what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

For some reason, shipping is free or dirt cheap on a bunch of Chinese trinkets. I got a few little keychains and toys from Dealtime Extreme, and the shipping was free. It was AIRMAILED to my house in a couple days. There are lots of copycat flashlights and kids toys on there, some old-style computer goods, liquidation stuff.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I avoided catching fire today. The fuel line got so brittle in this cold weather that the vibration of the engine popped it off the petcock while I was riding, spraying gas into the engine, which then splatter painted my pants. I am now airing out my jeans on the front porch.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Glad you are ok! I use cheap clear vinyl hose, and steel hose clamps. When the hose starts getting really stiff, I just replace it with some new hose. A big roll is only a few bucks. I think I will use the black rubber hose this time though. Also, some people use zip ties instead of hose clamps. That works too but you have to pull them with a pliers and not cut it too short to tighten again later if needed.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

just go to any auto parts store and buy some real fuel lines. it's less than a buck a foot at the place by my house.

as far as buying stuff from ebay from hong kong or chinese companies, i've found that a lot of their products (like lights, brake cables, etc) sell for super cheap, and add in the shipping and it comes out about even. i bought some 20 dollar cable sets for .99 and shipped for 12 bucks.

and, everything showed up, haven't been burned yet...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

put the bike back together and took her for a ride.

i love it XD started right up with the new plug, but it had a vacuum leak so i had to get some gasket maker and seal it up. gonna test it more tomorrow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


got apehangers!!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

what did I do to my motor bike today?

fell off it...:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced that bearing in the clutch,pain in the ass until I got a magnetic pick up tool.(c)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Check out the Lowrider type bike stores for that stuff. (1" stems and ape hangers) I hate those dinky lo rider bikes but some of the handlebars are cool, and the tires are pretty tough.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rerouted my flexpipe exhaust, fine-tuned chain tensions, on my way to buy a new helmet.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice Skarrd.

Tightened up the head set. Still have play in the lower part and need to tear down. Think the bearing cage got destroyed some how. Dunno how I did that one, lol. ah well, will find out.

LOL@ "a little cold" Blacken!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

been awhile since i posted here so here goes. wipe off and oiled my chain. the usual weekly checking tightness of all bolts N wutnot. top off the gas tank. ready for the weekend. oh yeah sum %#@*^ attempted to steal my MB last night. didnt happen..my double locking stopped em' but imma be watching:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You never can be too careful these days. My bikes sleep in the house with the Dogs and I.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Waiting for a ton of stuff from Mr. Mailman still !!! Ordere a a couple sets of quick bricks for Mine and the Misses bike, and some ape hangers for hers.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

sorry to hear about the bike almost being stolen .. i live both my unlocked out front my house all the time.. maybe i should lock them.. i use a tow chain for cars and a master dial lock normally... thirty five dollar chain but worth every penny and when you get used to it .... then it does not seem so heavy or too big.. need to do my chain and back sprocket on the new bike so i can ride her... what is the bolt sizes i can buy or a adapter piece from a store for a front motor mount? found out that my bike runs alot slower with more back pressure but not so many vibrations and it is ohh so much quieter..going to make a new fat extension pipe for the new bike asap... all out of copper tubing and the io do things ... that make it easy to go bigger... will have to post pics and prices .. and do a video of what they sound like without the pipes and with the pipes i make.. now time to build my fiberglass fenders that will be half moons and then add magnets to the wheels to charge the bike light system...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can get a "kryptonite" type chain from walmart for about $10. It works with the round security padlock, but barely (links are big). It has a nice cloth pad on it except the end links.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have no love for cold, bitter, winter weather. I couldn't do any painting tonight, it got cold and frosty here again. I did putter with the clutch lever though. I wanted to expand the draw on it, to make adjusting the pull of the clutch easier. I've always had very long fingers so, to take advantage of them, I carefully used dremel and needle files and slowly took down material at the point where the lever meets its housing, so it would swing further out at rest. I checked it in a mounted state and it's still not out of reach for me, but it pulls a little bit further now. I like it this way. If I can pull all that I've learned from the previous bike together, the Higgins will be both beautiful and very easy and comfortable to ride.