what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well Dodge its not done yet because I run a shift kit and it takes a little more the due to the fact it has dual chain tensioners to keep it maintenance free with the exception of changing the chains when they're worn out ,so therefore it takes three times as much to set it up once it's set up it is set up and all I have to do is not get a flat.I'll probably have it ready to ride tomorrow afternoon I'm not in a rush I have another bike to ride .why don't you look at my album you can see what it looks like .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got my motor bike going had problems with chain falling off but fix that by tighting up chain ten.now having problems fouling out plugs what do you do to stop that from happening
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got my motor bike going had problems with chain falling off but fix that by tighting up chain ten.now having problems fouling out plugs what do you do to stop that from happening

What oil/fuel mix are you useing? If your useing the "recommended" mix of 16:1 that's way too rich on the oil. With the very high quality of American oils 24:1 is as rich as you want to go. I used to race 2 strokes and used the best Maxim oil they had back then. Last stuff I got from was $10 A PINT! I used it at 50:1 after breaking in the motor at 32:1.

A change of spark plug might help a lot. I think an NGK B7HS. If it keeps fouling that then try an NGK B6HS.

You want to do something really tricky then get a small refill bottle of Prolong, it's in the oil additive section of auto parts stores. Mix it with the o0il in recommended porportion and that small bottle will last a loooong time. What it does is make oil "slicker". I talked back and forth with the maker and after he said that it worked excellent in two strokes. I felt more power, slightly, useing it, but I had a very modified motor. It really helps with longevity. I remember something about the molicules having a negative charge and it clings and coats the entire inside of the motor.

There was a mechanic named Smokey Yunick. He owned and raced Indy cars as well as NASCAR. Fireball Roberts was one of his drivers to let you know the quality of Smokey's operation. Prolong was the ONLY product he backed, called everything else snake oil. As far as I'm concerned if it was good enough for Smokey...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today my headlight kit from SBP arrived, and I installed it.. It won't light up the night, but it's for those rare occasions when the sun sets before I reach home.

I'm cleaning house and reorganizing bike stuff today. All my friction drive parts fill a large hamper. Lol, I won't run outa 34t cassettes, SBP cranks, 11t sprockets and 2-stroke engines.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Set my tensioner up tonight, drilled through the bikes frame to get it to finally stay in one place. Mounted it the realized its not perfectly aligned with the sprocket.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mailman brought me this 1987 Suzuki DS80 motorcycle fork I got from ebay:


Similar to the popular Suzuki K10 fork, minus headlight mounts and fork covers. Thankfully, this dirt bike stem is 1" diameter and it slipped right into my cruiser frame headset. It's 1" too long, so need to cut & rethread the stem and install correct bearings.

For mockup, I bolted in a 26"mountain bike front tire. Skewer was too short, so I used the rear axle one. The triple tree is 4.8125" wide, 14.625" from axle to bottom of triple tree bracket. The DS80 OEM front tire is 2.50-14, or 19" diameter. I'll use a Dunlop 404 motorcycle tire. It is 3.15" wide and 26.67" diameter. If I don't cut the stem, I'll have 3.58" fork travel before bottoming out. Sidewall clearance is .81" per side, which is a LOT. On my Rockshox fork and Schwalbe 2.35", there is .25" side clearance. The Schwalbe tire would have 1.21" sidewall clearance per side in this DS80 fork..

This tire is a MONSTER. It is the OEM front tire for certain Harley Davidson bikes:

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Set my tensioner up tonight, drilled through the bikes frame to get it to finally stay in one place. Mounted it the realized its not perfectly aligned with the sprocket.

at least you can take it off and bend it a bit in the vise to line it up better - we've got one builder here in town that welds them to the frame, and when replacing a chain it is often hard to get a good tension without filing the slot longer because we can't move it forward or back : (
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

used to be common to have a small sand-blast plug cleaner attached to the air compressor at a shop, also a propane torch can burn it clean, but these days, the price of plugs is too low to bother with cleaning them (same as happened to the rebuildable plugs years earlier)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

foul a plug can i clean it and use it again its a 3 prong plug

Unless you're working on break-in, just replace the crap plug with an NGK of some flavor. I was cleaning my 3 prong with Throttlebody cleaner all the time before my NGK. Have not had to clean my NGK once.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put 15 miles on my "DAX GP360 BALANCED" MOTOR . No bad vibes on my bike.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a new kit riding around braking it in but its to slow want to go faster any ideals
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a new kit riding around braking it in but its to slow want to go faster any ideals

Ideas? Just read everything you can here, there's sooooo many things you can do from bolt-on stuff to getting into the insides of the motor. Just about every part in the kit has aftermarket replacement parts including hi performance parts.

One thing to know, you can build up one thing only to have another part fail because it can't handle the stress of the upgrade. Like building in some HP and the clutch won't hold or something like that.

Use the search function but if you're not finding what you need the ask questions. Many here will help you out without copping attitude ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Noticed that my saddlebags have been rubbing my drive chain and my wheel, so I prepped some flat steel supports that will bolt to my axle and my luggage rack to keep my bags away from the trouble areas. Tomorrow I will get some hardware and drill the holes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'be got reallllllyyyyyy cool 8.5 mile circle I ride. It runs threw my little town and out to that outskirts of town and back around into town and I stop at the house and let it cool down and retorque the head and have a cold sweet tea . and I went again for 3 more laps so I rode a total of 34 miles on my break in today .that's what I did on my motorbike today.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a hold of a 1988 Suzuki rm80 triple tree bracket for measurements. Looks like this one:


Made of cast aluminum, it's weighs 3.2lbs, heavier than a DS80 tree.

It also has a 1" steerer tube and is 1" shorter than the DS80 steerer tube. That means no cutting/rethreading and less shimming. The beauty of this model is that it comes with a factory motorcycle disc brake!

This triple tree accepts 33mm fork legs, compared to the DS80's 26mm legs., so fork travel should be less. It also has adjustable top and bottom clamps, which means that the fork tubes don't have to be opened when you remove the tree top or make adjustments. No oily mess!

The Suzuki RM80 uses a 17" wheel. To run a 26" tire, one needs to respoke the hub to a larger rim. However, the RM125/RM250 uses a 26" tire. I'm gonna look for that triple tree bracket. If it has a 1" steerer tube and fits onto my bike, I'll consider that one. Since the RM125 has 35mm fork tubes, fork travel will be even less. It also has adjustable top and bottom triple tree clamps, so no messy oil spills too. If it fits and isn't too heavy, I'll use the RM125 and factory 26" tire..bld.

I got to see an RM125 triple tree bracket.

It is HUGE and weighs 5.6lbs! the steerer tube looks to be a tad over 1". It MIGHT fit my headset. However, I believe its size is not proportional to a bicycle.
RM125 tube WILL slip into a 1" headset. However, the shaft's bottom is tapered to a larger diameter to accept a bigger cone-style bearing. You'd have to machine the tube to accept a standard 1" bottom bearing race, then shorten and rethread the shaft. Too much trouble and expense.

And I haven't even seen the 35mm fork tubes, which are larger than the 33mm RM80s. All this adds more weight, so I'll stick with installing an RM80 fork with motorcycle disc brake.

RM80s have a 17" front tire, RM125s have 26" tire. With the right axle and bearings, maybe the large wheel will fit in the smaller fork.

YAY! RM80 triple tree fits an early cruiser frame like a glove!

It simply needs 38 ball bearings, 19 up/19 below the headset to match your standard cups. Balls are 3/16" size. I'm using the motorcycle's bottom bearing race and its top bearing retainer. Cost is less than $4. Upper bearing retainer must be reamed a fraction of a millimeter to clear the tube's machined shoulder. Instead of rethreading the steerer tube, a few large washers above the retainer will permit the ball bearings to be adjusted. The handlebar clamps are 7/8" and massive; no fear of cracking, and the standard bike handlebar should bolt on with no reaming. Then the RM80's brake lever should bolt onto my motorized bicycle.

Now I can start hunting for wheels, RM80 forks, axle and its entire front hydraulic brake system.

The first wheel I'll get is the RM125 26" one with disc rotor. Maybe an RM80 axle and bearings will slip onto the wheel.
And maybe the larger wheel's rotor will match the smaller fork's caliper. If that happens, I'm a happy camper. If the larger wheel won't fit, then I'll find
two RM80 17" wheels, one to run as is. The second one is to respoke its hub to the RM125's rim.
If I'm lucky there, the larger wheel's spokes can be re-used.

More researching needed.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed some head tube reducers to properly fit my 1" fork to my 1 1/8" frame and drilled some support brackets to keep my saddlebags out of my spokes and chains. I have some new tires to put on, but didn't get to them today.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

One of the guys in my riding crew discovered and located a Velodrome here in St.Louis, Mo. It was actually use for board trackers back in the twenties and thirties . nowadays its a black top but its still an active function in the St Louis City Parks system .upon this discovery on Facebook we found a group that races motorbikes there every Sunday at 9 a.m. So you know what we're doing this Sunday . then my boy Thomas called me and said come over here and get these blocks we gotta build a race bike.So I got the engine built Thomas finished the frame Jimmy went got tags on his trailer. Now we're a race team all in a afternoon. Four crazy motorbikers from North County .
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