what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

twisted some wrenches, on the mighty Grubee today. .. .last time I rode the gas tank rattled loose, the gas tank valve broke off in ma hand. . . and the head gasket leaked enough, to let oil come running down the cylinder, . .. oh yeah and the connections on the kill switch had rattled loose, all in the course of a 30 minute ride.

I lil quality time with a fist full of wrenches, checking and torquing was was past due.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

FYI to everyone Harbor Freight is having a sale on Nylock nut assortment packs, O rings, electrical connectors and rubber padded tube clamps I just spent 30 bucks and got lotsa good stuff...

Oh you rock Mark! TY

Been cold here and started my daily rider all sweet and Blackenstein like" Pulled rip cord slowly 8 or 12 times softly and she lit right off. Stalled so I yankenked hard and of course cursed. Recoil spring broke. I took it apart, bent it. It promptly broke. So I used a blow torch and bent it with love. Perfect but now my pull cord was a bit limp so put a knot in a bit tighter. Still hangs like a limp bisket.
Go for a ride. Goes well.
Throttle return spring fails and I ride past my house at 3/4 throttle screaming "Ello" thinking it funny and unable to slow down. They waved as I passed. I waved back and aimed for a snow bank.

Just another day.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A few months ago, the rear wheel was trashed when something got jammed in the (10-gauge) spokes.


So I ordered a HD wheel from Spooky Tooth Cycles. However, I had to widen the frame for it to fit, so I hammered on blocks of wood of varying widths until the wheel would fit. Not the most conventional method, I know, but it worked.


Which brings us to today. I had to put the bike in the basement because we had a blizzard last week. After bolting everything together and shortening the chain today, I did an action pose before muscling the bike up a bunch of stairs and outside, where I just went for a brief ride up and down my driveway, doing many icy burnouts along the way.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I managed to crutch it to the street, the dead end of my short street, to get a buddy trying to show what my latest upgrades will do on my NuVinci.


Darn leg...
But hey, I did something on it today.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

had a bad cold for the last 4 days, which sucks, but i haven't been sick in about 2 and ahalf years, so i guess i was due. spent most of the week hibernating.

felt pretty good today, so i finally got around to working on the tank for my superfast Colson. (if you haven't seen the LA beach ride pics, you missed the pic of some Big Red gum sealing the leaks on my temporary crappy tank.)

got most of it done, but i'm taking my time, making this one perfect.

also pedaled a bike around, figured i needed some exercise, so i went to the liquor store a few blocks away and bought smokes. haven't had one since i was sick. probably coulda quit, but dang it, i just love smoking so much...

tomorrow, i should be able to ride again without worrying about my legs catching on fire from leaking fuel. i hope so, since it's gonna be another mid 70's day at the beach...:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

what is a great cheap method on fixing a back rim? i have a coaster hub and wish i could some how take it apart and be able to fix it back to working again.. where can i buy parts to make a hub free spinning? any good ideas.. also who has a good cheap motor... going to try the raw motors cuz they are so cheap but dont know yet.. i want a new kit for my new 2nd bike
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

As long as this warm front lasts, I will be making trips out to the shed to paint bike parts. I put another coat of my favorite shade of loud, garish, bright glowing red on the fork. I put another sealant coat on the stripped frame. And I made more progress on the vintage-styled headlight housing. All in all, a very productive evening. Still lots to do, but since this bike is going to be a real looker I have my work cut out for me in many ways.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm going for a ride to our bike club meeting this morning. Hey thine82 try "luckyearlybird" on EBAY they sell motor kits and I have had really good luck with their motors. I got a 66cc for $130 delivered, and the motor and kit quality were actually better than my grubee I got from Gasbike.net.. Here is my new homemade spring tensioner it seems to work great so far I have 25 miles on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got everything running. With aftermarket plug, plug wire, the GT50R carb, new fuel line, different tires/rims/hubs, slant head, aftermarket kill switch, tuned brakes, and CC billet intake. Then the muffler snapped in two. :-|| Why me.... This bike, when running, is a beast, it runs almost perfect. Now I have an excuse to go get a SBP X Chamber. But still, I'm mad.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had to order another handle bar quill since turning the bars over made me hit my knees on them... luckily there is a 10" quill available and that should get them high enough to clear my long legs.

Other than that got the CDI mounted and have the sprocket on and chain ready to mount... 2 days till the new sled is ready to run and with 50+ temps predicted I am ready.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was working on adding a mini cargo rack and thought I should add some springers to the seat. These springs came from my son's old push scooter.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i just rode:) now yesterday...lost the bolt to the baffler lol..fixed it later in the day...then on my way back home with a bag of groceries tied(or so i thought) to the back of MB it broke and...a pack of cookies got stuck in my back wheel causing it to lock and i kinda slid..they were destroyed...rest of the food survived...makes me kinda miss my old saddle baskets..sold them earlier in the week
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I cut off the manifold end of an old 2 stroke pipe that KC sold me yesterday. I'm going to use it with a flex pipe from EZM. Then I bought some slime and some tire liners to do both mine and my son's bike.

I did a lot of scratching my head over how to mount this thing, can anyone help me out here?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looked at my bikes then looked out at the snow packed, icy streets and cursed winter.
If there is such a thing as 'Global Warming' I wish it would hurry up and get here. I can't take much more of this lousy winter. I WANT TO RIDE MY BIKES!!! :(
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took advantage of the nice weather we are having here for a change, it was actually in the 60's today. I rode the heck out of the bike today, went down the road to the next large neighborhood over and went through the recreation area and turned several heads, then rode through the local publix parking lot then back over to my neighborhood, it was a blast.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cleaned the carburetor on my original red and white Briggs bike. It has been sitting a few months and ran really bad until today. Then I chased down my 2 neighbors who just built chinese motorbikes. Blew by them just like the World's Fastest Indian. Looks like they're heavy into mods and pretty soon they will return the favor. We had fun cruising and racing around the tract. Still have to clean the carbs on my Whizzer and other Briggs bike. When you own more than one motorbike, some get neglected.