what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got a k&n ufo style i can steal from my goped hehe i thinkn about switching the tires smaller in the back to get chain clearance and bigger in front not chure whats goin on there. would a expansion chamber gain me speed?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

An x-chamber would help you get some more speed and acceleration, and will usually lean you out a bit. So I wouldn't combine the two without buying some jets or drilling yours out a bit.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

msd coil.. any thoughts on changing the head?


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's a coil *wire, not coil. lol

I'm a cheap SOB, so I would just deck the head and smooth out the compression chamber.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dude so i pulled the head last night and found a lil ding in it!! this might be a problem ill try to find this thread to show you an example i found
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A ding in where? The gasket mating surface? That can definitely cause a problem later down the road. lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

this is a example i found mine is in better condition on the outside edge but in the middle where that ding is idnk whats goin on the rings and piston look great!!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's a deck and polish, yeah. Decking is where you sand the crap out of the head so it's flush with the main body. It makes the gasket seal better and gives a compression bump.
I would think the ding in the middle would have been a piece of metal removing itself. lol

It might be cheaper time wise and safer to just buy a new head. Then deck that one. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Great pic LR.

I went down to a favorite chill spot with a few beers in the backpack in the milk crate. By the time I left, the beers were gone, milk crate and backpack were stuffed with garbage... Is nuts what people will just chuck out the window, gah!

I guess I'm the type of guy that doesn't like garbage looking at me while chilling by the river :)

That drives me nuts, too... find a nice little place, and there's trash everywhere. At least the empties are worth a few cents. ;)

I have this on a window sticker.. (the addition in brackets is my own):

Take nothing but memories,
Leave nothing but footprints (and tire tracks)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

are you talking decking like this>>?

Use the custom search up top and look up 'lapping'. I've done it for several engines, it can help a lot. I've also used a long flat file and filed the bottom of the head/gasket surface flat before. You lay the file flat and work from corner to corner (diagonally) across the surface. The file will make marks on the high areas. As with lapping, you must be sure the file is flat on the work surface (side to side and front to back). File a bit (working away from me worked best for me), turn it 1/4 turn and repeat. When the entire gasket surface has fine file marks on it you know you have no more high spots. I suspect the light cross-hatched file pattern left behind may also help make a good seal, but that's just speculation on my part.

The same can be done for the jug, after it's removed from the engine.

Make sure you clean everything well afterwards, metal filings are not healthy for the inside of an engine. ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put the tank back on the cruiser today. For some reason getting the petcock to face any other way than down and left was a problem. It was fine originally. Ended up cutting a thin sliver off a piece of 3/8" ID fuel hose and slipping it over the petcock then screwing it in. It was snug over the threads, and it looks like a nice seal. No drips, anyway. So, tank back on I threw some juice in it and ripped up and down the lane a bit. The drip at the exhaust port is still there, so I pulled the pipe and replaced the gasket. Another run up and down an it seems to be better now, but it'll need a longer ride to be sure.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was another great ride to work. However, the pullstring jammed as I prepared to leave my workplace. Removing the pullstart to repair it, you can imagine what happened.....BOING! The clockspring popped out. Reassembling the pullstart was an exercise in futility for me. Luckily, my family happened to be a few blocks away. I secured my motorized bicycle onto the bikerack and went home with them. Fortunately, I have a spare 47R in storage. The next morning, I visited my storage locker, retrieved the pullstart, then my wife dropped me off @ work. At day's end, I installed the spare pullstart and enjoyed another great ride home.

Honey, it's just a bicycle. and i REALLY need it to excercise, and to ride it to work.(hehe)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I added a package rack this morning.......and already made a trip to the store to get a 6 pack for this afternoon. Looks like I'll probably need to get a milk crate if I want to haul more than a 6 pack. This evening, I'm gonna Slime the tubes for a little extra protection.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey, question for ya. I've got a Schwinn rack for my Huffy that looks similar to yours in the way that it mounts, the little rubber pieces are a pain to get in and the rack is still loose. Any mounting advice? I'm thinking about just using it on my mountain bike if I have to and getting a new rack that mounts to the frame and seat post, rather than just the seat post.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This one had matte finish plastic inserts. I tighten the round nut pretty tight with a pair of Channel locks then I pushed the lever over to finish tightening it. Seems pretty snug so far........Only went about 4 miles r/t to the store. It held a 6 pack of bottles nicely.

Maybe if you cut an old piece of intertube and wrapped it around the post before you slid the rack attachment over it, you might get a more snug fit....or, they make a product called "friction tape" --- it's usually found in the electrical department with the black tape. That stuff would work great, also!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...i removed and discarded the stock, POS sparkplug and boot and replaced them with an NGK BPR7HIX plug and a new boot both purchased from SickBikeParts, a vendor you can not only rely on, you can actually reach them if you have a question, ...they KNOW how to do customer service over at SBP!

peace, bozo