what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah Goat, I've had ONE and one only, like that. I rode it for almost two years. Smooth as heck and toped out at almost 45mph. I finally sold it to a friend and he got it stolen two weeks later. I miss that bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just switched from breaki-in mix to 50/1 synthetic.......Runs good, but was still seeming a bit rich.... Lowered the needle to the last groove and what a difference..... Can almost take off without peddling..... One revolution of the peddles from a stop and zoom.....

I will check my plug after the next long ride and see how it looks.........
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've been having a minor problem with my clutch arm not wanting to return properly, so the engine won't always engage. Today I took another look around here, and then went and started tinkering.

The clutch arm's shaft looked pretty worn, so I replaced it with the one from the motor I slagged a while back. Now it sits closer to where it should be when the cable is snug, where I kept having to take up a little more slack. With the clutch arm replaced and the pin and bearing all greased up it seems to be back closer to 'normal'.

That seems to have take care of the problem. If not, I'm back to scratching my head over it (and wondering about trying to adjust the internal return spring).

Here's a coupe of pics, the first is the clutch are removed from the housing. You can see where the material has worn off the left edge of the shaft. Second is a the worn one next to the replacement one. A little hard to see since they're both still in the housing, but the right side one has a nice 'clean' straight edge to it compared to the worn one.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CDI went caputski so I had to order another. Bike has been sluggish starting recently and was getting worse. I replaced the spark plug but no luck. So I just ordered a new CDI that should fix it up. Might have to bite the bullet and order a Jaguar CDI.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tyler sure is pretty, but it's hard to bike out there. It seems with all the roadies, people are starting to get a clue, but sometimes they still will send you reeling just with the wind off their cagermobiles. And the dogs out there are even worse hellhounds than what is running around here. Good luck!

It's fun to look up road bicycle racing routes and run them on bicycles. I don't know how they will do with riding around on event days. Some would probably like it, especially if you're an official volunteer or something. Some would cuss you and probably call police when they got their skirts ruffled.
Most of the roadies are d-bags even when you are riding a straight pedal bike. I acknowledge all bikers regardless of what they ride. They are on two wheels, so they're cool with me.
But very few respond. Pretty annoying if you ask me. I guess because I am not a roadie. (I ride a 69 Western Flyer 3 speed when I am not gas biking)
The Tyler drivers are jerks too. Even to people that drive large pickups (such as myself) they really don't care about the safety of others. Their the main reason why I stay off main roads on my bikes and use my neighborhood and the bike trail thats a minute away from my house. One type of driver I do like are the motorcyclists. If you are on two wheels they nod. I've gotten lots of nods when I am on my gasbike. It's kinda funny really.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I agree Dodge. In cali most of the drivers are respectable, but you get some idiots that honk at you bc youre on the side of the road. Ignorant bc its the law that even bicycles are not supposed to be on sidewalks. I get nods from guys on motorcycles too. I even had one guy asking me to trade my morini bike for his ducati, lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I get most of my "nods" from the OLD SCHOOL Harley riders. I'm not talking about the rich kids that went to the dealer and just bought one. The O G's think it's cool that I built something from almost nothing and didn't just go buy something. And if ya think people where you live are rude, come take a ride with me in San Jose. It'll make ya wanna carry a gun. At the very least it will teach you to be aware of your surroundings.(the hard way...)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I get most of my "nods" from the OLD SCHOOL Harley riders. I'm not talking about the rich kids that went to the dealer and just bought one. The O G's think it's cool that I built something from almost nothing and didn't just go buy something. And if ya think people where you live are rude, come take a ride with me in San Jose. It'll make ya wanna carry a gun. At the very least it will teach you to be aware of your surroundings.(the hard way...)

That's too bad. I've been cussed out and threatened a couple of times, but usually the expletives I hear are in surprise and followed by compliments and/or questions... makes the bad stuff seem less terrible. I wonder if they're so hostile to ebikes? The way I see it, If I can go the speed limit and be quieter than an average Harley, they shouldn't have a problem with it. Especially in my area, people drag-race hotrods all day long... we just had the national hot-rod championship here last weekend! But I had a guy in a truck say, "We don't need your smoke here! Turn that thing off!" which really just blows my mind. As if I would be putting out less emissions in a truck...?

I've been doing a lot of reading on ebikes. Hope to start a build in a year or two, we'll see-- I'll need nearly $1000 in batteries alone...

Tried brazing my exhaust this morning, and discovered that 15% silver brazing rods don't have enough silver to stick to steel-- and moreover, they're phosphorous based self-cleaning rods which is apparently a no-no for steel. So I'm going to clean them up and retry tomorrow morning.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm building a bike for a friend, for the third time, because of cars AND trucks running him down. The last one, the BIG truck, tried going around a car, pulled into the lane going the wrong way and hit my partner head on. He's still banged up and healing but expecting a BIG a** check. San Jose drivers have got to be the worst in California.
Gonna check out another exhaust on my bike today. I'm hoping to get better exhaust flow from it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hmmm try riding around in santa ana... I speed through all the neighborhoods, which are quite full of people who would love to rob me and take my bike. Bur, I dont even give them that opportunity. I typically lock up my bike with 3 locks and store them in my room locked up.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I know what you mean..I used to live in Santa Ana and rode my red motorized bike everywhere. Not a good thing in neighborhoods full of Surenos.

Sapere aude, semper paratus, semper vigilans.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I don't speak or read Spanish. (ok, I know Corona and Carni asada burrito, and a teeny bit more)
What did you say and what is a Surenos?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Surenos are gang members who favor blue. They're the dominant hispanic gang group in Southern California.

The phrase I typed was Latin for "Dare to be wise, always prepared, always vigilant"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thank you for the translation.
I don't follow anything gang related, not even on the news.
The only thing I have heard of is ms13.
I honestly thought that a Surenos was a pepper, like a Habanero or similar.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's not really surprising about the cager yelling at you about your "smoky" engine, while driving a big gas-hog truck. America is full of people who are very full of propaganda about cars and very insensitive to reality about how engines work. They think their big SUVs (Selfish Urban Vanity) fart roses because it's "EPA approved" and a 4 stroke, while yours is evil witchcraft because it's a 2 stroke or "doesn't belong on a bicycle". lol.

I have had some nasty looks about my Dax bike, but I can stand next to the muffler and talk over it at all but full roar. I can't even stand the chemical smell from crapalytic converters on a basic v6 pickup. MABs are awesome.

Yeah, the mexican gangs are horrible, and there's a bunch of them, probably all I can say about that without my post getting fumigated by the moderators.

You're probably looking for Serrano peppers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serrano_pepper
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike in some nice neighborhoods with my kid, and ran some errands on it.

I made a patch kit bag that mounts to the engine where the fuel tank used to be (I use a 1 gallon tank on other side). I had a really nice ride and pedaled most of the ride because the weather was so cool compared to our usual 100*F.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my bike out for a 15-20 minute spin around the neighborhood, so I could come back and check for loose nuts and bolts and fine tune everything. Only found one! Will be happier when I get my dashboard with my speedometer and clock mounted on my bike.but here it is so far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Shellshop, that's a pretty nice bike! I like the black with the red rims, offset by the natural-color leather seat. Very cool.