what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Are you sure you're not marking your territory too? LOL!
I carry my wallet in my front pocket as well. When I used to carry it in my back pocket, I found I got more backaches after sitting down for long periods.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's the first thing a chiropractor asked me. What do you keep in your back pockets? Wallet in one and change in the other, why.

I put them in my front pockets and had a half dozen treatments and I was great for years.

Who would have thought about that causing pain.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pipe sheared off on the beater/tow bike earlier. Was able to find it in the weeds still hot though :)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dood if you want to notice more power get rid of that cover and get some air in that carb sound silly but it works trust it!

It seems true. When I got a performance air cleaner from Sick Bike Parts and mounted it on mine - OH, that engine opened up and BREATHED! I have a tuna-fish can that I painted and covered it with, to keep it from getting too well covered in debris. But that turned out to be a major performance mod for me.
Before that, all I'd done was port-matching, VERY slight milling to the head, better NGK spark plug, tuning the carb, bigger inside-diameter copper fuel line, better gaskets,...the standard stuff.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lol, I mounted a tuna can on my carb years ago. The carb stuck straight up and the vents on the canister-type air cleaner was topside. It worked to keep what little rain and crap there was. It made sense to install the can.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed some new saddlebags (m-wave day trippers, $24 on amazon, free shipping with prime). Also fixed my front fork, which was a little loose. Put some blue loctite on the crown nut so it doesn't come loose again.

Dearest BigButt
Do you have a link to these saddle bags !!!
I'd be ever so grateful
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It seems true. When I got a performance air cleaner from Sick Bike Parts and mounted it on mine - OH, that engine opened up and BREATHED! I have a tuna-fish can that I painted and covered it with, to keep it from getting too well covered in debris. But that turned out to be a major performance mod for me.
Before that, all I'd done was port-matching, VERY slight milling to the head, better NGK spark plug, tuning the carb, bigger inside-diameter copper fuel line, better gaskets,...the standard stuff.

I saw that tuna can painted it looks awesome Al I studied your photos so much I think you mis labeled the CDI cover as an air scoop for your head light ..but I might be wrong am I? ..Did you do all your own paint work? If so what did you use to apply it and what s the best primer to use?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Those tensioners look sweet,,prolly pay for it also,,I have no problems with the china kit tensioner so far,,I tack weld it on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The old Schwinn is Homelite-powered again.
Used a 25cc motor from a homelite leaf blower for 4 years, 2008 to 2011. It was still running good when I took off the Homie and put on my garbage-picked 28cc McCulloch motor just to check it out. Ran the Mac28 all of 2012.
Then early this year I put the Homie back on; it ran good for three days and then seized up. I think the ring gap got too big and snagged on the exhaust port. I bought that leaf blower for 10 bucks at a yard sale - no telling how many hours were on it. Then over four years I must have put 8 or 10 thousand miles on it.
I had a spare Frank Bowman ring sitting around. I was an idiot for not putting in that new ring this year.

Anyway, a guy I occasionally chat with at the park asked me if I wanted his old string trimmer. I asked if he knew what brand. He said "I think it's a Homelite". He11 yeah!

I thought I would be able to put the new piston/cylinder on my old bottom end. But the crank bearing and wrist pin bearing are different sizes. So I couldn't use the old long-drive-shaft from the blower. Had to bore and tap some 5/8 rod to screw on the string trimmer's treaded shaft. Luckily, the Homie trimmer's shaft is almost an inch long, about twice as long as the shaft on the Craftsman trimmer I was thinking of using. Since the two Homelite motors are almost identical, I was able to use my old mounting plate and throttle "linkage". And you know while I had it apart I put in that new Bowman ring that I should have used on the old Homie.
Also repacked front wheel bearings and some other maintenance/tuning.

Cant wait to try it out tomorrow (Sunday). We're supposed to finally get some days without rain.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dearest BigButt
Do you have a link to these saddle bags !!!
I'd be ever so grateful

I just Googled m-wave day trippers and it brings up some links that carry them. Amazon has them for $23.55. There is also other types of saddlebags listed on Amazon.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I saw that tuna can painted it looks awesome Al I studied your photos so much I think you mis labeled the CDI cover as an air scoop for your head light ..but I might be wrong am I? ..Did you do all your own paint work? If so what did you use to apply it and what s the best primer to use?

Thanks for the compliments. Actually, there's been no mislabeling; the air vent on the headlamp is from one end of the stainless steel sunglasses case, the CDI cover is from the other end. Sharp eyes you have, I don't know anyone else who noticed the similarity yet. As for paint, I just went to the nearest auto parts store and bought Duplicolor primer and gloss. I'd already sanded down the frame so I didn't need to worry about incompatibility. If you wait until it's about 75 to 80 degrees, apply light and even coats and allow plenty of time to dry between each, Duplicolor can be pretty good stuff. I also had a handle-mount that clamped to the cans that made life easier too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took the cruiser out for a long ride this afternoon.. found out basic trip comps were on sale, so picked one up for it. On the way home my weld job on the bracket I put on the exp. chamber failed followed by the muffler hangers, so I went back and picked up the muffler before it could get run over. It made the trip home easily, with probably a few more kph for not having the muffler. I'll look at it later, probably try and reattach it later in the week.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tune it, fix something, ride the living $hit out of it. It's the something day after day. AND I LOVE IT!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a half decent bike headlight for about $7 that doesn't fadeout due to vibration. Going to take the motorized bicycle to work tonight. I don't clock out until about 2:30am. I'm hoping the noise from this thing doesn't piss off the neighbors when I come home :-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After repair the back tire today took a ride on the Whizzer,on the highway suddenly heard a speaker and thought it was the police,to my surprise was the driver of the ambulance, asking the price of the Whizzer, I laugh and made a hand signal that is not for sale.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went over to jbcruisin's house and we changed the clutch spring (98cc Lifan with MaxTorque centrifugal clutch) from the stock silver (2400 rpm) to the black spring (3100 rpm). The difference is night and day. Takeoff is much smoother and the clutch doesn't chatter and vibrate like it did before. As soon as I twist the throttle, the clutch starts to engage. Then I just pedal a little bit until it fully locks. Its awesome now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dood if you want to notice more power get rid of that cover and get some air in that carb sound silly but it works trust it!

Look closer, I cannot run the filter cover due to clearance issues. I use foam over the intake, secured with zipties. Been like this from day one.