what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, finished with the "dirty-deck" ie, only spent an hour on it. lol Took a chance and fired the bike up. Seems to accelerate a bit smoother, can't see a power difference, but my carb isn't working quite right at the moment.

Once I get parts in, I'm going to yank the engine, pull the jug and port out the exhaust and exhaust port and maybe the intake depending on what carb I get.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

re: interference and computer interruption. The happytimes are notorious for it.

Here is how to solve the problem.

1. Remove/unscrew the stock wire and boot. Replace with good automotive spark wire with good clip and rubber boot ($2-5). You can just cut the distributor side off if it comes with both. This helped my motor idle too. The stock boots have two wires/spring that is supposed to clip the threads on the plug, not the ball. When the rubber dries, the spark boot arcs! This is why CDIS fail, surely.

2. Make sure your electrical system is well grounded!

3. Put a new battery in the computer just to be sure. If the other is still good, you can use it later.

4. Put dilectric grease on the contacts between computer and mount. I wrap a strip of Gorrilla Tape around mine to make sure it doesn't ever fall off the mount (for the Bell cheapos) If you don't want tape, you can also put a dab of hot glue on somewhere, that you can melt off later to remove computer and
change the battery. Batteries should last for months.
Thanks for all that info bro,,
I need to upgrade my wire and boot,,would also like to solder and shrink all the CDI wires,,if I reach my hand down there and touch around them I get ZAPPED like crazy,,it could be jumping to the frame and causing EI issues.

Good Times ...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the exhaust off the cruiser to check for the source of the drip. As I pulled it apart I blot checked each surface, and I suspect the expansion pipe was being pushed forward a little by the exhaust, causing a slight gap at the bottom of the gasket against the engine. Reassembled it and added a support in the middle where the two pipes bolt together (had left a hole in the flange for that, just hadn't done anything with it until now).
Pulled the head and cleaned up from the blow out there. My neighbour wandered over with a bottle of Permatex that he says they use to gasket flathead engines and aircraft engines with, so I used that around the surfaces. I'll torque it down tomorrow, and see what's going on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What seller did you get it from bro?

I got my last one from Minginternational and the guy is riding it back and forth to work 10 miles each way for over a month now,low vibration,,no problems,,that motor was smooth right off the bat also...

I see the luckyearlybird kit is here today for the huffy 26" that I paid $10 for..well let ya know how she runs,,should have it done by Sat...that Grubee motor I got with the Trek runs smooth,,but it has way less torque than the ebay kits I've done..I have to pedal some up the big hills,,not with the LYB kits though :)

Good times...

Tom :)
Thats the same vendor I've been so happy with.
Over 10 kits and not a lemon in the bunch (knocks on wood)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats the same vendor I've been so happy with.
Over 10 kits and not a lemon in the bunch (knocks on wood)
The luckyearlybird kit runs great,,low vibration,,fast,,and strong!
I may take the Grubee off the Trek and put this one on it instead,,Ill sell the Grubee with the Huffy,,top end is same on flat,,but it doesn't have the pulling power like the ebay motor's.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's nine a.m. and I just rode two miles as a check, and now I'm going for a 20+ mile ride. Beautiful day!!! I'll see if I can get my iron worker friend to whip me up some stout bracketry for the fenders and such.

Now accepting bets on weather or not the fat boy will be walking by the end of the day...:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to replace the hardware on the engine studs on the cruiser, only to discover that the nuts I picked up are the right size, wrong pitch. Oh well, torqued the head down with the old nuts and fired it up. After a quick run around the block, it had smoking black gunk on the top of the jug, so I figured the head gasket hadn't held. Wiped it all down and took it down the length of the back lane and back so it would show me the leak, but it stayed clean.

Checked the flange of the exhaust at the jug and sure enough, there was a drip. Wiped it off, and put a bit of a twist on the exhaust bracket, about a quarter turn on the nuts and went around the block again. Nothing from the head or exhaust now, so I took it for a slightly longer ride. Held steady at 33 kph / 20 mph on a long uphill curve, hit 56 kph / 34.8 mph at one point. Checked when I got back to the garage and I don't see any drips around the head or exhaust. Knock on wood, hoping I've got that now. I was going to go for a longer run, but I started feeling rain so I turned around.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did some stuff too that I wrote on another post, cleaned up the wire connectors with sandpaper and re-gapped my spark plug to 0.762mm the thickness approx. of a Canadian dime (0.030") hoping to find my own issues through the process of elimination, but alas, liketh thou, it raineth today, and more tomorrow.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well lets see,,
What did i do today,,

That luckyearlybird motor I just finished runs so good on the huffy Im gonna sell,,i swapped it out with the Grubee motor on my Trek..other than that gotta get back to my broccoli rabbi,chuck steaks,and Blue Moon :)

Good Times....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Upgraded to the CR Machine Stage 1 top end with 6cc combustion chamber (GT5 engine). Top of my jug is milled, so greater compression pushed my requirements past the 91 octane rating of premium pump gas. I now have to run racing fuel, but man is it worth it! Left a few scooters in the dust on the test ride today!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well over 20 miles of pleasant country roads. I love this thing we do.

Misaligned rear tire equals picture one.

I never intended to leave my bottom bracket like this, but...


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Insulated the wires connected to my headlight switch, because I had noticed last night that after it had been raining, my headlight had a dim glow even though it was switched off. I also went to great pains to find a good ground for my brake light after noticing that it wouldn't always work right. It seems to be working well now. I also had to cut some new rubber mounting shims for my tail light after the ones it came with fell out. I taped the new one on so it won't fall out again.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

BBB- Electrical is an ongoing tragedy man, glad you've got it worked out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

When I was riding the HT bike, I had all lights run with 2 wires (1 hot, and 1 ground back to a single ground screw near the engine. ) That took care of computer glitching and blown bulbs.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today take the bikes for a spin,GT5 ran without difficulties came without the chain cover screw, then whizzer ran good but when I go 35-38 miles seems as if the carb runs out of gas because it stops accelerating,then I stop to accelerate and re-accelerate again and does the same at 35-38 miles,what could it be ,thanks in advance.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lol, my electrical system is kind of a mess but it works. Here is how I have everything set up. I have 3 7.2v nicad batteries strapped to my luggage rack. One powers my brake light and the other two, wired in series, power my headlight. I have the ground cable for my headlight running to my fork. My brake light is automatically grounded because its metal. I have two wires running from each of my switches, one switch for my headlight and the other for my brake light, which is built into my brake lever. One wire from each switch is connected to the light it controls, and the other to the battery that powers it. I have a ground cable running from each battery to a separate grounding point, because I found that if I ground them both at the same place, one light or the other will not work. The batteries are connected to the wires via quick disconnects, so that I can easily remove the batteries. I charge them inside when they need charged. I have two chargers, one is a 5 hour charger and the other is a 15 minute charger.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm on this computer, and my bike is an arm's length away. It's 7am. Everyone's still asleep. Mother's Day luncheon is at noon. I'm gonna ride to McD's soondrn2, which is less than a mile away.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today take the bikes for a spin,GT5 ran without difficulties came without the chain cover screw, then whizzer ran good but when I go 35-38 miles seems as if the carb runs out of gas because it stops accelerating,then I stop to accelerate and re-accelerate again and does the same at 35-38 miles,what could it be ,thanks in advance.

Maybe you should start a thread for that... You need better advice than I can give you. There's probably already something about this if you try the Google Custom Search near the top of the screen.