what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats more like a speed carb,,I have not had much luck with the one on my Grubee,,I would get the basic one like this,,these work great on all my kits!
Little more than 10 bucks sorry,,just make sure the jet is tight and the barbed fuel inlet also,,they come loose from china most of the time,and I always bend the float tangs so they are like 3/32 or 2.5mm from the bottom of the carb housing when pushed up seating the needle,,thats just me though and only if the bowl sits level,,you should just try it stock first :)

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What did I do with my motorized bicycle today? I left it at home and rode one of my pedal bikes, the single speed. It was a nice ride. When it's really hot though, I'd rather ride the motor bicycle for sure.

regarding sanding rims:
It might not make your brake pads last longer, but it will probably improve your braking power a lot! I sand all my wheels with sandpaper, to make grooved brake tracks and clean off all the paint. It gets rid of any notchy seams too.

I finally broke out the palm sander and removed all the paint from the front wheel surface that the brake pads rub on. I hope this will significantly extend my brake pad life.....

I also found a triangular shaped handlebar bag that will hold the necessary tools needed for emergency roadside repairs. The bag was in the clearance/damaged bin at a high dollar bike shop here in town...it had no price tag on it. After several minutes of high level conferences amongst the staff, they decided that they'd sell it for $6. Sold.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I started work on center-mounting either my 4.5hp CY460 engine or the Tanaka 47R onto a bare frame. It's an NOS steel Diamondback "cruiser-type" made for a 7-speed internal hub w/3/8" axle(135mm). The frame is for v-brakes, but plans are for a Shimano 8-speed hub w/roller brake. So today, I bolted on a universal engine plate and calculated gear ratios and sprockets. They'll range from a First gear of 46.6:1, Second gear of 38.1:1 (both excellent for very steep hills), Seventh gear 17.2 and final drive of 15.2:1.

It's gonna be sweet! dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i added some brown fat frank tires to my electric motorized bicycle. can't wait to make the battery bag in leather to match the seat, grips and tires


  • brown.jpg
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Paul, what do you think of the Fat Franks at speed (25 mph+)? Are they squirmy? I have some Schwinn/Cheng Shin cruiser tires from Walmart (now on a pedal only trail bike). They were fast and cushy on my happytime bike, but "walked" a little in corners, and made squealing noises. On the pedal bike at 10-20mph its kind of fun though. I feel like a kid.

Do the franks have any puncture protection? They seem kind of expensive.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey guys, my chain is rubbing on my tire and i don't know how to fix it. I do not want to buy a skinnier tire but hoping there was another way. it is a cruiser bike
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

not squirmy at all. the fat franks are rated for motorized bicycles. check out thier websight. they have kevlar puncture protection. i liked the first set so much i bought the second set. well worth the money. shop ebay. i got one pair for 57 shipped and this pair for $68 shipped
Paul, what do you think of the Fat Franks at speed (25 mph+)? Are they squirmy? I have some Schwinn/Cheng Shin cruiser tires from Walmart (now on a pedal only trail bike). They were fast and cushy on my happytime bike, but "walked" a little in corners, and made squealing noises. On the pedal bike at 10-20mph its kind of fun though. I feel like a kid.

Do the franks have any puncture protection? They seem kind of expensive.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey guys, my chain is rubbing on my tire and i don't know how to fix it. I do not want to buy a skinnier tire but hoping there was another way. it is a cruiser bike

depends some on the geometry of your frame, but sometimes you can dish your wheel off to the right, then space your axle with washers back to the left till the chain clears - dishing the wheel moves the tire away from the chain, then shifting the axle moves the tire back to center of frame
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey guys, my chain is rubbing on my tire and i don't know how to fix it. I do not want to buy a skinnier tire but hoping there was another way. it is a cruiser bike

First (easiest), make sure you centered the wheel in the frame when you put it back in the chainstays. While tightening the axle nuts (or quick-release, if that's the case) the wheel loves to go off center, so watch for that.

Second, take a look at the drive sprocket on the wheel. The teeth on the drive sprocket are often dished to one side of center. If yours are, and that dish is to the inside, flip it over and see how that works.

Third, make sure your motor is mounted tightly and it's sprocket is as vertical as possible.

Keep us posted on how it goes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

  • I put some gas in the tank I patched yesterday today to see if the leak was plugged, but eventually it dripped.
  • Swished out and emptied the tank (strained back into the can, got rid of the flecks of crap from the tank), then swished it out with rubbing alcohol to clear the residue.
  • Cleaned off the tank repair epoxy, cleaned the area thoroughly with dremel wire brushes and wiped off with rubbing alcohol to clean off any residue.
  • Mixed up a fresh chunk of the epoxy and worked it into place again. I probably didn't discard enough from the open end of the epoxy stick last time to get to the good stuff. The bit I worked with today was more pliable to start with, yesterdays chunk had to be worked for a lot longer to be useful. It'd be nice if that stuff didn't look and smell like something from the cat's box, though.
So, waiting for epoxy to set again before I can do much more with it.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey guys, my chain is rubbing on my tire and i don't know how to fix it. I do not want to buy a skinnier tire but hoping there was another way. it is a cruiser bike

Welcome to my life man... :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Welcome to my life man... :)
Hahaha,,i hear that,,think all my chains hit my tire a little,,especially on the cruiser,,as long as its not rubbing hard I wouldn't worry about it,,the white wall on my cranbrook gets black after a ride,,i just clean it off with Awesome when i get back,,the tire does not looked to be chaffed or anything so i run it!

If your sprockets are aligned straight,,wont flipping the sprocket over so the dish is out change the alignment a bit?

Good times...

Tom :)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Changed fuel line, filter and sanded off the squish ring on cyl head hoping for more compression punch in the low end. Not any noticeable diff. Maybe I'll try some higher octane next fill up.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put gas in the patched tank and set it aside. No signs of wetness after a couple of hours sitting, so I think it's good. Spent the waiting time making a couple of road bike wrecks that weren't worth motorizing ready for CL. Got 'em both out of the garage and got $70 for 'em. Not bad, they were both free (to me). I didn't even have to patch the tires, just inflated them.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a set of Avid 20R Performance brake pads and a Schwinn Traveler helmet for her operator --- the dude on the packaging looked like he was happy wearing this helmet, so I guess that I'm golden!!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took it for a spin today after a few minor upgrades.
Wrapped the new exhaust from pedalchopper.com with heat wrapping after installing it.
Added some mini handcuffs hanging from the handlebar. That looks awesome if I may say so myself.
Added a brake light/turn signal combo. It has a horn also but that thing won't be getting any play.

Check out my album for some of todays pictures.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey guys, my chain is rubbing on my tire and i don't know how to fix it. I do not want to buy a skinnier tire but hoping there was another way. it is a cruiser bike
I had the same problem.
Never fixed it, I just slapped on some 26x1.75 Kevlar Hybrid tires. Yeah, I lost a ton of cush, but the bike actually handles better because of it.