Most of the roadies are d-bags even when you are riding a straight pedal bike. I acknowledge all bikers regardless of what they ride. They are on two wheels, so they're cool with me.Tyler sure is pretty, but it's hard to bike out there. It seems with all the roadies, people are starting to get a clue, but sometimes they still will send you reeling just with the wind off their cagermobiles. And the dogs out there are even worse hellhounds than what is running around here. Good luck!
It's fun to look up road bicycle racing routes and run them on bicycles. I don't know how they will do with riding around on event days. Some would probably like it, especially if you're an official volunteer or something. Some would cuss you and probably call police when they got their skirts ruffled.
I get most of my "nods" from the OLD SCHOOL Harley riders. I'm not talking about the rich kids that went to the dealer and just bought one. The O G's think it's cool that I built something from almost nothing and didn't just go buy something. And if ya think people where you live are rude, come take a ride with me in San Jose. It'll make ya wanna carry a gun. At the very least it will teach you to be aware of your surroundings.(the hard way...)