what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nutton. Not a dang thing. Sick of ice, cold and frosty wind. Went to open the garage, er, I mean shop door and thought a nap sounded better. Did redesign jet and alt engine mount. Contemplated looking further for ethanol free gas. Any one have leads in New England?

Curse you Goat! 3 weeks?! snork
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nutton. Not a dang thing. Sick of ice, cold and frosty wind. Went to open the garage, er, I mean shop door and thought a nap sounded better.
(snickers) Riding in shorts here in Phoenix the last two days now that I have my leg back and OK'ed by the doc to pedal with.

Jason and I rode our bikes up to the local muffler shop where I took my spill to get my exhaust pipe finished today.

They welded me on another bolting mounting point and a clever little end pipe for the 3" glass pack muffler (no charge).

She sits like this now until I pull the pipe back off and paint the new addition as well as fix the other paint flaws and put my real sticker on.
That Bad Mojo sticker is just paper with honey holding it on so I could see if I liked it or not.


It is kind of tricky to understand this exhaust...
That is a SBP expansion chamber, and it came with a 5" long silencer in a 2" tube, but I took that outer tube off and shoved it into the 2" diameter bent pipe leading to the 12" long 3" glass pack.

It was pretty quite and a lower tone but not riding behind it (so Jason tells me) so it need a bit more.

The Performance Muffler guy worked with me, bent that pipe, then put this restricter on the end.


That gives me enough obstruction to bounce the shock waves around in the glass pack some more and slow it down without hindering final exhaust gas output and interfering with the tuned Xchamber.

The second mount point works out well too.



One piece welded to the rack strut, one to the pipe.
He just tossed on a bold to me home, I have a better one after I pull the pipe off and paint.

That's it for my exhaust mod though, and I love it, especially for only $50 (not counting the Xchamber)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

(snickers) Riding in shorts here in Phoenix the last two days now that I have my leg back and OK'ed by the doc to pedal with.

Great to hear your up an' running KC!

Please ignore pic below and my anger at wearing shorts and ridding. This time of year my shorts are full length sweat pants over my long johns under my pants that are under my Carrhart bib over-alls. And that is just to check the mail box 3 feet from the door. (Thats under 3 foot of snow)

Kidding aside, glad to read your doing good!

(Oh, and that guy on the HF 4smoke throwing snow balls at your door... Not me)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks Dan.
Bummer about all the snow.

If it's any consolation it dipped to 32 degrees here a couple of nights when I was in the hospital and nobody covered my citrus trees so now my lemons and oranges just aren't as tasty and juicy as they were.

I know, pretty devastating right? (snicker snicker)

That's OK, you can poke fun of me in a few months when it's 115 and I can't ride because the roads are melted ;-}
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was 60 in Chicago today I fired up one of my four bikes and took a long ride, that was so nice ! Its been a long winter I missed riding.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I do my cooking in a cast iron pan, and I use peanut oil for nearly everything, except Italian food (then I use olive oil).

I had a wake-up call while warming up my bike and nearly wrecked. After a tire change, I put the wheel back on, I guess I didn't line up the rear axle quite right, and the chain clicked a couple times and jumped. The chain tangled under the coaster brake arm, but the conduit bracket held strong. The only damage was the $5 KMC Z chain (wasted).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally a nice sunny 47f(10c) day, can actually see some grass on the lawn. Swapped out the studded tire for my normal rim and went for a boot. Felt great, no toque under the dot helmet, light gloves... cruising along... then Cherries! I slowed to let him by, no luck, he had my number. I hand signaled into the next parking lot and grit my teeth.

So he starts giving me the usual hard lines, "where's your insurance/registration... that's a motorbike... need a license" *derp*

I replied back with, "its only 49cc(that bike actually is), its a power assisted bicycle, I've tried to have it registered... Here's the card of the MTO(DMV) manager I talked to..." yadda yadda.

So he then says he'll be by my house later with tickets for me o_O (Can they even do that?) I guess he wanted to confer with their local traffic law guy to see what he can charge me with. I replied immediately with "I'll have an opportunity to contest those right?"

He then said "If I see you again, those pedals had better be turning" and he made me do a couple of circles in the parking lot to prove the 'bicycle' part still worked. I think he just wants me to sweat for a couple hours. If he does show up with "After the Fact" tickets I'll be contesting them.

That card I had seemed to quiet his 'ticket opportunity meter' along with my "I'll have an opportunity to contest those right?"

If you're local laws don't have any specifics for motorized bicycles and the DMV tells you it can't be registered, and you don't need insurance, or a license, talk to the manager of your office. They have more clout than a clerk and will consult other managers. And get their card and take it everywhere!

So yea, sorry for rambling, I'm just po'd my first warm(er) cruise of the year got ruined.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for letting folks know Killer. Sorry it was a bummer. I kinda doubt you will hear from him, at least hope so. Sounds like you handled it perfectly.

60F today! Ride time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted cables last night so things would look a bit cleaner and printed off some more water decal labels. Now I just have to figure out how to get the previous ones off so that I can replace them. Also, I'm still waiting on my Speed carb from Zoombicycles, Springer from Pirates and Moped tires from a place in Germany.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks Dan, ... fingers crossed.

I figure even if I have to 'air' pedal that counts as exercise.

60 sounds nice. 47 felt like heaven. Have a good one!

Just back read a bit, Hm I dunno if I'd be wanting to fry eggs on the sidewalk in February, I can only imagine the heat in July/August, hmm. A month or two of -10-30c doesn't seem so bad now, thanks guys!


streetstrip80 said:
Virgin oil comes from ugly sheep.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted cables last night so things would look a bit cleaner and printed off some more water decal labels. Now I just have to figure out how to get the previous ones off so that I can replace them. Also, I'm still waiting on my Speed carb from Zoombicycles, Springer from Pirates and Moped tires from a place in Germany.
I spent days researching larger tires lol. I also had holy heck locating a certain spring for a rear suspension shock. I got to of these shocks here and felt like they were going to waste. They are real sweet heavy duty ones! Found it in Westbury United Kingdom . Seams the folks on the other side of the pond are the only ones that have our stuff. My spring only cost me $33.00 so I am not complaining.

Now if one shock wears out I just move [R&I]the spring and use the other shock! Felt like I won a small battle there.:)(^)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Crap, dang leo came, but he only wanted to check the bike for a placard saying it was only 49cc...but their wasn't one on it. He said he charged someone the other week with a 61cc? that's what the placard said. So now he's off to research where it came from, Zoombicycles.com... I'm starting to think he just wants one for a grandkid, lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dang killer tha po po must not have very much to do around you guys so they have to find every reason to bother the little guy

i wonder if he had a warrent to search your bike or not

maybe its just here but the cops dont seem to bother to much during the winter i think cause they dont wanna stand in the cold for a seemingly small infraction when they coukld be going after more profitable violations like domesic violences or drunk drivers thats where the real cash flow is
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yea I've been riding my bikes around here since last April, this is the first cop to rag on me. These cops are used to dealing with Indians-reservation just out of town, so they figure they can treat us all like that. I know my rights and I'm not going to put up with it. Get in the chat Slacker.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got about an hour's ride in before it started raining. then i ordered a bunch of inks and stuff for my silk screen set-up so i can finally make those "pedaling sucks" t shirts i was talking about a long time ago...

took some pictures of my bike, too, 'cause i realized i never posted any complet ones in the daylight, so i'm gonna do that now...