what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took the cruiser out for a while this morning, it settles in to a nice purr at 40-44 kph (25-27 mph) with barely any throttle once it gets there. It feels like the clutch needs a little adjustment. Unfortunately, when I got back to the house I found it dripping gas from a different stud, and the L bracket in the middle of my rear fender has snapped. So it's up there (my garage is uphill of the house) with the fuel line feeding back into the gas can while I grab some caffeine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This one had matte finish plastic inserts. I tighten the round nut pretty tight with a pair of Channel locks then I pushed the lever over to finish tightening it. Seems pretty snug so far........Only went about 4 miles r/t to the store. It held a 6 pack of bottles nicely.

Maybe if you cut an old piece of intertube and wrapped it around the post before you slid the rack attachment over it, you might get a more snug fit....or, they make a product called "friction tape" --- it's usually found in the electrical department with the black tape. That stuff would work great, also!
That's basically what the box-supplied stuff is: thick innertube. I'll mess with it sometime this summer I imagine.
...i removed and discarded the stock, POS sparkplug and boot and replaced them with an NGK BPR7HIX plug and a new boot both purchased from SickBikeParts, a vendor you can not only rely on, you can actually reach them if you have a question, ...they KNOW how to do customer service over at SBP!

peace, bozo
You replace the wire too? The factory wire is crap as I found out when putting on my Bosch wire...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a midly ported engine back together on a prebuilt pull/centri. Replaced junk cable out of the box, of course centri was locked out of the box too... Luckily still had my hammer puller from the tandem job to get that off and fix it. Painted jug/head w/high heat, shaved the fin edges. Did some pin striping on the tank then sat down for a beer.

Was a good day in the shop/kitchen :p Too cold today to enjoy a good cruise anyway...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's basically what the box-supplied stuff is: thick innertube. I'll mess with it sometime this summer I imagine.
you could also use a more substantial shim to fill the gap although i wonder how strong and stable a rack like that will be with only one anchor point, i'd think you'd be safer with any kind of load if you had a rack that had supports that mounted at the dropouts as well so you'd have 3 anchor points.

...i'm actually considering this one but i haven't pulled the trigger yet because of the price. ...i like that it's rated to carry up to 77lbs though so i imagine i'll get it at some point, lol.

You replace the wire too? The factory wire is crap as I found out when putting on my Bosch wire...
...and yeah man, you can't use the stock wire with an upgraded plug because the stock plug has the tip removed leaving a thin threaded rod that the stock boot attachs to, ...so the stock boot is too small for an upgraded plug.

peace, bozo
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was another great ride to work. However, the pullstring jammed as I prepared to leave my workplace. Removing the pullstart to repair it, you can imagine what happened.....BOING! The clockspring popped out. Reassembling the pullstart was an exercise in futility for me. Luckily, my family happened to be a few blocks away. I secured my motorized bicycle onto the bikerack and went home with them. Fortunately, I have a spare 47R in storage. The next morning, I visited my storage locker, retrieved the pullstart, then my wife dropped me off @ work. At day's end, I installed the spare pullstart and enjoyed another great ride home.

Honey, it's just a bicycle. and i REALLY need it to excercise, and to ride it to work.(hehe)

Grind a small notch in your flywheel to allow you to use a knotted rope for emergency starts. Just wrap around the flywheel and pull like the old style engines. Notching a fin is easy and hardly visible.Carry a spare rope in your tool kit for just this emergency.
Did this with ALL my fourstroke Karts and minibikes for years. Got me home more than once.

Just be SURE the rope releases from the notch when you pull it! Otherwise things can get ugly and dangerous!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I pulled the tank on the cruiser, cleaned it out, cleaned the base of the leaking stud and epoxied it. Waiting for it to set before I can do more there.
After that I dropped the cruiser's rear wheel and pulled the fender. The bracket I used as an upgrade from the stock one sheared across the bolt hole for the frame. I dug through my box of "assorted bits and stuff" and came up with what I think was a fire extinguisher hanger bracket. The holes on one end of it matched up perfectly with the holes in the fender, but it was about 1/32" too wide to go through the fender. I widened the slot and it slid right in. I used the bracket from the bike to center punch the other end in the right spot, then drilled it out. Everything went together pretty smoothly putting it back on the bike. I gave the tire a good cleaning and put the wheel back on.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Grind a small notch in your flywheel to allow you to use a knotted rope for emergency starts. Just wrap around the flywheel and pull like the old style engines. Notching a fin is easy and hardly visible.Carry a spare rope in your tool kit for just this emergency.
Did this with ALL my fourstroke Karts and minibikes for years. Got me home more than once.

Just be SURE the rope releases from the notch when you pull it! Otherwise things can get ugly and dangerous!

Muchos gratias,maniac! I will do that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Moved all the parts of my motorized bicycle to the new digs. In the rain. Gotta love Tornado Alley during tornado season,been trying to move all week.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Moved all the parts of my motorized bicycle to the new digs. In the rain. Gotta love Tornado Alley during tornado season,been trying to move all week.

Good thing you're not up here!! I rode out Monday's twister at the Moore Home Depot.......missing us by about 300yard. This building shook like a sum biotch!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installed a nt carb shortened trottle cable!! so worth it the cns carb sux.. also got a slant head and im waiting on a new spark plug should be here tomorrow. its like day and night with that new carb i love it!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Why do people not like the CNS carbs on the HT engines? Is it a tuning issue or a reliability issue? They look deluxe. Are they hard to jet correctly?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Much tougher to tune correctly. The speed and rt carbs are simple, the cns not so much.
If you have the experience and patience, the cns can give good results.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installed a nt carb shortened trottle cable!! so worth it the cns carb sux.. also got a slant head and im waiting on a new spark plug should be here tomorrow. its like day and night with that new carb i love it!!!

Why do people not like the CNS carbs on the HT engines? Is it a tuning issue or a reliability issue? They look deluxe. Are they hard to jet correctly?

Much tougher to tune correctly. The speed and rt carbs are simple, the cns not so much.
If you have the experience and patience, the cns can give good results.

I guess that I got lucky.......mine seems to work just fine. I'll take 'lucky' any day!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I had a metal shop weld an arnold/briggs muffler to the end of my stock muffler. Dampens the exhaust noise considerably. Now the intake noise is noticeable. Thinking about implementing some kind of airbox to quiet it down, although I must say I like how it's sounding right now. I also changed out my kickstand for a center stand.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

the ONLY way to tune the cns is the jets either buy or drill them you cant adjust the needle or anything .... i know on rc cars mine has a high speed needle valve im not shure if the rt carb does.....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If your like me and running a stock gas tank ...you have probably had " The bumpy road gas spilling out of the sealed cap blues" like I have as well well after painting my tank for the third time and having gas splash out of the sealed cap AGAIN.. I looked up ahead at the remaining 2 miles of bumpy road ahead of me and I got tired of that splashing gas b.s.

And as we all know "Necessity is the mother of invention"

I took a sock right off my foot placed it over the cap and cut it . so there was only about an inch of material around the protruding fill hole. Not above it as small material may fall in tank causing an unwelcome pluggage" Then I made a few passes around the sock top with some electrical tape & put what was left of my sock back on my foot.." it was cold out" replace the cap on the tank and presto.. never had a drop splash out again and its been around 6 months since i've done it & I only wanted to get the 2 miles down the bumpy road I also drilled a hole into the cap "off of the tank of course" slipped a rubber grommet in it and then stuffed a rubber hose in that... for a vent

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

are you able to pull 30 0r 35 mph on your cns??

I'm still in the 'break in period' for mine........the best indicated speed so far is 29.5 mph. With that being said, the computer blanks out after that. Found that the vibration is keeping it from contacting the the two pins. I zip tied it down last night, but haven't tried it yet.

The engine seems to get stronger on each run.