what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I finally mocked up my exhaust manifold for my expansion chamber. My brother walked up with a U-bend already welded to a flange. We tack welded it place and I took a short test drive and boy howdy she moves and has power all through the band.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the latest huffy build started and running today. These ebay engine kits seem to be on a quality streak lately, this is already one of the smoothest and best running ht's I've done and it has less than a 1/2 hour on it!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Since I bought and installed mine a couple weeks ago, I've had to repair the chain guard and muffler. Cheap chinese crap. JB Weld comes in handy though. I also picked up some better hose for the gas line and clamps and put them on. The kit didn't come with the clamps.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the latest huffy build started and running today. These ebay engine kits seem to be on a quality streak lately, this is already one of the smoothest and best running ht's I've done and it has less than a 1/2 hour on it!

What seller did you get it from bro?

I got my last one from Minginternational and the guy is riding it back and forth to work 10 miles each way for over a month now,low vibration,,no problems,,that motor was smooth right off the bat also...

I see the luckyearlybird kit is here today for the huffy 26" that I paid $10 for..well let ya know how she runs,,should have it done by Sat...that Grubee motor I got with the Trek runs smooth,,but it has way less torque than the ebay kits I've done..I have to pedal some up the big hills,,not with the LYB kits though :)

Good times...

Tom :)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I switched out a bad battery. The battery that powers my brake light doesn't always seem to work very well. I charge it, and a few days later it seems to go dead again. I use 7.2v nicad batteries for my headlight and brake light. I was at Radio Shack a few days ago, and saw battery/charger combo packs on clearance for $5, so I got one and installed it today. The new battery seems to work just fine. I tested the old battery with my multimeter, and its reading 7.42v, but when I test it with a spare bulb, it barely lights up. Bad cell, maybe? Don't know, but either way the new battery is reading over 8v and lights up my brake light just fine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I built this Huffy in 3 hours,,had to grind the front mount a little bigger,,and bend the exhaust,,the back wheel and rag came out perfectly straight,,also the sprockets lined up sweet,,another cheap ebay kit running awesome,,thats 4 builds so far with no problems :)
Love when a plan comes together!!

i paid $10 for the bike,,and $15 for the wheels,,nice alloy ones also,,gotta love CL :)

Good Times....

Tom :)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was riding mine just a while ago, and noticed just as the speedo nudges over 30mph that the display goes to "0". Maybe it thinks that there's no way that a bike will go over 30mph? Thought at first that I'd flung the sensor off the spoke, but it was still there. When you stop then accelerate again, it's back to working fine. Oh well ---- that's an issue that's not worth worrying about, I guess.
I got a bunch of chit done today:
• new aluminum pulley for my rope start
• made some blind side bungs for tank
• welded filler bung in tank
• welded mounting bungs in
• started detailing welds around bung, want that bung smooth
• drank some bud light

All in all a good day


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the carb off the cruiser and pulled it apart, trying to set the float level without it flooding and dribbling gas everywhere. It took a few tries, but I think I've got it now. Next will be to pull the exhaust and see if it's a bad weld or a bad gasket causing it to develop black drips at the engine. I just can't tell for sure which side of the flange the drip is forming from (engine or pipe).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was riding mine just a while ago, and noticed just as the speedo nudges over 30mph that the display goes to "0". Maybe it thinks that there's no way that a bike will go over 30mph? Thought at first that I'd flung the sensor off the spoke, but it was still there. When you stop then accelerate again, it's back to working fine. Oh well ---- that's an issue that's not worth worrying about, I guess.
I got one of those bell digital jobs at walmart for $20 and it goes back to wheel size setting by itself once in a while,,not sure why,,but when it happens the odometer goes back to zero,,kinda a PITA!!
Maybe a bad battery connection or sumthing?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally fixed up the cruiser i crashed almost 2 months ago.

got a steroid shot in my shoulder tuesday, so it was feeling better, so i pulled the whole bike apart, welded a new cable stop on the drum brake where the old one snapped off.

took the fender off and pounded out all the dents, took the front end apart, inspected the forks, bars, and stem to make sure nothing was cracked, bent, or busted.

regreased the front wheel and the headset, replaced a busted brake lever, and lubed up the throttle.

took the back wheel off and regreased the coaster brake, re-aligned the motor, cause it was knocked a little sideways.

put on some new kenda kiniption tires and wiped the whole bike down with wd40 to bring the 70 year old patina back to life...

then i rode it around the block.

still fast, still solid, and still smooth.

now my shoulder's killing me again. feels like i've been chopping wood all day.

i hate these stupid bikes... :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

These are good. $13 and free shipping. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0083JHMC4/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
WCI Quality Bicycle Computer/Atech

re: Walmart bike computer fritz. The battery could be about dead, have corrosion or a bad connection. Take it out, maybe clean the contacts and put tiny drop of dielectric grease on there. Dollar Tree and other dollar stores often have 3 packs and 1 packs of the batteries for $1. Write your tire size number on the computer so you don't forget it.

Make sure your magnet is lined up with the arrow on the sensor, and close enough to reliably cycle it, or the computer will go nuts and make weird displays.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The speedometer going back to 0 once it gets to 30, not sure what that's about. But the computer resetting itself is caused by interference, either from the cdi or the plug wire, or by having too many things grounded to the frame. I always had problems with the cycle computers, didn't matter if they were wired or not. One would just reset itself once in while, another would do it just about every day. One got completely fried. One I had last year acted a little wonky, but nothing serious until I installed a brake light. The brake light was grounded to the frame, and every time I squeezed the brake lever, the speedo would give a speed reading, but when the brake light was off, it stayed at 0 no matter how fast I went. Too many grounds to frame will create just enough of a magnetic field to confuse the sensor. I recently switched to a 4 stroke, and bought another cycle computer hoping that there wouldn't be so much interference. I was wrong. Installed it after work one day, and when I left for work the next day, the speedo constantly reset itself. I have a handlebar mount for a smartphone, so now I use that as a gps speedo, and its pretty much guaranteed accurate compared to a cheapo cycle computer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I don't go by my odometer any more for the same reason, I go by oil burned.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the carb off the cruiser and pulled it apart, trying to set the float level without it flooding and dribbling gas everywhere. It took a few tries, but I think I've got it now. Next will be to pull the exhaust and see if it's a bad weld or a bad gasket causing it to develop black drips at the engine. I just can't tell for sure which side of the flange the drip is forming from (engine or pipe).

So far I've set all my float levels(tangs) about 3/32(about 2.5 mm) from where gasket seats,,or bottom of the carb housing and they run great with no leaks.Last kit I got the float level was way too low so I bent the tangs up before I even tried to start it for the first time.Ive read somewhere around here that guys set them even a little closer like 1/16th.that seems a little to high too me,,plenty of fuel in the bowl the way I do it.

Good Times...

Tom :)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

re: interference and computer interruption. The happytimes are notorious for it.

Here is how to solve the problem.

1. Remove/unscrew the stock wire and boot. Replace with good automotive spark wire with good clip and rubber boot ($2-5). You can just cut the distributor side off if it comes with both. This helped my motor idle too. The stock boots have two wires/spring that is supposed to clip the threads on the plug, not the ball. When the rubber dries, the spark boot arcs! This is why CDIS fail, surely.

2. Make sure your electrical system is well grounded!

3. Put a new battery in the computer just to be sure. If the other is still good, you can use it later.

4. Put dilectric grease on the contacts between computer and mount. I wrap a strip of Gorrilla Tape around mine to make sure it doesn't ever fall off the mount (for the Bell cheapos) If you don't want tape, you can also put a dab of hot glue on somewhere, that you can melt off later to remove computer and
change the battery. Batteries should last for months.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

FWIW, I'm running a Bell F20 wired bike computer on my bike and I have never had any problem with it resetting. Before or after I installed the Bosch plug wire.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally fixed up the cruiser i crashed almost 2 months ago.

got a steroid shot in my shoulder tuesday, so it was feeling better, so i pulled the whole bike apart, welded a new cable stop on the drum brake where the old one snapped off.

took the fender off and pounded out all the dents, took the front end apart, inspected the forks, bars, and stem to make sure nothing was cracked, bent, or busted.

regreased the front wheel and the headset, replaced a busted brake lever, and lubed up the throttle.

took the back wheel off and regreased the coaster brake, re-aligned the motor, cause it was knocked a little sideways.

put on some new kenda kiniption tires and wiped the whole bike down with wd40 to bring the 70 year old patina back to life...

then i rode it around the block.

still fast, still solid, and still smooth.

now my shoulder's killing me again. feels like i've been chopping wood all day.

i hate these stupid bikes... :)

Take care, bairdco. Easier to fix bikes than bodies.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My tax returns arrived. Wife just returned from Vegas. She "had fun", another term for "I lost." So I get to spend $ on my bike. I pulled a Diamondback cruiser bike dance1from the shed. Looking to build a center-mounted Tanaka 47R or GP460 and 8-speed hub.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I de-cluttered my on-bike tool kit. Now I have room for tacos on my ride home :-) I found a couple interesting route maps for bicycle or motorized bicycle rides. I trimmed the reflective tape on my cargo box to look like a brake light from some kind of japanese mc.

Here's a google pic kind of like what I was thinking of
(large photo on a mc. ) http://images.motorcycle-usa.com/PhotoGallerys/2007-Xcountry_9.jpg


I had two red stripes on the box, but thought they might look like a certain controversial political sign hahhah. It's just supposed to look like a brake light.

I think I will add another duplicate battery powered rear light on the other suspension strap. It was only $5 or $10 and doesn't eat batteries.


I plan on hosting a 20mile motorized bicycle ride in Dallas (following the 20mi Tour Dallas route I rode this year in my ride video. It was fun, but I will like riding it without having to slow up for bicycle tourists (speed limits are around 30, on city streets and residential streets).
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