what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mixin up a gallon of fuel with 3 oz.of valvoline 2 cycle oil and 1 oz. of castor,,then Im going riding,,15 miles up the river....

Good times...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Maybe you should start a thread for that... You need better advice than I can give you. There's probably already something about this if you try the Google Custom Search near the top of the screen.

Thank's Trey already did in the whizzer area.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced the lock. The old bracket just split.

Then I put 45 lbs in the tires and went for the first ride of the year. Everything worked great. Then I passed some electrons through the battery and I'm ready to rock!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was a wonderful albeit short ride to and from McD's this morning. I decided not to "suit up" with my chest protector, knee/shin guards, backpack w/tools and elbow/forearm guards, using only motorcycle helmet, dirt bike gloves and boots. Wife followed me down there. She said a lot of passing cars were checking me out. The Tanaka's pullstart jammed a few times, so I'll remove and inspect for reasons why it did that. Also prepping it for tomorrow's commute to work, 6 miles each way.

I can't wait for sunrise!xct2
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did some stuff too that I wrote on another post, cleaned up the wire connectors with sandpaper and re-gapped my spark plug to 0.762mm the thickness approx. of a Canadian dime (0.030") hoping to find my own issues through the process of elimination, but alas, liketh thou, it raineth today, and more tomorrow.


Today is a nice day, will try to take her out, get a fresh tank-o-gas and report my results, if no improvement, next move will be to replace the plug wire, then, the CDI if that don't.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ended up doing a minor tuneup on my bike. Changed sparkplug, wiped down both chains and used chain lube, added lube to chainring freewheel. Just need to gas and go to work in about an hour.

Five minutes to sunrise!dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wanted to insulate my exhaust pipe because it burned a hole in my pants leg the other day. So I go to Auto Zone, the only exhaust wrap they have is a 20ft roll for $50. Way too much.

Last week I had to buy a roll for my wifes car her flex pipe developed a hole "How dare that curb get in her way" well I bought this stuff they use on motorcycle headers from Advanced Auto called "DEI Header Wrap" or you can simply ask for Item # 010121 Its the same number in every Advanced Auto store "kinda nice touch if you ask me My NGK plug is Item # 5111 Any way the wrap is a 15 foot roll for 15 dollars I did her exhaust and had plenty leftover for my pipe I haven't done my pipe yet but I did dry fit it . The stuff is made of titanium dust and fiberglass very heavy and sound deadening It worked wonders on her exhaust .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My bike runs very well now, ever since I added more space between chainrings and reversed their mounting bolts. The nuts are now facing outward, the bolts' heads are flatter. In case the chain jumps off, there's less chance of it jamming between bottom bracket and the flatter headbolts. I don't use my Jump-Stop plate anymore.
Yesterday morning, the roads were wet from the pre-dawn drizzling. I made it a point to ride cautiously w/no sharp turns, especially on the painted road surface. The roads were dry after work, so it was another pleasant 25-minute amusement ride home.

I'm low on gas. Usually I use 87 octane, but I'll try 91 octane w/Opti-2 this time.

The Tanaka 47R engine starts much easier with the new sparkplug.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sweet deal!!

Took out the luckyearlybird china girl for its second(break in) voyage of 20+miles,,I dropped the needle one notch lower and she is running so sweet makes me want to keep this one also...lol..cruises perfect at 20-25,,will go 30 mph flat out but its wound up tight there,,these LY kits are so snotty a 36 tooth sprocket would go close to 40 mph I bet :)

Good times...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the bikes out for a spin to the voting station today, then for a bit of a joyride afterwards. Unfortunately I had a (low speed) wipeout making a turn and the front wheel slid out from under in the sand and skree on the side of the road. I'm a little scuffed up, looks like the cruiser's rear fender is out of alignment, the drive chain guard got scraped and broke free of the engine, looks like it has a leak in the tank at a mounting stud and worst of all my tank has a dent in the side from the handlebar swinging into it.

On the up side, I'm pretty sure I hit the right combination of choke and throttle on a nice straightaway, as it suddenly surged forward and really wanted to fly. Too bad traffic got heavier then and I couldn't really wind out. For some reason with the choke around 75-80% open instead of wide open it perked right up and took off.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

for now on I'm keeping a spare magneto and CDI In my tool kit
haD TO PEDAL A GOOD 5 MILES TODAY MOST UP HILL Good thing I have that super duper low range sprocket on the rear for easy effort climbing less than walking speed but still riding nonetheless, why would both go out at the same time ...not even 300 miles yet
..my old motor lasted like 2,000 miles before the coil crapped out
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

for now on I'm keeping a spare magneto and CDI In my tool kit
haD TO PEDAL A GOOD 5 MILES TODAY MOST UP HILL Good thing I have that super duper low range sprocket on the rear for easy effort climbing less than walking speed but still riding nonetheless, why would both go out at the same time ...not even 300 miles yet
..my old motor lasted like 2,000 miles before the coil crapped out

Man,,that sucks!!!
Now you got me thinking,,I go pretty close to 12 miles out some times,,and there are some hills that I coast 40 MPH down after climbing,,man I really should put an extra mag/coil in the bag also,,not a bad Idea,,did you at least remove the master link for easier pedaling?

Not such good times...:(
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

577... No I didn't even think of that. DUHHH . besides half the way I had the clutch out trying to start it still.... I would get a pop of life then nothing for 100' then a pop.. pop ..of life then nothing just enough to keep me pedaling to the verge of a massive coronary!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Unfortunately I had a (low speed) wipeout making a turn and the front wheel slid out from under in the sand and skree on the side of the road.
On the up side, I'm pretty sure I hit the right combination of choke and throttle

Glad you're ok! Had my first recently. At least something good came from you excursion!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hello sorry kinda off topic i got this used skyhawk gt5 motor and when i went to take the throttle cable off to adjust the needle there is no adjustments to make it leaner or richer. the needle itself only has one notch to put the clip on?? idnk if i need to get another type of carb?? please help somebody?!??whats the difference between the cns:-|| second gen carbs??
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Stared at the 36 tooth sprocket I ordered and am still too lazy to install.
The current 41 is just so smooth, and it's such a pain to swap out...
but I spent money so I HAVE to try it...
but it's such a pain to swap...
and the 41 runs so good...
but I spent money so I HAVE to try it...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I finally broke out the palm sander and removed all the paint from the front wheel surface that the brake pads rub on. I hope this will significantly extend my brake pad life.....

I also found a triangular shaped handlebar bag that will hold the necessary tools needed for emergency roadside repairs. The bag was in the clearance/damaged bin at a high dollar bike shop here in town...it had no price tag on it. After several minutes of high level conferences amongst the staff, they decided that they'd sell it for $6. Sold.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hello sorry kinda off topic i got this used skyhawk gt5 motor and when i went to take the throttle cable off to adjust the needle there is no adjustments to make it leaner or richer. the needle itself only has one notch to put the clip on?? idnk if i need to get another type of carb?? please help somebody?!??whats the difference between the cns:-|| second gen carbs??

Yeah, my carb also has no adjustment for mixture -- only one for idle speed. So far, it's been spot on.

Good luck!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Stared at the 36 tooth sprocket I ordered and am still too lazy to install.
The current 41 is just so smooth, and it's such a pain to swap out...
but I spent money so I HAVE to try it...
but it's such a pain to swap...
and the 41 runs so good...
but I spent money so I HAVE to try it...
Hahaha,,Im tempted to get a 36 also,,i know this motor is strong enough to run it,,it pulls hard all the way up to 30 mph with a 44,,might just get a 40 tooth though and cruise speed should be around 26-28 mph,,thats good enough for me,,so far Ive cruised over 150 miles at 20-25 mph with the 44 tooth and its just fine but another few mph would be cool :)

For the guy with no slots on his needle for adjustment,,you can just get another carb for $10 from luckyearlybird and keep your old one for parts,,they are a good ebay seller for motorized bicycle stuff.As long as its a china girl you are good to go :)
Good times...

Tom :)
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