what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

how fast is the 32t sprocket how much speed can i get out of it vs a 36t sprocket dont know which one to buy trying to get up to 35mph or better
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

how fast is the 32t sprocket how much speed can i get out of it vs a 36t sprocket dont know which one to buy trying to get up to 35mph or better

Buy the 32t and run it.

If it works well enough for you, leave it in. If it doesn't work for you, install the 36t. If you like the 32t beter, reinstall the 32t.

Every situation is different, such as bike and rider weight, roads, hills or flats.

Sometimes we need to sacrifice $$, time and effort to the gods of Speed.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Weatherman said morning rain, and it was pouring. My thinking has always been "You will enjoy the pleasure of the afternoon ride home from work, if you endure the rain on the morning ride.".

In Hawaii, it rains in the morning and clears up 90% of the time in the afternoon. I have a change of clothing @ work and a shower stall. It wasn't pouring cats and dogs, so I rode without rain gear. To keep muddy water from being kicked into my face, I lowered my helmet shield and rode @ a slower pace. It took 5-10 minutes longer to reach work. My pants were half-soaked. My shirt was dry since I had my Fox chest protector on. The Schwalbe Big Apple tires never slipped throughout the commute.

Despite being wet, it was worth the morning ride.

The afternoon cleared up, although there was a slight drizzle most of the way. I noticed that the gears started to shift in delayed action and the bottom bracket freewheel felt "gravelly" and displayed red rust. I'll be sure to lube the bike over the weekend.

A city bus almost hit me in the crosswalk. I gave him "the finger" and he returned the digital salute.laff

On the way to the blood bank, I'll take my frame down to the LBS to match headset bearing for my RM80 triple tree bracket.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got to see an RM125 triple tree bracket.

It is HUGE and weighs 5.6lbs! the steerer tube looks to be a tad over 1". It MIGHT fit my headset. However, I believe its size is not proportional to a bicycle.

Update: RM125 tube WILL slip into a 1" headset. However, the shaft's bottom is tapered to a larger diameter to accept a bigger cone-style bearing. You'd have to machine the tube to accept a standard 1" bottom bearing race, then shorten and rethread the shaft. Too much trouble and expense.

And I haven't even seen the 35mm fork tubes, which are larger than the 33mm RM80s. All this adds more weight, so I'll stick with installing an RM80 fork with motorcycle disc brake.

RM80s have a 17" front tire, RM125s have 26" tire. With the right axle and bearings, maybe the large wheel will fit in the smaller fork.

Update: YAY! RM80 triple tree fits an early cruiser frame like a glove!dance1

It simply needs 38 ball bearings, 19 up/19 below the headset to match your standard cups. Balls are 3/16" size. I'm using the motorcycle's bottom bearing race and its top bearing retainer. Cost is less than $4. Upper bearing retainer must be reamed a fraction of a millimeter to clear the tube's machined shoulder. Instead of rethreading the steerer tube, a few large washers above the retainer will permit the ball bearings to be adjusted. The handlebar clamps are 7/8" and massive; no fear of cracking, and the standard bike handlebar should bolt on with no reaming. Then the RM80's brake lever should bolt onto my motorized bicycle.

Now I can start hunting for wheels, RM80 forks, axle and its entire front hydraulic brake system.

The first wheel I'll get is the RM125 26" one with disc rotor. Maybe an RM80 axle and bearings will slip onto the wheel.
And maybe the larger wheel's rotor will match the smaller fork's caliper. If that happens, I'm a happy camper. If the larger wheel won't fit, then I'll find
two RM80 17" wheels, one to run as is. The second one is to respoke its hub to the RM125's rim.
If I'm lucky there, the larger wheel's spokes can be re-used.

More researching needed.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What did I do to my motor bike today? I knocked it over while adjusting the brakes and broke my brand new $35 windscreen. Then I had some choices to make. I could laugh, cry, or hang myself. So, when I was done laughing at myself for being STUPID, I went for a ride and just chilled. It was a great day after all.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Changed my tires today. Got some Kenda K838's (street tires) on amazon for $15 apiece and free shipping. They look pretty nice, and they don't rub the frame or the chains, so that's a plus.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hello fellow motto cyclers,

I started my build on the 12th, having purchased a CCM Scout 26 new the previous day and had the kit in the box. I set up in a corner of the living room of my one bedroom apartment (where I have no tools), assuring my girlfriend it would only take me a couple days to build... I learned what I needed about mounting the kit from youtube and realized I needed tools. I also found this site :) End of day 1

The next day I bought a dremel, a socket set, and I mounted everything...mostly. Fairly straight forward I thought. U bolt, rubber tape, line up with rear sprocket and have exhaust clear the pedals. Built the carburetor, installed the throttle/killswitch/handle, and placed the clutch handle. Realized I needed different brackets to mount my gas tank on my fat top tub. I also used the rag joint for the rear sprocket. End of day 2

At this point I think all I have left is to put the chain on, the gas can seems easy, but my 2 days are up. I have work for the next three days and my gf doesn't like me working on the bike while she is home. I do get the morning to work on it cause have an afternoon shift. I tidy up the length of clutch cable and zip tie down some things. Then I get to the chain. Put the tensioner on and figure out the chain length. I spend most of my time trying to break the chain. Thing won't fit in my chain breaker, can't bash out the pin, dremel breaks...Finally I go to the gas bar down the street and have buddy do it. Gave him a 5 for coffee, I think I will develop a working relationship with this auto mechanic. Putting the chain on shows me that I need to redo the rag joint. I may have put it on way to tight , ruined the nuts, some of the bolts, and on won't come off. End of day 3.

Had work all day and fathers day is tomorrow. I have Monday off and am hoping to get a new dremal, some nuts and bots, some brackets and get it all together.

Unfortunately this forum is a little too helpful and now I am getting cold feet about firing it up. There seems to be some things I have missed and I'm worried I may have missed more. I'm pretty sure once I run fuel through the system the problems with multiply. Things like cleaning the clutch with brake cleaner and greasing it. Cleaning the magneto. I wonder if these things can be done while the engine is mounted and if so should it be on it's side. I learned a great deal more about the carburetor and I question the O ring, the air filter, the little plate on the pin, and I have no idea about setting the idle.

If there are any other things I should be looking at or doing before I start my break feel free to let me know. I am about 900' above see level and have heard lots of things about fuel mixtures.

Sorry for the long post.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hello fellow motto cyclers,

I started my build on the 12th, having purchased a CCM Scout 26 new the previous day and had the kit in the box. I set up in a corner of the living room of my one bedroom apartment (where I have no tools), assuring my girlfriend it would only take me a couple days to build... I learned what I needed about mounting the kit from youtube and realized I needed tools. I also found this site :) End of day 1

The next day I bought a dremel, a socket set, and I mounted everything...mostly. Fairly straight forward I thought. U bolt, rubber tape, line up with rear sprocket and have exhaust clear the pedals. Built the carburetor, installed the throttle/killswitch/handle, and placed the clutch handle. Realized I needed different brackets to mount my gas tank on my fat top tub. I also used the rag joint for the rear sprocket. End of day 2

At this point I think all I have left is to put the chain on, the gas can seems easy, but my 2 days are up. I have work for the next three days and my gf doesn't like me working on the bike while she is home. I do get the morning to work on it cause have an afternoon shift. I tidy up the length of clutch cable and zip tie down some things. Then I get to the chain. Put the tensioner on and figure out the chain length. I spend most of my time trying to break the chain. Thing won't fit in my chain breaker, can't bash out the pin, dremel breaks...Finally I go to the gas bar down the street and have buddy do it. Gave him a 5 for coffee, I think I will develop a working relationship with this auto mechanic. Putting the chain on shows me that I need to redo the rag joint. I may have put it on way to tight , ruined the nuts, some of the bolts, and on won't come off. End of day 3.

Had work all day and fathers day is tomorrow. I have Monday off and am hoping to get a new dremal, some nuts and bots, some brackets and get it all together.

Unfortunately this forum is a little too helpful and now I am getting cold feet about firing it up. There seems to be some things I have missed and I'm worried I may have missed more. I'm pretty sure once I run fuel through the system the problems with multiply. Things like cleaning the clutch with brake cleaner and greasing it. Cleaning the magneto. I wonder if these things can be done while the engine is mounted and if so should it be on it's side. I learned a great deal more about the carburetor and I question the O ring, the air filter, the little plate on the pin, and I have no idea about setting the idle.

If there are any other things I should be looking at or doing before I start my break feel free to let me know. I am about 900' above see level and have heard lots of things about fuel mixtures.

Sorry for the long post.

Hi Hardcore, Welcome to motorbicycling.com. Please read the entire thread I'm giving you. There's a lot of info throughout it. THIS is the most critical part of the build.
TIGHT straight engine mount, MOTOR/CHAIN alignment. But don't get scared or anything, There's a lot of good folk here willing to help out. Before you go any further though, get yourself to the hardware store and get GRADE 8 nuts and bolts for the rag joint/sprocket set up. You'll thank me later.
P.S. Don't worry about fuel/air yet. It should start and run, Then see how she's doin.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Exhaust was filthy so my charmer got a rehaul.Painted a lime green over the.

sickly blue.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Futzed around with it earlier. Played with the idle and idle air mixture screws. Better throttle response. Adjusted the clutch, removed the clutch cable return spring. Removed the exhaust cap (again). Currently, it sounds like half a v-twin. wum-wum-wum-wum-wum-wum :D Whip snap throttle response almost, too.

Gotta get a new carb for it tho. lol procrastination.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wired a new toggle switch into my headlight, as the old one was messed up and the wires got pulled out when I was futzing around with my fork the other day. Charged my batteries for my lights, re-centered my rear wheel which wasn't quite aligned properly after I changed my tires yesterday. Everything is tip-top now, and all thats left is to replace my brake cable when it gets here and my throttle cable when I feel like it lol. Good thing its driveable though, wife is working now so she can't take me to work anymore.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

added some fuel, and headed for town, ended up with a 36 mile round trip on the Huffy Karaoke by the time I was back home, nice ride even though it was around 100 in the shade here today.

looking at the bike I plan for my next build today and thinking of what I will do first when I get the time......

Kinda rough day and just had to get out and ride, my wifes Dad passed away early this morning, had just bought plane ticket and reserved a rental car at airport and was leaving for a week long visit Wednesday, maybe an hour or less after booking the flight, we got a phone call that he had died sad day for our household and especially my wife, a good bike ride always helps me clear my head and makes for good thinking time.

Rest in Peace Roscoe H.

Peace, Map
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so i got a 36t sprocket im getting a tuned pipe i have a cns carb the stock size jet is 0.70 what size should i go with
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

here in central Texas where I live and with a free flowing exhaust on my bikes, my jets always have to be soldered up and redrilled smaller, I use a propane torch to heat the jet while holding it with pliers and then I put a dap of solder in the hole to fill it, I then use a #73 wire gauge drill bit and redrill the jet, so far that same jet size has worked out good on all three of my bikes and they all are set up just a little different.
I also run nothing but Opti2 oil mix and I mix it at around 80:

For anyone who doesnt know a good source for the wire gauge bits here is where I get my stuff like that, tools for polishing ports and wire gauge bits at very good prices.





For gasket making here are links to their cutting tools also.




Hope these links will help someone out, to resize the main jet is very simple and only requires some simple tools, the jet must be clean from all oil before it can be soldered, I just give mine a good spraying of carb cleaner and let it dry..flg.

so i got a 36t sprocket im getting a tuned pipe i have a cns carb the stock size jet is 0.70 what size should i go with
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

#73 - .024" - .61mm

never even tried one that small, are you sure that isn't too lean to get up hills?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got it running finally!

been having issues with it idling or even running like it should (it would bog down the second i hit the gas)

I went to drain the tank to put a fresh batch of gas in, and noticed that it was gurgling through the fuel line as it was draining... i poped the cap off and suddenly a river of gas flows out!

all this time, my troubles were from a cap that wouldn't vent... who woulda thought.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

^Drill a little hole in it. Don't go too big like I did, your gas will evaporate and it will splash through the cap at high speed.

(and ruin light colored shorts in the process)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday I bought some Royal Purple motor oil (switching brands from the wallyworld supertech oil). So today I changed my oil when I got home from work. I also changed my throttle cable, since I got a new cable clamp (lost the old clutch cable clamp I was using on my throttle cable a few weeks ago, had been using a brake cable clamp but didnt care much for it). I also drilled a small hole in my throttle linkage to hook my return spring to, so the darn thing won't slide down and make the throttle cable loose. Has happened in the past, making it difficult to slow down or STOP when I need to lol. Anyway, all is good now. Just waiting for a new front brake cable to get here and once I change that, its back to just regular routine maintenance for awhile thankfully lol.