. Saturday we put a 2 degree offset flywheel key in my buddy, Dan's, bike to advance the timing for more performance. Then Dan, Shaun and I rode our bikes to Philly Grill for lunch. The bike showed very noticable mid and high range gains in power at the expense of a rougher idle. We're working on an adjustable magneto so we can ride on stock timing until we need more performance at certain times, like hills or racing, in which we can change it on the fly with a cable or lever with detents at pre-determined degrees. Anyway, we had a great ride with no problems. Then two of my nieghbors stopped by with trheir chinese bikes and another friend with his Model T. What a day.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here is what I found:


That 1/4" of cable pull transmits to half choke at least.... OH well luckily it was an easy problem that did no damage, it could have been worse. Any one have a repair Idea to secure the cable better besides squashing the hex retainer?

Safety wire the rubber cable boot to the cable and safety wire the other end of the rubber boot to the cable adjuster on the carb. Zip-ties will not hold well enough, safety wire is the way to go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent a good part of the weekend reinstalling the full gearcase (chaincase?) on my old Humber 3-speed frame. I thought I had misplaced the original bolts (which would have been hard to find) but found them in my parts box. Never installed one of these before, so I had to improvise how to thread the chain through the case, around the chainwheel (no clearance) and back out the rear. The gearcase really adds to the old-timey look of the bike. Also installed some Kool-Stop brake pads on my sidepulls for better stopping this season with my BMP/Honda GX35 setup.


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