what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

xseler try some rubber chunks off an old bicycle tube wrap it around the handle bars then zip tie the base on with the rubber under it.
it stopped mine from doing the exact same thing

I also used some bike tube around my top frame bar then mounted my gas tank onto it it. It keeps the tanks from moving at ll or you could use duct tape inside out that works well also lots a red thread loc.
As a matter of fact I think I have rubber tire tube under every single part that bolts to the bike now that I think about it LOL and I keep some extra in my possibles bag
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i added some brown fat frank tires to my electric motorized bicycle. can't wait to make the battery bag in leather to match the seat, grips and tires

not sure if you did it on purpose but that bikes design goes perfect fit with the landscape ! :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wad having a good ride to post on Fort Hood, TX yesterday and all of a sudden i lose power and it kills. My carburetor sleeve that attaches to the engines intake port CRACKED! Trying to tighten the screw and nut that clamps it around the plastic piece wouldn't do anything to help. LUCKILY I carry zip ties in my back pack of tools when I ride.
Zip tied that sleeve around the port and kept on riding. Now I'm in the market for a new carburetor....CNS high performance...any recommendations??...and cylinder 66/80cc. The cylinder will be helicoiled before the first ride. This is the second time I've lost a cylinder to stripped threads. I'm gonna be outta commission for a about a week.
I can never get away with a good ride and come back without having something else to fix. I think my chopper just wants me to spend more time with it lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put a 26mm kentse carb on my 212cc whizzer ambassador.... Spent some time adjusting etc...its good now!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took my junk outa my storage and moved more stuff from home to storage. Today I'll store more bike parts. While there, my Trek w/Mits/NuVinci called to me. I'd purchased it in 2011 for $200 complete w/rear flat. After replacing both tires & tubes, I placed it in storage. It's time to get this bike ready as my back-up commuter vehicle.scratg

Update: The storage facility was closed today, so I decided to work on another project commuter w/ 4.5hp CY460 engine. As expected, installing the bottom bracket, crank and pedals dictates engine midframe placement. Surprisingly, it might fit better than Scooterguy mounts. The tranny's 11t and chainring align with the 206mm BB, which is way out there.

More later.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bought, cut & side gapped 3 spark plugs (.030 for now) to replace the dull factory radial 3-prong it came with. NGK BP5HS, BP6HS, & BP7HS, 3 heat ranges. I'm gonna 'experiment' with them, regapping and swapping out till I find my sweet spot.

I also ordered micro drills to alter the jetting, should be here by Thursday. I'm gonna tune this thing up
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had to tighten the screws for the clutch cover-

I was coming back from my usual coffee/grocery run of 6 ,iles or so round trip,
and about half a mile from home, the clutch got screwy-

the handle felt mushy and didn't want to disengage and the motor wouldn't kill then-

since I was close, I just came on in under motor, I had reached down to see if the cable had come loose at the motor and that seemed tight-
then I noticed the crank was hitting the motor very slightly just as I got back
had the motor shifted to the side? That had happened before.

as soon as I got off and looked at it the problem was obvious

and an easy fix- the screws on the clutch cover had come loose and it was moving around a bit-

tightened them up, and that was that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke 4 spokes my on rim. I went and bought another rim and will get the one repaired for a spare. What are the main causes for this to happen?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Let's see. Fixed my pullstart......twice. First time thought it was just stuck, so I took it off and re-wound it. Second time I was home from work and figured out the spring wasn't catching, so I screwed around with it for like two hours till I finally fixed it, hopefully for good. I also added some flat washers to my rear axle, two on each side, because my frame is wider than my hub and twice now I've caught my wheel rubbing my frame. Finally decided to rectify the problem, so hopefully now the wheel will stop moving and hitting the frame. I also had to replace a bolt on my 3rd motor mount, since one apparently broke and fell off. Noticed it today while I was working on everything else. Hopefully it won't happen again, but I'll keep an eye on it. In fact, I've got to start keeping a better eye on things in general. I will try to remember to do a visual inspection each time I start the bike. Gonna change the oil this weekend.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke 4 spokes my on rim. I went and bought another rim and will get the one repaired for a spare. What are the main causes for this to happen?

The most common reason is loose spokes.
The second common reason is too thin of spokes. Most cheap wheels (read WalMart and similar store bought bikes) have spokes that are not really up to the task (that said, many wheels do still hold up for many miles).
The third has to do with #2. If the spokes are breaking on the sprocket side and you are using the kit supplied rag joint sprocket, the sprocket does put an unusual load on the spokes. Both by loading them laterally with engine power and that the rag joint tries to hold them out of true in relation from a straight line from the wheel hub to the rim. A tensioned spoke wants to be straight and true. The rag joint forces them to have a sort of a kink in them when they are compressed in the rubber-n-spoke sandwich.

Have your new wheel laced up with 11 gauge or 10 gauge spokes if you can.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally swapped to the new 36 tooth rear sprocket on The Pig.
Had to shorten the chain and redo the tensioner to get things aligned again.

Used my usual trick to break the chain as you can see to the left of the tensioner. The spot welds are barely visible where I broke the chain.

I am glad I finally swapped to the 36. It calms the bike down just right and still gives good cruising at lower speeds which make the motor happier.
I expect slightly better mileage too but we shall see...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally swapped to the new 36 tooth rear sprocket on The Pig.
Had to shorten the chain and redo the tensioner to get things aligned again.

Used my usual trick to break the chain as you can see to the left of the tensioner. The spot welds are barely visible where I broke the chain.

I am glad I finally swapped to the 36. It calms the bike down just right and still gives good cruising at lower speeds which make the motor happier.
I expect slightly better mileage too but we shall see...
Nice Maniac!!
My bike goes 32 MPH with a 44 tooth WOT wound out tight,,,it cruises nice at 20-24,,will the 36 tooth allow me to cruise at 25-28,, what is your top speed now,,35,,and how is she on the hills???
My 44 pulls me up the steepest hills around here no pedal at all.

Good times....

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice Maniac!!
My bike goes 32 MPH with a 44 tooth WOT wound out tight,,,it cruises nice at 20-24,,will the 36 tooth allow me to cruise at 25-28 and what is your top speed now,,35???

Good times....


I'm not sure as my speedo took a giant s&^% from rf interference. It used to top out about 35 with the 41, so I'm guessing about 40. I don't scream my high mile engine very much so top speed does not matter much to me. I like how the 36 drops rpm at my happy cruising speed and reduces wear and vibration.This gearing puts the engine right in its sweet spot at my normal cruise speed which makes the bike nicer to ride. The the long pipe seems to match the gearing better now for a nice wide low end torque curve.
Good swap for riders in flat areas of the country!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah,,Ill prolly settle for a 41 then..got some hills around here...if I can cruise at 25 with a lower rpm Im happy,,thats movin pretty good for a bicycle.

BTW-I think spot welding the pins on the chain is a great idea,,never have too worry about that little clip taking a ride again,,i carry extras in my bag in case.I was thinking these little motors are so easy and cheap to work on,,I could do a piston/ring/jug job right on the side of the road if I had too...lol..love these things!!!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've found that swedging those pins can often leave you with a stiff link - same for welding?

I'd miss having an easy way to pop the chain to fix a flat.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've found that swedging those pins can often leave you with a stiff link - same for welding?

I'd miss having an easy way to pop the chain to fix a flat.
My wheel comes right off after loosening the axle nuts,chain just hangs out,,guess every bike is different...good point though :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed some new saddlebags (m-wave day trippers, $24 on amazon, free shipping with prime). Also fixed my front fork, which was a little loose. Put some blue loctite on the crown nut so it doesn't come loose again.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've found that swedging those pins can often leave you with a stiff link - same for welding?

I'd miss having an easy way to pop the chain to fix a flat.

I don't use any pressure when re-assembling the links so they are nice and free when finished.
As far as changing flats, the security of no masterlink outweighs the inconvenience when removing the rim to me.