what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What part of Texas are you in? Here in Greenville, I think there is only 1 ethanol free station for 100 miles. Ok, make that 50!


I hate ethanol with a passion.

In passenger vehicles, it decreases MPG by AT LEAST 3.
My dad's truck gets 16 at best here in Texas, in Oklahoma, where there is ethanol-free gas, it gets 19. WTF EPA?!?!?!?!

Took it for a short ride; still can't get over how awesome the NGK plug is. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Trued my front wheel. Broke my throttle cable at the twist grip end. Thought of a way to Jerry rig it but ended up getting a new one. Putting that on tomorrow. Also made a mount for my GoPro to go on the handlebars
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

To hook the SBP pipe up on my bike I used a flex connection for a hot water heater. It's made of copper and worked perfect for power and positioning the motor.

THAT is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. If I can't get a steel setup welded and fit, then I'm going to braze some flex on there. There are no good muffler/radiator shops in my city =/

As mentioned in another thread, I rigged up a handlebar-controlled clutch lever. Works really nice so far. =)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My rear sprocket had some lateral movement, so I did several things in an attempt to minimize it as much as possible. I took my rear wheel off and removed the sprocket. First, I tried to find different ways of mounting it to see if that would help. It did not. So I decided to go back to the original way I had it mounted. Before I re-installed it, I noticed that the teeth were developing points and rough edges, so I filed the points and rough edges off. I re-installed the sprocket, put my hub back together and put the wheel back on the bike. I started her up, pulled the clutch in, stopped and picked up the back wheel. I let the clutch out and gave her some gas. The lateral play isnt totally gone, but I seem to have reduced it a fair amount. I still need a new sprocket and an adapter eventually, but I think the rag joint will do ok for now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

about half way done building a work shop for her. She is special.

Not the short bus kind of special, snork.


Right now she is living behind some tires, a bicycle and a load of clutter. Just not up to the style of living of which she would like to become accustomed too.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I rode my bike to school. That's the short version.

I had some vaccination paperwork to drop off at my daughters' school so, after they rode the bus there, I thought it'd be a great day for a short ride. I went on out there, chained up out front and dropped off one batch of papers and found out I needed to fill out some others while I was there. Whilst sitting and writing, I heard a bell. Then here came Sophie and her classmates, and I had my goggles round my neck, my helmet on the table, and the bike was right outside the window. She was ecstatic. She was pointing and saying "That's my Dad, and he rode his BIKE!" Buncha kids faces pressed the window. "Cool bike!" they said. The teacher let them look for a bit, then moved them on out. When I was done, I rode out past the playground and waved. It felt good that I had made their day. It was even more fun than when adults stop and look at the bike.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tyler sure is pretty, but it's hard to bike out there. It seems with all the roadies, people are starting to get a clue, but sometimes they still will send you reeling just with the wind off their cagermobiles. And the dogs out there are even worse hellhounds than what is running around here. Good luck!

It's fun to look up road bicycle racing routes and run them on bicycles. I don't know how they will do with riding around on event days. Some would probably like it, especially if you're an official volunteer or something. Some would cuss you and probably call police when they got their skirts ruffled.

I live in Tyler. About 200 mi east of DFW.

BTW, the links you posted, are awesome.
I found an ethanol-free gas station in Flint, about 15 min drive from me. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike to the next city over, to eat with the family. I had a good ride, made it back just before the bottom fell out. Fiction drive suffers when it rains, so I had to pull over, let my tire down to about 50psi, and stuff the roller into it to get home before I got soaked.

The bike ran great though. I quit messing around with the 2 tank system, and just went with the 1 gallon chemical tank for a gas tank. The bike started easily and with 1 Gallon of fuel, I can ride all day (90-150mpg). I can feel the sloshing a little when the tank is really full, but it isn't really a problem, since it's down by the axle.


now with stock tank omitted.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hi everyone im working on my first build and im having problems with sputtering plug,cdi are good i notice that when it starts the fuel filter is foamy going to try to replace and mount to the frame. im thinking that vibration is causing air to get in the fuel and making it cut out
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hi everyone im working on my first build and im having problems with sputtering plug,cdi are good i notice that when it starts the fuel filter is foamy going to try to replace and mount to the frame. im thinking that vibration is causing air to get in the fuel and making it cut out

Probably not foamy gas. By the time it hits the float bowl it settles down a lot. Since I can't hear it run I can only guess at a couple of things it might be.
First, Make real sure you're getting a good seal on your intake. A simple way to do this is to dribble (just a very little) water on both ends of the intake tube. If it takes down the idle or kills it then you have a air leak.
The carbs on these things are the cheapest carb the chinese could find. If it's running rich then all yer gonna get out of it is 4 stroking and sputtering. You can try a smaller jet size but the best way is to simply get a better carb for it. Personally, I'm poor folk (can't afford a good carb,) so I hafta screw around with jet sizes and needle adjustments.
Another thing you might try that works for me almost every time as far as performance goes. Take out the baffle and see what happens. The stock exhaust is way too restricted. In fact, TRY THIS FIRST. Simply unscrew it from the bottom of the exhaust and pop it out. It will get loud so don't do it at midnight. If this helps then you should get a good expansion chamber for it. Like I said, I'm poor folk so I just run mine loud and proud, But I've never failed to see at least a little, usually a big, performance increase by removing the baffle.
Try these and get back to us, we'll figure it out one way or another.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

about half way done building a work shop for her. She is special.

Not the short bus kind of special, snork.


Right now she is living behind some tires, a bicycle and a load of clutter. Just not up to the style of living of which she would like to become accustomed too.

Looking good! Can't wait to see what you put together in there!

Had switched from a 52 tooth rear sprocket to a 49. Cruising at 36 miles an hour the bike sits in a sweet spot. BoXer bike just chills out. Tops out at roughly 47..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The wife's motorized bicycle has been having problems, seemed to be starving for fuel and bogging out sometimes. I changed the fuel filter, checked the fuel line, and figured I'd take a look at the carb while I was at it. I took the fuel bowl off and was thinking about replacing the gasket, since it had been pinched a bit. As I was looking it over I realised the mating side of the carb for the bowl was actually slightly curved, arch-shaped really. I'm thinking that it was probaby getting a bit of an air leak there, as I swapped it for another carb (after I tore that down and inspected it first), re-assembled eveything and now it doesn't seem to be having that problem.

Today we took the bikes and the trailer to the grocery store and back. First trip, so it was a bit of a learning experience. We're going to look more carefully at return trip routes. There were a few too many intersections where we had to hill-climb from full stop.

Anyway, here's a few pics:

First is the trailer, loaded up for the trip home. Holds two large Rubbermaid totes nicely.

Second is the trailer hooked up to my wife's motorized bicycle. I couldn't find a kiddie-flag I liked, so we have an old vis-vest across the back for now. She's going to make something better fitting for it from it.

Third is our bike, and trailer, locked up at the store. I think I'm going to have to get another cable and lock, it was tricky getting everything secured.

Last is the new fuel filter on her bike.

Edit: Here's a link to the trailer pics/album.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looks great. Glad that you were able to get your wifes bike repaired.

Did you build the trailer or buy it? Great carrying capacity and a sturdy build as well.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks guys.

We bought it as a beat-up 2-seat kid carrier, pulled it apart, cleaned it up and repainted it. I know it will support my weight, I managed to stand on it and balance it for a test.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

thanks for the info fatdaddy. have not had a chance to ride bike today. just before work i ported the intake and as i was putting it back toghether i broke one of the bolts off. :-|| luckily i have drill press. drilled it out and made a tap by using a bolt and cutting 4 slots in it with dremel. did not think it would work but it acually worked.putting top end back toghether now. cant start it up till tomorrow dont have torque wrench to tighten head bolts. does anyone know where i can find torque specs for one of these chinese 50cc motor kit?


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put a speedo on mine and now we know how fast we're going.

Butter zone (smooth pleasant ride no vibration) 27-30 mph

Fast cruise (some vibration not bad) 31-32 mph

Balls to the walls (Barney Oldfield position, low over the handle bars) 34 mph
(vibration that comes up through your happy sack up your spine to the roots of your teeth.)

My max speed down hill is 37.3 mph! (again low position, with Scottie's voice in my head, "Captain I canna give ya any more, she's gonna blow!")

We compared two other bike speedos and my bro's car so I think we're fairly accurate.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

thanks for the info fatdaddy. have not had a chance to ride bike today. just before work i ported the intake and as i was putting it back toghether i broke one of the bolts off. :-|| luckily i have drill press. drilled it out and made a tap by using a bolt and cutting 4 slots in it with dremel. did not think it would work but it acually worked.putting top end back toghether now. cant start it up till tomorrow dont have torque wrench to tighten head bolts. does anyone know where i can find torque specs for one of these chinese 50cc motor kit?

Here ya go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LaLongueCarabine That is good speed on a China H.T. motor. Some of those motors have balanced cranks to them better than others but they all pretty much vibrate is the norm. My italian is incredibly smooth in comparison . Shame they stopped making them.

I did have one H.T. motor that was smooth never came across a smooth one like that one again. Got that one going fast too!!