what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I live in Pennsylvania and I run an ngk b6l. Been running it for almost two years, just changed it a couple months ago. 6 is probably a little hot, but I run WOT most of the time and my engine is almost a year and a half old. I check the color of the plug regularly and its dead-on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The NGKB6HS thing is just a general recommendation. If ya find something else that works for ya, go for it. Like I've always said, It's your bike, build it your way.
I built a trailer out of a kiddie trailer about 3 years ago. I'll try to post pics later.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It is a good general recommendation though.
I thought about the BP7HS, but I was going to AutoZone and they carried the B7 so I got that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It is a good general recommendation though.
I thought about the BP7HS, but I was going to AutoZone and they carried the B7 so I got that.

Texas ain't Death Valley or nothin, but it is probably a little warmer than most places in the states, so a little cooler plug should work just fine for you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

pics of how i re-routed the chains. gives a 10.20:1 ratio on the motor.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What's the ratio for your pedals? That is nice work.

well, it tops out at 3 mph when pedaling XD sometime i need to order some new sprockets so i can run the 40t in the back then i should be fine with the pedal ratio at that point.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got muffler welded back toghether. lesson learned always support muffler. did not have muffler supported on first build and broke the welds. oh well you live and you learn.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today (Yesterday LOL)

I rebuilt my carb with new gaskets and appared to be missing one, now plug actually looks wet-ish brown around idling.

Sadly didn't get to ride, rear hub is seizing cause of the axle lock nuts, need to figure it out or get a new wheel! Hopefully I'll be posting a what did I do and it works for a bit haha.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

do you have pics of your axle

no, I havn't had too much exp fixing bikes the last 6 years. When I got it the lock nuts for the bearings to keep the hub from flopping on the axle was loose, I figured that out but they were too tight and it'd spin and stop. I fixed that rode 25 mi or so and as my last post said I was walking it and then bout to ride and it stopped like their too tight. I did find one outer nut that tightens on the frame to the axle was loose, tightened it when the wheel was spinning but it locked again. I'm going to try to loosen them but otherwise someone else suggested in the shoutbox the bearing races and such are probably damaged from the bent axle. Also my spokes are loosening up bad I thought they were snapping at one point lolol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a new lock because some half-wit tried to steal my bike! It's not even fully assembled at the moment... Cut halfway through my lock at 4:30 AM, thankfully I heard him and scared him off. Bastard bent my lock shut, though...

Wrote a novel. Short version: got SBP chamber. Didn't fit. Set aside the black J-piece that connects to chamber, replacing with all copper to fit my baby's curves in an upside-down U format to get appropriate length. Read about success here with 10" flange-to-chamber, but my approximate measurements show that length of stock setup with shortest header to be about 12" overall. Given that the SBP guide indicates lengths as little as 1/2" make significant differences, I'm uncomfortable with that range. This is a problem because without the J-piece, it's almost impossible for me to get a half-decently sealed exhaust without making it permanent, because I can't "spring" it on. That means I can't really test the header length beforehand.

I expect the header to get quite hot, but I'm not sure if it'd be too hot for JB-weld. For longevity sake, I'm probably going to try to find some thermosteel and use that to close it up tight, then maybe wrap or just paint the fittings for aesthetics.

Question: 66cc chinagirl @ 6,000ft with SBP chamber, .64 jet, NGK 7534 plug. What overall length for a high-rpm powerband? I can't do much for testing because of my mounting limitations. Also, does the shape of the header/setup matter?

I can't even mount it in the up config, not without adding some significant length. bleh.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a blister on my finger from the starter handle. I think I got some crappy gas. I finally gave up and rode my bike to the next gas station and made some fresh mix, then it ran ok all the way home and some more. Deathanol should be phased out, but at least people should have the option at every station to get some fresh gas without cornohol in it. The water in the deathanol won't kill an engine by itself, but it can wreck your day if you can't get the bike started, and can vapor lock.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a blister on my finger from the starter handle. I think I got some crappy gas. I finally gave up and rode my bike to the next gas station and made some fresh mix, then it ran ok all the way home and some more. Deathanol should be phased out, but at least people should have the option at every station to get some fresh gas without cornohol in it. The water in the deathanol won't kill an engine by itself, but it can wreck your day if you can't get the bike started, and can vapor lock.
I hate ethanol with a passion.

In passenger vehicles, it decreases MPG by AT LEAST 3.
My dad's truck gets 16 at best here in Texas, in Oklahoma, where there is ethanol-free gas, it gets 19. WTF EPA?!?!?!?!

Took it for a short ride; still can't get over how awesome the NGK plug is. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hate it too, especially because of the whole energy-deficit business. If you don't know, we burn more gas producing the ethanol we use to replace some of our gas.

It's like the crappy regulations that force a diesel Subaru that should get 88+mpg to get only 35+... "Lets burn twice as much gas so that the gas we burn puts out 15% less CO2!"

As bad as the regulations that mean we can still manufacture DDT, just as long as we sell it to Mexico... despite the fact that it's still killing bald eagles, penguins, and all tertiary-consumer egg-laying mammals in the world.

Dodge_dude, I agree, the NGK plug made a noticeable difference. I doubted it, but it's definitely very nice =)

Heading to Autozone because after calling around, they're the only ones who sell Thermosteel. (like JB-weld, but strengthens with heat up to 2,400F) I don't have a torch so I can't braze my pipes to my SBP chamber, but hopefully in 24 hours of curing they'll be ready to rumble!

I thank the engineers who made such a wonderful compound for folks like me that are far away from tools and workspace. =)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a new lock because some half-wit tried to steal my bike! It's not even fully assembled at the moment... Cut halfway through my lock at 4:30 AM, thankfully I heard him and scared him off. Bastard bent my lock shut, though...

Wrote a novel. Short version: got SBP chamber. Didn't fit. Set aside the black J-piece that connects to chamber, replacing with all copper to fit my baby's curves in an upside-down U format to get appropriate length. Read about success here with 10" flange-to-chamber, but my approximate measurements show that length of stock setup with shortest header to be about 12" overall. Given that the SBP guide indicates lengths as little as 1/2" make significant differences, I'm uncomfortable with that range. This is a problem because without the J-piece, it's almost impossible for me to get a half-decently sealed exhaust without making it permanent, because I can't "spring" it on. That means I can't really test the header length beforehand.

I expect the header to get quite hot, but I'm not sure if it'd be too hot for JB-weld. For longevity sake, I'm probably going to try to find some thermosteel and use that to close it up tight, then maybe wrap or just paint the fittings for aesthetics.

Question: 66cc chinagirl @ 6,000ft with SBP chamber, .64 jet, NGK 7534 plug. What overall length for a high-rpm powerband? I can't do much for testing because of my mounting limitations. Also, does the shape of the header/setup matter?

I can't even mount it in the up config, not without adding some significant length. bleh.

I always use the fat, short cone for torque, and a longer cone for high-speed... It's a good rule of thumb for experimenting.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a new lock because some half-wit tried to steal my bike! It's not even fully assembled at the moment... Cut halfway through my lock at 4:30 AM, thankfully I heard him and scared him off. Bastard bent my lock shut, though...

Wrote a novel. Short version: got SBP chamber. Didn't fit. Set aside the black J-piece that connects to chamber, replacing with all copper to fit my baby's curves in an upside-down U format to get appropriate length. Read about success here with 10" flange-to-chamber, but my approximate measurements show that length of stock setup with shortest header to be about 12" overall. Given that the SBP guide indicates lengths as little as 1/2" make significant differences, I'm uncomfortable with that range. This is a problem because without the J-piece, it's almost impossible for me to get a half-decently sealed exhaust without making it permanent, because I can't "spring" it on. That means I can't really test the header length beforehand.

I expect the header to get quite hot, but I'm not sure if it'd be too hot for JB-weld. For longevity sake, I'm probably going to try to find some thermosteel and use that to close it up tight, then maybe wrap or just paint the fittings for aesthetics.

Question: 66cc chinagirl @ 6,000ft with SBP chamber, .64 jet, NGK 7534 plug. What overall length for a high-rpm powerband? I can't do much for testing because of my mounting limitations. Also, does the shape of the header/setup matter?

I can't even mount it in the up config, not without adding some significant length. bleh.

To hook the SBP pipe up on my bike I used a flex connection for a hot water heater. It's made of copper and worked perfect for power and positioning the motor.